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Import custom data source

Samstag, 10. August 2024, 17:37

Is there a way to import a custom data source in aquasuite ?

I have a device that returns T° data in a json object when you query it via a simple fixed URL.


Junior Member

Samstag, 10. August 2024, 19:24

Does this help you?

"Currently, the “Aqua Computer Service” supports data transfer from “HWiNFO”
(REALiX, Freeware, www.hwinfo.com) and “AIDA64” (FinalWire Ltd., subject to license fees, www.aida64.com).

Samstag, 10. August 2024, 21:14

Did someone managed to add some data using a non disclosed feature ? Or a trick ?

Samstag, 10. August 2024, 21:50

This is also something I thought would be available when buying into the ecosystem, having to rely on other paid software for hardware sensors that aren't exposed by the service is... frustrating

Sonntag, 11. August 2024, 01:17

This is also something I thought would be available when buying into the ecosystem, having to rely on other paid software for hardware sensors that aren't exposed by the service is... frustrating
Aquacomputer allows Aquasuite to export data but not import data, other than from HWINFO or AIDA64. Their reasons why are stated in this post in the German forum. LINK. Basically, they don't want to have the forum flooded with posts from people having MQTT problems and asking for support.

HWINFO exports sensor data using their Shared Memory Interface. A year or 2 ago, the author of HWINFO added a 12-hour timeout to this feature in the free version because people were using it in commercial applications. Now it you want the Shared Memory Support to not disconnect after 12 hours, you have to pay for a license. A while back someone on Reddit came up with a rather clever way to get around this that involves using an Aquasuite Output to detect the loss of sensor data from HWINFO, and then activate the Output that starts a scheduled Task that runs a Powershell script that restarts HWINFO. There is a gap in incoming sensor data while the loss of data is detected, the output activates, the Powershell script runs, and HWINFO restarts.

I bought a HWINFO lifetime license so I don't need to worry about the 12-hour Shared Memory limit. I have all Aquasuite system sensor polling disabled. My reasoning is that HWIFO is 100% dedicated to polling and reporting sensors, it is very good at it, and it is updated far more often than Aquasuite. Aquasuite is very good at cooling loop component control, and while it can poll some system sensors, that is not the primary purpose of the software. I decided to use each program for what it is best at doing - HWINFO for polling system sensors, Shared Memory to import that data into Aquasuite, and Aquasuite to use that data as appropriate for cooling loop component control. I could have used this guys work around but its kind of clunky, and I do not object to supporting quality software like HWINFO and Aquasuite. I do wish that Aquacomputer would allow MQTT data import but unless they change their stance on the issue, its not going to happen.