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Quadro not showing up in Aquasuite

Freitag, 27. September 2024, 20:38

Hi, I am having difficulties with monitoring/changing fan speed with the QUADRO, because it does not appear in Aquasuite. I am using an external MORA-3 radiator (using Noctua NF-A20 PWM x4), and am using the following Aqua Computer parts:

[1] D5 NEXT (pump)
[2] High Flow NEXT (flow sensor)
[3] QUADRO (fan controller)
[4] HUBBY7 (internal USB hub)

My main issue: QUADRO does not appear in Aquasuite, but the D5 NEXT and High Flow NEXT do. I'm unable to monitor/change fan speed. The fans are spinning at a constant, low RPM.

If you look at this first picture (https://imgur.com/5XRoQ9W), the D5 NEXT has a sub-section with Pump, Fan, RGBpx, etc. The High Flow NEXT similarly has Sensors, RGBPx, Alarms, etc. However there is no such section for the Quadro. Is the Quadro supposed to have a similar sub-section also?

Furthermore, in this second picture showing all possible data sources (https://imgur.com/lcJ9Q4m), the QUADRO again does not appear, although the D5 NEXT and High Flow NEXT do.

Question: How do I get the QUADRO to appear in Aquasuite? How do I change fan speeds? (Is there user-error, or is there a defective item? Should the Aqua Computer items be connected differently?)

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Other information (I'm 99% certain these are connected correctly, but want to provide you with this information in case):

D5 NEXT: SATA power cable connected to SFX power supply
High Flow NEXT: mini USB cable connected to HUBBY7
Quadro: MOLEX power cable connected to SFX power supply
Hubby7: mini USB cable connected to motherboard's USB 2.0 header. Jumper is set to USB, not SATA.

All mini USB cables are plugged in with correct orientation, i.e. red wire vs. black/ground wire

Status Lights:
Quadro: Behaves as manual describes - blinking for first several seconds upon power-on, then light turns off
Hubby7: Lights up when power is on.

Cable connections:
Noctua fans x 4 to 4-way Fan splitter by Watercool to QUADRO, all using 4-pin PWM cables
D5 NEXT to Hubby 7 (port 1), using mini USB cable
QUADRO to HUBBY7 (port 4), using mini USB cable
High Flow NEXT to HUBBY7 (port 6), using mini USB cable
HUBBY7 to motherboard's USB 2.0 header

I can create an overview page, and import the file "quadro.page", please see this screenshot (https://imgur.com/PRqODPZ). However, (1) the Quadro still does not appear below with settings I can change (as opposed to the D% NEXT and high flow NEXT), and (2) I can't configure any of the sensors because the Quadro does not appear in the list of data sources (as seen in the second image).

Freitag, 27. September 2024, 23:18

Yes, the quadro shows in the aquasuite as you suspect it should [quadro.jpg]
Check if your USB connector at port 4 on the hubby 7 is properly centered
The sockets for ports 2,3,4,5,6 & 7 are wide enough to allow the connector to be shifted left or right by one pin.

Montag, 30. September 2024, 16:25

It is clearly a USB communication problem.

Maybe try to connect the QUADRO directly to a USB port of the mainboard. You could also disconnect the hub to perform that test. If you have another PC around, you could test it there too. Connecting power and USB is enoough.

You can also try the follwing. Disconnect all of our devices from USB but the QUADRO.

Download the tool USBDeview (Freeware) from https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/usb_devices_view.html

Start the program with admin rights. It will show all USB devices that are currently attached and have been attached in the past. There is a column called VendorID. Click on its name to sort the list and look for devices with the ID "0c70". Please mark all "0c70" entries and then right click and select uninstall selected devices.

Shut down the PC afterwards and also disconnect it completely from power for a few seconds. Power it back on and check if QUADRO is detected in the aquasuite now. If so, shut down the system again and connect the other devices.

If QUADRO is not detected by aquasuite, but you can see "0c70" entries in the tool again after the restart, please mark them and export an HTML report (right click) for these items so that we can have a look what is going on there.

Montag, 30. September 2024, 23:55

Check if your USB connector at port 4 on the hubby 7 is properly centered
The sockets for ports 2,3,4,5,6 & 7 are wide enough to allow the connector to be shifted left or right by one pin.
That was exactly it: connector was off by one pin. This was a "dumb" mistake on my part, but tight spaces/poor visibility of the sockets (near ground, under table, shadows, couldn't get closeup view, etc.) was a big contributing factor.

Thanks so much to both of you for taking the time to help out!

Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2024, 10:00

If everything works now, then you have been lucky to mistakenly use the harmless direction.

f you accidentally move the plug to the left side by one pin, one of the data lines will rest on the 5V supply pin of the hub which means it would fry the microcontroller of the attached device.

Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2024, 14:47

If everything works now, then you have been lucky to mistakenly use the harmless direction.

f you accidentally move the plug to the left side by one pin, one of the data lines will rest on the 5V supply pin of the hub which means it would fry the microcontroller of the attached device.

How is it that the sockets installed even allow this?