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Please Help Setting Aquasuite Again

Sunday, February 2nd 2025, 4:22pm

I need help setting up Aquasuite again. It has been almost 3 years ago since you helped me the first time. I can`t remember how to do this, and I cannot figure out how to change things after I added components to my PC. I added a MoRa3 420 and a High Flow Next in the water loop. Also changed all the fan and pump connections to the Octo. I now have the 3 fans on the top radiator daisy chained and the 3 bottom radiator fans daisy chained. They are no longer monitored individually. Here is a screen shot of the overview page how it looks currently. The HF Next is not set up right, the fan channels need changing, the ambient temp is not reading, and the water pump is showing zero flow. I have a DDC pump on the Distro plate and 2 pumps on the MoRa. Can Aquasuite show and control all 3 separately and be controlled by water over ambient?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "WaterBoy61" (Feb 2nd 2025, 5:23pm)

Tuesday, February 4th 2025, 12:04am

Anyone know how to set up devices and change some sensor`s? I need to change the fan curve to be controlled by "water over ambient". I don`t remember how to set things up after 3 years, and I cannot find anything online that shows how to work with Aquasuite.

Tuesday, February 4th 2025, 7:16am


What you are currently seeing are the overview pages.
You have to go to the relevant device and change the settings under Fan.

Tuesday, February 4th 2025, 2:05pm

Anyone know how to set up devices and change some sensor`s? I need to change the fan curve to be controlled by "water over ambient". I don`t remember how to set things up after 3 years, and I cannot find anything online that shows how to work with Aquasuite.

Hopefully this gets you started (SETUP)

Saturday, February 8th 2025, 12:36am

I figured out how to rename all the sensors and fans/rads on the Overview page. But, they will not stay on the new names I gave them. Aquasuite keeps reverting back to Sensor 1, Sensor 2, and the fans have no names on them. Why won`t the Overview page keep the new names I give the sensors? I also still need help on how to get the High Flow Next to show it`s data on the overview page too.


Junior Member

Yesterday, 9:56pm

Anyone know how to set up devices and change some sensor`s? I need to change the fan curve to be controlled by "water over ambient". I don`t remember how to set things up after 3 years, and I cannot find anything online that shows how to work with Aquasuite.

Water temperature over ambient is found by using the "playground". Then import that as a value to your quadro/octo/fan controller.


Where are you placing your ambient temperature probe? I find that the case temperature mimics the water temperature. I have made a playground value which takes the water temperature from the high flow next and adds that to a dial I defined as 0-15'c. Then I set my fan control mode to target temperature of 36'c and my water temperature is about 26'c now; so if I want the fans to ramp up I use the dial to make the playground value closer to target temperature.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "SgtSixpack" (Yesterday, 10:03pm)