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Keine Antwort zu meinen Email ?

Samstag, 6. April 2002, 11:26


Ich bin ein Belgier, mein Deutsch is nicht so gut, so dort sint er vermutlich viele Fehler in dieser kleiner textbox. Forgive me. (anyone speak english around these parts ?)

Ersten April hat ich zwei email gesendet nach verkauf@aquacomputer.de aber Ich habe jetz nog keine antwort entfangen ? (es war auf English)

Verwendete ich das falsche email address?

Danke !

btw, wirklich cool Material das Sie hier haben !! Ich bin interesiert.

Re: Keine Antwort zu meinen Email ?

Samstag, 6. April 2002, 11:53

AS most of us learn (have learned) english at school, it should be abbsolutely no problem if you contact Aqua-Computer via mail in english.
Just click on "kontakt" in the menu bar of the Aqua-Computer Homepage. Dino or Stephan can sureley help you with your questions. Just give them a little time to answer, as they are on back orders.

If you have questions, feel free to ask here on the forum, english or german, i dont mind, i am used to both ;)

Have nice time

Zitat von »Dino«

...lauter spinner ;)
(wehe, das nimmt jemand in seine sig ;))

Re: Keine Antwort zu meinen Email ?

Samstag, 6. April 2002, 12:02

Cool :)

I thought it'd give a better impression if I tried in German first :)

Anyways, then I'll wait up a little more till they have some more time on their hands.

Their kit is awesome, I'm really looking forward to my tax refund and buying pretty much everything they have in store here ;)

Btw, quite some folks over at [H] are interested in buying from Aqua Computer. So even the yankees have quite an interest in this awesome stuff !

Re: Keine Antwort zu meinen Email ?

Samstag, 6. April 2002, 12:08

Aye, there was a miles long thrad overthere, i think they tried to organize a group-order so they could get some AC stuff shipped to us ;)

Zitat von »Dino«

...lauter spinner ;)
(wehe, das nimmt jemand in seine sig ;))

Re: Keine Antwort zu meinen Email ?

Samstag, 6. April 2002, 12:30

Sorry, we changed our mail-system in the last days, because we had some problems in the last weeks.

Please mail again or ask me via Short Message.

Re: Keine Antwort zu meinen Email ?

Samstag, 6. April 2002, 12:44

So I mail to verkauf@aquacomputer.de again ?

thx for the info :)