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Neues ICQ Problem

Sonntag, 29. Januar 2006, 01:58

Hi Leute ich hab seit ein paar Tagen ein großes Problem mit ICQ
Ich kann niemanden mehr adden.
Sobald ich versuche jemanden zu adden bekomme ich die Fehlermeldung: Server Failed to add user: Try again or cancel
Andere Leute können mich aber adden. Ichh ab keine Ide was es sein könnte hab auch bei mir nix verändert

Zitat von »454-bigblock«

Treffender hätte man es nicht schreiben können!
Du bist halt doch der King. Ich kröne Dich hiermit für den Post des Tages.

Re: Neues ICQ Problem

Sonntag, 29. Januar 2006, 01:59

hab mal davon gehört, dass man nicht mehr als 200 leute in seiner liste haben kann. kA ob es stimmt und daran liegen könnte ???

Re: Neues ICQ Problem

Sonntag, 29. Januar 2006, 03:23

Die Zahl 200 geistert irgendwo rum.

In der GAIM-FAQ ist von 500 bei AIM die Rede:


Some of my buddies are not showing up as online, why is that?

AOL has set a limit for the maximum number of people you can have in your buddy list. This number is currently 500 for AIM, if you don't think you are anywhere near that limit, it is possible that your server-stored buddy list is corrupt.

If you think this might be the case, you can try signing on with an official AIM program from AOL. This will usually correct any problems with the list.

Das gilt für AIM bzw. das OSCAR-Protokoll, dass auch ICQ verwendet. Wenn das Protokoll dieses Limit setzt, gilt es auch für ICQ. Wenn das ganze Serverseitig konfiguriert ist, besteht die Möglichkeit, dass es bei ICQ ein anderes Limit gibt.

Bzgl. Jabber Roster Limits (scnr):


> Question: Is there a limit to how many users can be added to
> /usr/local/etc/jabberd/templates/roster.xml ?

I used to have about 1400 people in my roster, but I've pared it down to about 500 or so. There is no hard limit on roster size in most server implementations.


Wenn ihr aber nicht 'about 1400' bis theoretisch unendlich viele Leute in eurem Roster wollt, hilft dieser Forenbeitrag (Quelle) vermutlich weiter:


Keeping your buddy list at the limit

Okay so I've noticed a couple of people asking about getting more buddies on your buddy list than the limit. I've decided to come up with a list of suggestions on how to keep your buddy list at or below the limit.

1. We all like to brag about how we have so many people on our buddy list, thruth is we don't know half of them.

2. Delete all those people you met in chatrooms. The ones you met in there and are your online bf/gf are probably dating about 20 other people and you don't even know it.

3. Delete all the people you've never seen. Yes, we've all met people online that are nice but the chances are very slim that you'll actually get a chance to meet them. Plus they lie about their age a lot.

4. You know that day you got AIM and took out a piece of paper and went to every table at lunch and asked people for their screennames? Get rid of all those people that you never talk to and they're just kind of on your buddy list.

5. Get rid of the people that you never talk to. You don't need to check if their online or not. Keep the important ones, but get rid of people you knew back in 5th grade and don't talk to anymore.

6. Keep your relatives while deleting people that you've never seen. They wouldn't be too happy at being deleted.

7. Try to keep the people on your buddy list at or close to your age. There is no point in having someone on your buddy list that's ten years older and you just stare at the screenname.

Viel Erfolg.