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Wednesday, August 11th 2021, 10:48am
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ID: 15 T: 08.04.2021 18:57 Event: AlarmHighPressureDrop Mode: Shield State: Protected P: 356,9 P_rate: 151 V_rate: 662,8 V1: NaN V2: NaN ID: 14 T: 08.04.2021 17:03 Event: ShieldPumpFinish Mode: Shield State: Pump P: 419,2 P_rate: NaN V_rate: NaN V1: NaN V2: NaN |
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Taubenhaucher" (Aug 11th 2021, 11:22am)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Taubenhaucher" (Aug 11th 2021, 11:39am)
Kann ich dazu einfach den Service beenden und erst dann runtrerfahren um das zu testen. oder muss ich irgendwas beachten?
Möglicherweise schließt Windows den Service nicht richtig beim runterfahren und wartet nicht bis der Prozess beendet ist.
Möglicherweise schließt Windows den Service nicht richtig...
My LEAKSHIELD has been running since July 8 and only pumps every 3 - 4 days, but the alarm didn't show up until August 1.Use Deaerate system on Leakshield for couple of times, I had exactly the same issue as you when I installed the Leakshield, on shutdown the alarm will start because dropping a lot of pressure. I feel like there is air trapped in the radiators which can impact the Leakshield on shutdown and will trigger the alarm, for me the fix was to use Deaerate system for couple of times and turning the PC on all sides to help air getting out from the radiators.
Es geht darum den Fehler zu finden. Wenn es ein generelles Problem wäre sollte man dazu mehr lesen, also liegt es an an dem System, Also leakshield + Wasserkühlung + Software. Irgend etwas macht ein Problem.Komischerweise sind IMMER andere Hardware bzw Software Entwickler "Schuld".
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Taubenhaucher" (Aug 13th 2021, 2:20pm)