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Leakshield auf Werkseinstellung nach Stromtrennung - (System herunter fahren)

Samstag, 15. April 2023, 20:14

Moin Community,

ich habe endlich mein System fertig bekommen und versucht gleicht die Aquasuite zu konfigurieren, alles einzurichten und war geschockt das beim Bios Update des Mainboards und Neustart des Systems das Leakshield auf Werkseinstellung war. ARGB Settings, eingestellte Werte, einfach alles weg. Es steht auch auf dem Display das mein Leakshield nicht konfiguriert ist.

Angeschlossen ist es, genau wie die anderen Aquacomputer Komponenten und 2x Lian Li Controller über 2x interne NZXT USB Hubs

Also alles neu gemacht - funktionierte alles super - Rechner runter gefahren um noch was Kabelmanagement zu optimieren...
Neustart und Leakshield auf Werkseinstellung.
Gestern hatte ich Leakshield insgesamt 8x komplett neu konfiguriert was dann erstens irgendwann nervig war aber zweitens nun schon im Schlaf gemacht werden kann.

Was mich verwirrt ist, das sowohl die D5 Next Pumpe wie auch das High Flow Next beim Neustart oder nach Power Off seine kompletten Settings behalten und ausschließlich das Leakshield Probleme macht.

Ich habe den Verdacht das es daran liegt das die Internen USB Ports beim herunter Fahren ausgeschaltet werden... obwohl Pumpe und Durchflusssensor speichern ihre Settings doch auch... :?: :?:
Meine Lösung war nun das interne USB Kabel über Adapter nach draußen vom Gehäuse zu führen und extern anzuschließen.

So funktioniert das Leakshield wenigstens nach dem nächsten Systemstart.

Dies ändert aber nichts das nach kompletten Trennen vom Strom das Leakshield wieder resettet ist.

Muss das so sein? Ist das Verhalten richtig oder liegt ein Problem vor?
Von der Funktion her scheint bisher sonst alles zu klappen.

Bin mal gespannt was ihr für Lösungen habt und ob ihr das kennt.

VG und danke schön für eure Tipps
Asus ROG Maximus Z790 APEX - 13700K - EKWB Quantum Velocity² Full Nickel - AC Ultitube D5 100 Pro Leakshield - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 4090FE - 4x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB X AE-5 Plus - O11 DynamicEVO - 13x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP v2 1000

Asrock LiveMixer Z790 - 13600K - Noctua NH U12A - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 3090FE - 3x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB Z - O11 DynamicEVO - 10x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP1000

Sonntag, 16. April 2023, 06:34

dieses Verhalten kenne ich von meinem LEAKSHIELD nicht und habe es hier im Forum auch noch nie gelesen. Ich z.B. habe gestern mein Netzteil ausgetauscht und es ist nichts passiert.

Du solltest Dich am Besten mal an den Support wenen, ich gehe davon aus, dass da irgendwas mit dem LEAKSHIELD nicht stimmt.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Sonntag, 16. April 2023, 17:16

Hallo @Taubenhaucher,

von der Funktion selber her klappt das mit dem Leakshield. Kein Druckverlust, keine Bläschen nachdem das System über Stunden aus war. Kann da nicht meckern.
Für direkten Anschluss auf die Onboard USB Ports habe ich leider keinen Platz und ich muss über USB Hubs ausweichen. Diese werden über SATA mit Strom versorgt und kann mir vorstellen das beim Herunterfahren der Strom vom USB Port nicht mehr ausreicht um das Leakshield zu versorgen?!?

Wie hast du deinen angeschlossen? Direkt auf dem Board oder auch über USB-Hub?
Wenn Hub, was für einen nutzt du?
Asus ROG Maximus Z790 APEX - 13700K - EKWB Quantum Velocity² Full Nickel - AC Ultitube D5 100 Pro Leakshield - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 4090FE - 4x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB X AE-5 Plus - O11 DynamicEVO - 13x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP v2 1000

Asrock LiveMixer Z790 - 13600K - Noctua NH U12A - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 3090FE - 3x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB Z - O11 DynamicEVO - 10x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP1000

Sonntag, 16. April 2023, 18:44

Ich hatte es zuerst intern am Board, dann an einem internen NZXT Hub und auch per Adapter an einem der hinteren USB2.0 Typ A Ports, ich hatte Anfangs einige Probleme :)

Nie hat das LEAKSHIELD die Einstellungen verloren, auch beim Netzteiltausch nicht und auch nicht wenn der Rechner über Nacht aus war, daher der Tipp mit dem Support ;)
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder

Sonntag, 16. April 2023, 22:27

Ok Danke für den Hinweis. Wenn du alles das, was ich probierte, schon umgesetzt hast und es bei dir klappte, dann muss bei mir was komisch sein denn wenn ich den USB Stecker ziehe = Werkseinstellung

Muss ich die Woche wohl mal anrufen falls der Support nicht mit liest.
Asus ROG Maximus Z790 APEX - 13700K - EKWB Quantum Velocity² Full Nickel - AC Ultitube D5 100 Pro Leakshield - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 4090FE - 4x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB X AE-5 Plus - O11 DynamicEVO - 13x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP v2 1000

Asrock LiveMixer Z790 - 13600K - Noctua NH U12A - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 3090FE - 3x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB Z - O11 DynamicEVO - 10x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP1000

Sonntag, 16. April 2023, 23:02

I have a Leakshield that is powered by a USB connection that does not remain active when my computer is off. My Leakshield also retains all of its settings. I think you need to contact Aquacomputer support.

Montag, 17. April 2023, 13:17

Ich muss das Ganze mal im Auge behalten. Es scheint so als würde das Problem im Zusammenhang mit den internen USB Ports oder aber den USB Hubs von NZXT liegen.

Nachdem der Rechner eine ganze Zeit lang ausgeschaltet war, habe ich den externen USB Stecker gezogen, eine Zeit lang hängen lassen und wieder angesteckt und schon waren bis auf Datum und Uhrzeit alle Einstellungen wieder verfügbar und auch nach Systemstart noch alles vorhanden.

Ich muss mir noch nen Quaddro organisieren und wenn der da ist, kann ich ja noch mal mit den internen USB Ports ausprobieren.
Irgendwie kann es doch nicht sein das nur die Art (extern/intern) des Anschlusses darüber entscheidet ob das Gerät seine Einstellungen behält oder sich auf Werkseinstellung zurück setzt.

Die Daten müssten alle soweit auf dem Leakshield abgespeichert sein.

Danke @Taubenhaucher.

Thank you for your infos @Speedy-VI. I contact AC support today. Till now, we dont have any idea what it can be.
I fear, something is strange with my internal USB Ports on Mainboard or maybe USB Hub from NZXT.
Externel USB look till now fine. I will check it :thumbup:
Asus ROG Maximus Z790 APEX - 13700K - EKWB Quantum Velocity² Full Nickel - AC Ultitube D5 100 Pro Leakshield - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 4090FE - 4x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB X AE-5 Plus - O11 DynamicEVO - 13x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP v2 1000

Asrock LiveMixer Z790 - 13600K - Noctua NH U12A - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 3090FE - 3x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB Z - O11 DynamicEVO - 10x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP1000

Montag, 17. April 2023, 17:56

I assume the LKS pulls the date and time from Windows so that makes sense. Regarding your USB connection, I do not see how this could cause this problem but I suppose its possible. For what its worth, my Leakshield USB is plugged into an Aquacomputer Hubby7 which is p[lugged into an NZXT USB Hub (latest version) which is plugged into a motherboard USB2.0 header. Both USB hubs are SATA powered and they both lose power when I shut down the computer. Feeding one USB hub into another is less than optimal and I will eventually rewire things so each one plugs into a motherboard USB2.0 header. For now, it works so I have not bothered to rearrange the wiring. The point is I do not think the problem is caused by your NZXT USB hub.

Montag, 17. April 2023, 19:53

it could possibly be that a kind of interference signal is transmitted when shutting down, which may overwrite the system settings from the leakshield?? or maybe something prevented the Leakshield configuration from being stored properly in memory... there are so many theories.
I ordered a Quadro through a friend. He says he still has an original lying around and doesn't need it. If that happens, I'll try to get the leakshield working again via USB header. Before that, reset it manually by myself and then set it up and try it out from scratch.
According to telephone support, it should actually run immediately.

sorry... my english is very.......... ;( :D

you forget far too much in over 20 years if you never use it
Asus ROG Maximus Z790 APEX - 13700K - EKWB Quantum Velocity² Full Nickel - AC Ultitube D5 100 Pro Leakshield - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 4090FE - 4x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB X AE-5 Plus - O11 DynamicEVO - 13x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP v2 1000

Asrock LiveMixer Z790 - 13600K - Noctua NH U12A - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 3090FE - 3x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB Z - O11 DynamicEVO - 10x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP1000

Dienstag, 18. April 2023, 02:14

it could possibly be that a kind of interference signal is transmitted when shutting down, which may overwrite the system settings from the leakshield?? or maybe something prevented the Leakshield configuration from being stored properly in memory... there are so many theories.
I ordered a Quadro through a friend. He says he still has an original lying around and doesn't need it. If that happens, I'll try to get the leakshield working again via USB header. Before that, reset it manually by myself and then set it up and try it out from scratch.
According to telephone support, it should actually run immediately.

sorry... my english is very.......... ;( :D

you forget far too much in over 20 years if you never use it
I don't know and think you need to ask Aquacomputer support about this. As for your English, it's way better than my German. Being an American, I am clearly too stupid to speak another language. 8o

Dienstag, 18. April 2023, 11:54

Being an American, I am clearly too stupid to speak another language.
For better or worse, the only stupid person here will be me. My mother and grandparents lived in the States for almost 30 years. My mother went to school there and worked there. I grew up bilingual and 20 years ago I had a lot of American friends from the Air Force.
Was very often in Spangdahlem Air Base to visit or shopping and have always felt very, very comfortable there.
The longer I was there, the better I could speak English. At some point you even started to think in English... Wow, that might have been crazy.

When I came home, I continued to talk to my mother in English and my grandmother grinned and talked to me in English and my mother also answered me and at some point I asked totally confused if they were crazy and why they spoke English to me. After all, we are in Germany...

I hadn't noticed it myself at all.

Then, at some point, a woman comes into my life... i move away from home - in my case over 600km. Here in East Germany was Soviet Sector and you didn't learn English there but Russian at school. So no one spoke English to me anymore, I didn't speak English anymore, every now and then I watched a movie alone in English and after more than 20 years you lose so much knowledge that you can hardly imagine.
In the meantime I have picked up a few words in Russian and there are really only a handful.

but I learned a lot of other things.


now back to the topic:

On my leakshield, the button/switch at the top right is defective. I've already talked about this with support. I don't want to send the device in because this defect doesn't bother me if I configure the device exclusively via Windows.

Now it is the case that when you press the button on the device, it gets stuck. You then have to turn the display to the right or left and back so that the button is free again to press again.
Then you have to turn the display again.

Now we come to the point where my problem was most likely to be. The button was pressed permanently because it was stuck and if the leak shield is de-energized, the button is pressed, you initialize a reset process with this button press and the device is reset to factory settings.

As soon as the device gets power again, you have the factory setting again.
This also explains why it was always reset via the internal USB port, as it is immediately de-energized.
The external USB port is still supplied with power.

If you quickly unplug and plug in external USB, the settings are also retained.
Today I had to rewire the system and for this reason I had removed the power plug for a few minutes and again had Power On factory settings again.
Now I turned the display again with the hope of getting the button free again, disconnected the system from the power supply, pulled the plug from the leak shield and reconnected everything and lo and behold = no more reset.
Now I hope that this was the solution and that the button no longer "stuck" on its own and independently initializes a reset.
I have a physical defect with the button on the leakshield, but if the system runs so error-free - and it does - and I only operate it via the software, it doesn't bother me either.
I just have to make sure that the button is not pressed and is also "free".

That's it. Very small cause but a very big effect
Asus ROG Maximus Z790 APEX - 13700K - EKWB Quantum Velocity² Full Nickel - AC Ultitube D5 100 Pro Leakshield - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 4090FE - 4x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB X AE-5 Plus - O11 DynamicEVO - 13x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP v2 1000

Asrock LiveMixer Z790 - 13600K - Noctua NH U12A - 64GB Corsair Dominator - RTX 3090FE - 3x 2TB WD_Black SN850X - SB Z - O11 DynamicEVO - 10x UNIFAN SL INF - PHANTEKS AMP1000

Donnerstag, 20. April 2023, 02:37

Wow. Both very interesting stories. The Leakshield stuck button is a strange problem but it sounds like you figured it out. I don't think I have ever pushed the buttons on my Leakshield, so I don't know if they work. They probably do, but now I feel like I need to test them. Glad you got it figured out.