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ATX Break Adapter to A5 Pro

Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2012, 13:11

Just looking for some direction in wiring a ATX Break Adapter (53047) to a Aquaero 5 Pro.
The following thread has, what appears to be, an older version of the Aquaero with an very informative image.
How to get ATX Break line working for the first time?
The Standby, you can really mess that one up. My question is in regards to the Relay connection. The A5 has a 3-pin connection, but the ATX wire is only for two. Which two pins?
Manual states, pin assignment as:
1: normally open
2: normally connected
3: common connector
So, would it be 1&3 or 2&3?
Thank you, in advance.

Mittwoch, 4. Januar 2012, 14:54


I have been trying to figure out the same thing, while waiting for my ATX break line adapter to arrive in the post.

I would connect it to the NC connection. That way Aquaero would open the contact when there is an alarm condition, effectively shutting down the PC. I think you also need to check that you don't have an option like "Restart after power loss" enabled in the BIOS, or the computer would restart as soon as Aquaero releases the output (I am assuming it only holds it open for a couple of seconds, maybe adjustable?).

Another thing to keep in mind is that connecting it this way the computer shuts down immediately, basically the PSU just switches off it's outputs, so any unsaved work in Windows etc. goes puff. If you connect it through the Power on button of the case, then you can simulate a normal shutdown procedure. But this has a disadvantage of possibly not working if the computer has blue-screened or something like that...

Anyway, just my two cents, I'll let you know how I did it once the adapter arrives, if you receive no official replies in the meantime.

Kind regards,

Samstag, 14. Januar 2012, 16:28

Hi Boris,
Did you receive your ATX Break Line? I'm wondering what you decided? You approaches seems very logical to me. I'm just wondering on how you wired the return; i.e. 'to' NC (pin 2) and 'from' CC (pin 3)?
Thanks in advance.

Samstag, 14. Januar 2012, 23:12

Hi sidefield,

I connected the adapter today and tested several scenarios.

In the Outputs menu I've set the "Controlled from event system" option for the relay. I used pins 2 and 3 (Normally Connected) of the relay and I have set "Relay: On" in Alarm actions.

So, when an alarm condition occurs, the Aquaero opens the relay and the computer powers off. Once the PC is off you can restart it either by going to the settings and changing the relay output to off (it will restart immediately), or by turning off the power to the computer completely and recycling the Aquaero power.

Another way to do it is not to use the ATX break adapter, but to wire the relay contacts 1 & 3 (Normally Open) in parallel to the case Power on switch. Then in Alarm actions set the "Relay: Switch for 10s" action. This would emulate a person holding the case power button and shutting down the computer that way.

If you don't want to loose any unsaved data you can use the later method with the action "Relay: Switch for 2s", thus initiating a standard Windows shutdown procedure. This would be safer for the data, but Windows shutdown procedure can get stuck due to many different reasons...

Now, if only they could fix the tubemeter showing 0% level for a second or two every once in a while and causing false alarms I could have a well protected system. :D

Kind regards,