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A5 XT Media Player control

Monday, June 25th 2012, 12:06pm

Hi there,

I have just tried to use the remote to control media player and it doesnt seem to work.
I can control the mouse and use the remotes keyboard but when I change to media keys it doesnt do anything.
It used to work, but I havent it used for ages...

Is there any drivers or settings that need to be installed or changed to make media keys work in windows media player or itunes?
I am Intel of Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

i7 3930K @5Ghz - X79 ASUS Rampage IV Extreme - 4x SLI GTX580 - 16GB DDR3-2000 - 4x GTX 360 rads 24x CM fans - Aquaero 5 XT +6 PA2 Ultras - 2 x Enermax 1500W PSU - MM Extended Ascension Case - 2 x 452x2 Res and 4 x D5 - 3 x 24" Acer H243H LCD


Sven - Admin

Monday, June 25th 2012, 4:54pm

The key assignment for these keys is done by Windows so maybe it has been changed in some way. That can happen when you install several different multimedia players. I recommend to have a look at Google with keywords like media key assignment etc.

Tuesday, June 26th 2012, 3:51am

Thanks Shoggy I looked into that but it was a dead end.

I downgraded to AS Beta 10 and Firmware 1019 and the media keys are working again.
Perhaps its a 1024 firmware or AS B14 issue?

Confirmed by going back to FW 1024 and AS B14 the media keys stop functioning again.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Phatboy69" (Jun 26th 2012, 4:00am)

I am Intel of Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

i7 3930K @5Ghz - X79 ASUS Rampage IV Extreme - 4x SLI GTX580 - 16GB DDR3-2000 - 4x GTX 360 rads 24x CM fans - Aquaero 5 XT +6 PA2 Ultras - 2 x Enermax 1500W PSU - MM Extended Ascension Case - 2 x 452x2 Res and 4 x D5 - 3 x 24" Acer H243H LCD


Sven - Admin

Tuesday, June 26th 2012, 9:17am

We will have a look into that for the next firmware.