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Aquasuite 2012 beta 15 Aquaero XT - my tubemeter has gone AWOL

Mittwoch, 1. August 2012, 18:38

Hi,I own two Aquaero Xt's ,each of them has a Tubemeter on the low aquabus port.with the beta 14 and the previous firmware everything was ok.
but now after the update of the Aquasuite to beta 15,and the mandatory firmware update of the Aquaero devices,the tubemeters devices are gone.i cannot find the tubemeter pages in aquasuite,not even in the Aquaero menu -information pages -select information to be shown -aquabus devices ...

What's happening?

P.S. thank you for making me erasing the Aquaero profiles with this new update ...AGAIN.i have like 14 hardware sensors to rename and recalibrate,the flow sensors the same ,and like 20 fans...and I don't remember witch is witch ,and I have to re-open the case and take them wire by wire.

Mittwoch, 1. August 2012, 21:21

Not sure about the tubemeter issue, have you tried to connect it to the MB USB header to see if it appears seperately in Aquasuite?

With regards to the profiles, just jot down on a piece of paper what connector is what and what the calibration values are. That way you will not need to open the case next time just look at the paper! :)

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012, 13:21

tried this morning.the tubemeter does show in Aquasuite 2012,however it does not show any measurements,only the hardware/firmware information.in the alarm page,the only place in the aquasuite 2012 where I could find something about the tubemeter,it shows 0% fill level -obviously not true. still not showing in the aquaero's internal pages. In the OS's devices ,the tubemeter shows as functioning properly.

Also in Aquasuite 4.72, the tubemeter works perfectly,see photos.
So,is something I'm doing wrong here?

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012, 13:43

Assume it is a software issue then.

Let's see what the AC guys come back with, perhaps it needs a firmware update?

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012, 13:45

tried this morning.the tubemeter does show in Aquasuite 2012,however it does not show any measurements
The tubemeter dosent have any settings, to show the actual values you have to add a overview page and add the tubemeter data.

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012, 14:09

ok,it works in aquasuite. silly me.

now,do I make these values appear on the Aquaero display?

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012, 15:06

Drag and drop its information screen in the information pages from left to right. The tubemeter is listed as "others".

This works only when the tubemeter is connected via aquabus.

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012, 16:02

yes,this is how it used to work in previous betas.but now there is NO information page for Tubemeter,regardless of the connection USB or Aquabus. i had triple checked that.

since the previous firmware was working perfectly for my needs,is there a way to reinstall it?

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012, 16:33

Have you seen the drodown menu above the screens? We have grouped the different screens for a better overview. Otherwise you would have to scroll miles ;)

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012, 17:06

ok,I had reinstalled everything, firmware included and now it seems to be working, via aquabus.all tough the level measuring page that is working is not the tubemeter ,but the new Fill Level 1.
it seems that the Aquasuite has some detection issues.before in aquasuite were displayed all the available pages,I think it tries to show only the pages relevant to my system.
for example the multiswitch page is shown as Multiswitch 2 ...and no number 1. I have only one multiswitch on the low aquabus.in fact I had to select Multiswitch 2 in aquaero's menu in order for the multiswitch to work.
no matter.as long as it shows the real value .I won't touch nothing anymore...till the next beta.

i love the aquaeros but sometimes they can be a real pain...

Anyway, thank you all for your support.