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Junior Member

Can't see my MPS flow 400 over Aquabus

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012, 01:19

I just bought my first Aquaero 5 system with a MPS flow 400 sensor. I installed Aquasuite 2012 and connected the Aquaero and flow-sensor on the USB bus. This worked OK and I updated the firmware on both devices.
Still all worked OK after the firmware update. Now I want to connect the MPS flow-sensor to the Aquaero over Aquabus. I ordered the special 4-wire cable that includes the power so I don't have to use the USB connector anymore on the MPS400.
While still connected to the USB, I set the MPS400 to give priority to the Aquabus instead of USB, I then powered down my system and removed the USB cable.
No matter what I try, I can not see the MPS400 when I connect it on the Aquabus. I have tried both Aquabus low and high, rebooted, restarted the Aqauero. Nothing seems to work.
Do I have to enable the Aquabus first in the Aquaero? I have no idea what to try anymore.

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012, 10:28

Maybe you are looking for it in the wrong place. The menu on the left will no longer be available when you connect it via aquabus only. You can only access it in a few menus and you would have to add it to an overview page to see its values. If you click on the white plus icon in the lower right corner (in an overview page) you can select from several sensors. If you open the aquaero 5 and make your way to the flow sensor, you should see a sensor #11 or similar which is the mps flow sensor.


Junior Member

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012, 11:07

OK, that explains a lot. Thanks.

Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012, 07:53

I have the same problem.... Can't see the flow meter anywhere while connected via the aquabus....
Help please....

Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012, 19:15

Aquaero 5 tab>Sensors>flow Sensors Your mps 400 should be on the bottom of the list under "Flow 2"
AMD FX-8150 OctoCore O.C. 18% to 4.2 GHz on ASUS M5A99X EVO with 16 GB Corsair Dominator W. C. RAM, 2 nVIDIA Geforce 560TI W.C. in SLI, six Western Digital drives for a total of 4.07 TBytes, AquaComputer Aquero 5 Pro, AquaComputer D5 pump, Multiswitch USB, tubemeter and Kyros CPU block. Two coolant loops,CPU & SLI, MB, RAM and AQ5, with two flow meters. Running Windows 7 Professional 64, and using Open Hardware Monitor v0.5.1Beta Aquasuite B16 hardware temps.

Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012, 22:32

OK. And you have to enable it! Mode = Active, Fan 1 = Flowsensor 2......
Then if you look at your fans, fan one has dissapeared....
So now what, where is fan 1? How do you controll it now??

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012, 18:43

Marz, you are confussing me.
Which flow meter are you talking about?
If it an old style High Flow with only three wires, and you connect it to the Fan 1 on the AQ5, then yes, the Fan 1 must be configured to flow sensor, and Fan 1 output goes away.
If you are useing a High Flow USB, or mps sensor, then it must be connected via USB to the motherboard, or via 4 wire cable to the AQ 5 High Speed Aquabus. If this is the case, Fan 1 can stay configured for Fan instead of flow.
AMD FX-8150 OctoCore O.C. 18% to 4.2 GHz on ASUS M5A99X EVO with 16 GB Corsair Dominator W. C. RAM, 2 nVIDIA Geforce 560TI W.C. in SLI, six Western Digital drives for a total of 4.07 TBytes, AquaComputer Aquero 5 Pro, AquaComputer D5 pump, Multiswitch USB, tubemeter and Kyros CPU block. Two coolant loops,CPU & SLI, MB, RAM and AQ5, with two flow meters. Running Windows 7 Professional 64, and using Open Hardware Monitor v0.5.1Beta Aquasuite B16 hardware temps.

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012, 21:08

I begin to see the problem!
I have a mps 100 flow installed. When connected via USB, I have a tab for it in AS2012 that allows selection of the calibration curve.
When connected by 4 wire Aquabus and USB, I get the internal temp sensor values and the option of selecting a calibration curve.
When connected only by 4 wire Aquabus, I get only the option of selecting a calibration value, not the calibration curves. And of course, the seperate tab goes away in AS2012.
This is not good.
AMD FX-8150 OctoCore O.C. 18% to 4.2 GHz on ASUS M5A99X EVO with 16 GB Corsair Dominator W. C. RAM, 2 nVIDIA Geforce 560TI W.C. in SLI, six Western Digital drives for a total of 4.07 TBytes, AquaComputer Aquero 5 Pro, AquaComputer D5 pump, Multiswitch USB, tubemeter and Kyros CPU block. Two coolant loops,CPU & SLI, MB, RAM and AQ5, with two flow meters. Running Windows 7 Professional 64, and using Open Hardware Monitor v0.5.1Beta Aquasuite B16 hardware temps.

Montag, 24. Dezember 2012, 01:15

I begin to see the problem!
I have a mps 100 flow installed. When connected via USB, I have a tab for it in AS2012 that allows selection of the calibration curve.
When connected by 4 wire Aquabus and USB, I get the internal temp sensor values and the option of selecting a calibration curve.
When connected only by 4 wire Aquabus, I get only the option of selecting a calibration value, not the calibration curves. And of course, the seperate tab goes away in AS2012.
This is not good.
Yep, that's what is happening.... I have the MPS 400, connected via 4 wire Aquabus. And as I said when you enable it, you lose FAN1..... My MPS tab stays there in AS2012 when I disconnect it from USB and there is a big X in it and you can't do anything.......

Hope someone at Aquacomputer fixes this issue and the Aquastream XT pump issue soon.......
I'm sooooooo sick of new software being relaesed that doesn't support existing products!!!

Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2012, 10:56

There is some confusion going on here. All the MPS devices will only show up with their own tabs in Aquasuite while connected via USB ... Aquabus is only a method of allowing the Aquaero to power and talk to the MPS devices after USB setup has been performed and is no longer being used. That allows all the MPS data to be available to the Aquaero, not straight to the Computer and Aquasuite. When you only have the Aquabus connected the only settings available are on the Aquaero tabs. The MPS flow sensor will be under the Aquaero/sensors/ flow sensors tab. If you want to reconfigure the MPS devices and their settings they must be connected via USB. Aquabus is just an alternative after setup has been performed. If you want to maintain that level of control, leave it connected via USB.
The MPS flow sensor is not flow 2 and it doesn't need to be enabled. That is where you are going wrong Marz ... that is the 1st fan header for use with the older 3 pin flow sensors. the MPS flow will be the next flow sensor down in the list and its number may depend on the aquabus address you gave it ... something like flow 11 (That is what shows in my Aquasuite) although I'm not sure what its default address is.

Its the same situation with the MPS pump/ D5 USB ... when connected via USB it has its own settings tab but when connected via aquabus its settings move to the Aquaero/outputs tab

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 6 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Jakusonfire« (31. Dezember 2012, 15:55)