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About to purchase, checklist

Montag, 28. Januar 2013, 03:32

Hi all,
About to take the plunge and purchase some aquaero goodies. I would be very grateful if people who are familiar with the aquaero 5 setup could run through my impending purchase list and let me know if there is anything else i need to get the aquaero system running.
I plan to purchase an Aquaero 5 LT, a heatsink for the LT, a poweradjust 2 and 3 int/ext thread temp sensors. This is to run 6 radiator fans, 2 case fans and a D5 pump. I plan to run the D5 off the poweradjust and the fans off the LT. Are there any cables I need to buy to connect the LT to the poweradjust and will the LT be able to run 8 fans? I'm not too bothered about getting a flow meter etc as funds are a bit tight and i figured i could set up an alarm using water temps to let me know if something is not healthy in the loop.
many thanks in advance to any replies.

Montag, 28. Januar 2013, 09:03

Which D5 are you planning to buy? If you get this one you don't need the poweradjust and can save yourself some money. This pump connects directly to the power supply and is controlled via the Aquasuite software.

Montag, 28. Januar 2013, 10:28

I already have the D5, its a normal one that i have bought second hand off my brother. There is, shall we say, a negotiable returns policy should it stop working too soon :thumbsup:
thanks for the suggestion 8)

Montag, 28. Januar 2013, 17:59

Skip the power adjust, controlling pump speed is totally unnecessary. I bought the d5 USB and after playing around with pump curves I just leave it set to its quietest speed that provides good flow. Having the pump change speed all the time just makes it easier to hear.
Spend the money you save on a flow meter. They are fantastic for knowing what is happening in your loop.

Sonntag, 3. Februar 2013, 15:41

Sorry if I'm late posting on this thread as I just got my Aquaero 5 LT setup and running. The biggest reason I got it was to have a flow meter because if you don't have flow their must be something wrong with your loop. The pump RPM is on my motherboard cpu fan header.

Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013, 16:18

Thanks for the replies, i have decided to get a flow meter in the end, the order for my bits has been put in, just waiting on the 7950 waterblock which is in production according to the website, the leadtime is 14 days but that has been up for a while now so hopefully anytime soon...