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Mittwoch, 1. Januar 2014, 19:54


I tried it with my 1030-firmware ae5 and got the following:

aerocli -n "sensors:1:Water-Out"
Default for name reference 'sensors', index 1 = 'Sensor 1', changing to 'Water-Out'

However, it doesn't seem to work, I still get:

---- Temperature Sensors -----
Sensor 1: 27.74 °C

However, time synchronization works.

----------- System -----------
Time: 2014-01-01 15:05:43

Thanks TabuTron,

To see the names, you need to run aerocli -a:
---- Temperature Sensors -----
Sensor 1 'Sensor 1t' = 25.12 °C (+0.00)


Junior Member

Freitag, 21. Februar 2014, 15:25


I'm one of those rare Linux users... ;)

I got my Aquaero 5 yesterday. I bought it to control air fan RPM and temperatures on a home Linux server, and (besides Munin integration) I planned that a daemon would monitor the temperatures and fan speeds and automatically sends a mail if a fan fails.

So, the first thing I did was connecting it to my PC, upgrading it to FW 1036 and made a first configuration in a Windows VM. Oh, if I just had found this thread first... ;(

aerotools-ng does not support FW 1036. It just warns that an unsupported FW is detected, and then fails with an error. So, no way to monitor the server...

Are there plans for aerotools-ng to support 1036 eventually? Or is there a way to downgrade the FW to 1030 again?

The Aquaero 5 is really a very nice piece of hardware. It's sad that it only supports Windows, and that Aquacomputer does not seem to actively support open source developers. For example, Aquaero and Raspberry Pi would be a perfect match for even the most exotic temperature control scenarios. 8)


Dienstag, 25. Februar 2014, 01:41


I'm one of those rare Linux users... ;)

I got my Aquaero 5 yesterday. I bought it to control air fan RPM and temperatures on a home Linux server, and (besides Munin integration) I planned that a daemon would monitor the temperatures and fan speeds and automatically sends a mail if a fan fails.

So, the first thing I did was connecting it to my PC, upgrading it to FW 1036 and made a first configuration in a Windows VM. Oh, if I just had found this thread first... ;(

aerotools-ng does not support FW 1036. It just warns that an unsupported FW is detected, and then fails with an error. So, no way to monitor the server...

Are there plans for aerotools-ng to support 1036 eventually? Or is there a way to downgrade the FW to 1030 again?

The Aquaero 5 is really a very nice piece of hardware. It's sad that it only supports Windows, and that Aquacomputer does not seem to actively support open source developers. For example, Aquaero and Raspberry Pi would be a perfect match for even the most exotic temperature control scenarios. 8)


Hi shred,

Unfortunately the current version of aerotools-ng only supports firmware versions 1027-1030 at the moment. I do plan on adding support for more recent firmware versions, but I just haven't had the time lately (in the middle of relocating/construction/move-in to new digs).

You may be able to do a jumper-based factory reset to downgrade the firmware version. Check out section 26.1 (Device firmware deletion and recovery) in the manual for details of how to do this. You may then need to lay your hands on a version of Aquasuite 2012 that includes an appropriate firmware version.


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 13. März 2014, 00:19


I just wanted to find out more about my Aquaero... And as I am not very proficient with procedural languages like C, I wrote a Python library and web server for Aquaero with firmware version 1036.


The integrated web server currently returns the status, settings and configurable strings of the Aquaero device as JSON data. It also sets the real time clock and keeps it updated. It's all kept very simple yet, but it suits my needs.

Your feedback is welcome!

@JinTu: Your aerotools-ng source was very helpful. Thank you for your great work! Please feel free to use the pyquaero source for adding FW 1036 support. The main differences I found were: The status now isn't a USBHID report any more, but is returned upon request from USB endpoint 0x83. It consists of 709 bytes, which is because the fan status (at 0x16b) now consists of 12 bytes each (instead of 8 ). All subsequent structures are thus moved by 48 bytes. Also, the real time clock is now set by accessing the mysterious USBHID report 6.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »shred« (13. März 2014, 00:21)

Donnerstag, 13. März 2014, 06:58

In this and this and the next version we make some bigger changes in the device structure.

Donnerstag, 13. März 2014, 08:57

Awesome work shred!

Glad to see there are others out there still willing to dig into the code. At some point I will come back to work on aerotools-ng again, but it is probably going to be a while.


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 13. März 2014, 10:00

In this and this and the next version we make some bigger changes in the device structure.
Yes... Don't worry about that, as long as we will be able to reverse engineer the structure data. :D

But seriously: I'd like to encourage you to release some sort of preliminary documentation. I would prefer even the poorest documentation with major changes every week, than having to reverse engineer everything.

Pyquaero, however, was designed so it should handle even major changes to the device structures and keep them transparent to the user.


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 13. März 2014, 10:33

Glad to see there are others out there still willing to dig into the code. At some point I will come back to work on aerotools-ng again, but it is probably going to be a while.
Thank you, and I'm relieved that you are actually glad about the "competition". I am sure that both aerotools-ng and pyquaero can co-exist (especially because aerotools-ng is much more lightweight) and that we can help each other.

Aqua 6 without software?

Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 19:19

Hey guys.
Quick question here.

Would the Aquaero 6 work in Linux without Aquasuite or any other software?
I mean, can it run independently of the OS and software?


Junior Member

RE: Aqua 6 without software?

Sonntag, 27. April 2014, 23:12

Would the Aquaero 6 work in Linux without Aquasuite or any other software?
I mean, can it run independently of the OS and software?
Aquaero runs entirely on its own, you won't need any OS just for the operation of the fans etc.

It is configurable via its buttons, but that is very tedious. It's easier to set it up with a Windows computer for the first time. But then you could run it independently from any OS.

However, the clock that is built in the Aquaero is not battery backed up, but the time needs to be set up once on every start (via Aquasuite, or for Linux via Aerotools-ng or Pyquaero) if you want to have the correct time shown on the display. Also, as far as I know it's currently not possible to use the software sensors on Linux.

Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014, 02:54

Any idea if the aerotools-ng or pyquaero is compatible with Aquaero 6?


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »theroot« (29. Juni 2014, 02:56)

Freitag, 18. Juli 2014, 10:51

Any idea if the aerotools-ng or pyquaero is compatible with Aquaero 6?

In case anyone is interested I picked up an Aquaero 6 XT with 1036 firmware and it works with pyquaero and aquaerotools-ng. At least in the basic testing I've done so far.


Samstag, 23. Juni 2018, 11:44

In case someone's still monitoring this thread: I've just got my hands on an aquaero5 with the latest firmware (2009) and I'd love to be able to read the values with Linux.
Sadly my old aerotools don't work correctly (not surprising since the firmware underwent a major revision from 2000 on), and the "latest" aerocli from https://github.com/Aquaeronix/aerocli does not support that firmware, either.

AFAIK a firmware downgrade is not possible, so what's left?


Junior Member

Montag, 29. Oktober 2018, 22:44

In case someone's still monitoring this thread: I've just got my hands on an aquaero5 with the latest firmware (2009) and I'd love to be able to read the values with Linux.
Sadly my old aerotools don't work correctly (not surprising since the firmware underwent a major revision from 2000 on), and the "latest" aerocli from https://github.com/Aquaeronix/aerocli does not support that firmware, either.

AFAIK a firmware downgrade is not possible, so what's left?
If it's still interesting to you: I have updated Pyquaero (https://github.com/shred/pyquaero) to support the latest firmware 2100. It's sufficient to read most of the sensor values. You can either use the included web server and read JSON, or write your own tool in Python using pyquaero as a library.

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2018, 00:51

Thanks, I'll look into it.
I currently have been able to avoid upgrading my "production" system, but one never knows how long one can keep that up.

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