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Aqaero 5, Aquabus Issue (solved)

Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013, 17:43

Hello, just got my new system up and running but I have a few problems.

The aquaero 5 is recognized in windows and shows in the aquasuit. I can change fan curves etc. That works just fine.

But here is the problem, I also have a Aqualis res with the pump top combo (Fill sensor and controlled D5 pump) and also a MPS flow 400. When I connect them via USB to change the priority to Aquabus and try to connect them there I cant recognize them in the aquasuit software!

My method have been the following:

USB connected to the unit (the D5 pump for example and aquasuit sees the unit)
Change the priority from USB to aquabus (click save)
Turn off the system (disconnecting the power cable from the PSU)
Plug in the Aquabus cable to the unit and "high" on the aquaero.
Reconnect the power cable and Start the system

But it will still only find the USB connection. And I cant use the USB. I need to have the 3 units connected via the aquabus.

I am using the following system:
Intel 4770K
ASUS Maximius VI Extreme
2x GTX780
16GB Corsair Dominator 2133
2x Intel 520 240gb in raid.

And I am using Windows 8 (this may be the problem?)

Any help would be much appreciated!

Best Regards

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Brodholm« (17. Juli 2013, 02:25)

Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013, 23:46

Aquabus is only under Aquero 5, for instance my D5
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Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013, 23:59

Thanks a lot!

That did the trick! I was looking at this old guide linked here. And then they were listed on the right next to the aquaero!

100x thanks!