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Sven - Admin

New aquasuite version 4.50.01 available (update)

Saturday, October 13th 2007, 5:18pm

The new aquasuite is available in our download area (support -> download) as of now. This is particularly important for aquastream XT customers to operate and monitor the pump.
Moreover, some bug fixes were integrated and the background screen changed. The aquaero firmware also contained in the package contains only expansions in connection with the aquastream XT, so e.g. the possibility of selecting and integrating the sensors into the aquaero.



Junior Member

Re: New aquasuite version 4.45.00 available

Monday, October 15th 2007, 5:16am

Hello, I dl'ed the new Aquasuite, uninstalled the 4.43 and installed the 4.45. It installs fine but when I run it I get an error in German, and after clicking on it a couple times, it loads up. It does not see my Aquaero or Poweradjust, and does not have an English option. I love the background though..

Vista X64


Sven - Admin

Re: New aquasuite version 4.45.00 available

Monday, October 15th 2007, 11:08am

Welcome to the forum :)

It's already known that there are problems with Vista x64.
Should be solved today.


Junior Member

Re: New aquasuite version 4.45.00 available

Monday, October 15th 2007, 9:48pm

Cool, will this thread be updated with the new version when it is released?


Re: New aquasuite version 4.50.01 available (updat

Tuesday, October 16th 2007, 1:53am