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Junior Member


Friday, January 24th 2014, 8:51pm

Hi, earlier i bought myself an aquacomputer 5 pro, everything seems to be ok, but one thing i don't understand. I have connected the controller the way it goes within the attached usbconnection, but it seems like the cputemp gives me an wrong value,

As you can see, my cputemp doesn't appear correctly. TMPIN0 > NB, TMPIN1 > SB, TMPIN2 > Cpu

What is happen? Tnx in advanced..

Friday, January 24th 2014, 9:11pm

This is the aquaero internal CPU temperature.
What you need ist the software temperature sensor.


Junior Member

Saturday, January 25th 2014, 11:46am

I don't see the opportunity setting up the software-sensor within aquasuite. When i choose software temp sensors, i can't configure the tempsensor straight. The fields stays empty.

Saturday, January 25th 2014, 11:57am

We Support Hwinfo, Open Hardware Monitor and Aida.
Other 3rd Party Software is not supported.


Junior Member

Saturday, January 25th 2014, 3:02pm

Is there something to do with the AquaComputer sensor tool?

I can't setup Software temperature sensor. Because they don't list up.


Junior Member

Saturday, January 25th 2014, 3:16pm

:cursing: I did reinstall the software, and that gaves me the temps as i was prefering.



Junior Member

Software WOs

Sunday, February 16th 2014, 9:05pm

We Support Hwinfo, Open Hardware Monitor and Aida.
Other 3rd Party Software is not supported.

Sebastin I'm a Newbie to the Aquaero 6 so can I ask a couple of questions if it's not too much to ask. I just bought the Aquaero 6 XT and I have a Asus Maximus VI extreme motherboard do I have to use a software temperature monitoring program like Open Hardware monitor to get the motherboard temps or can I just use the Aquasuite 2014 software to do the job? or can I use them both so I can get SSD and HDD temps as well? My next question would be if I need to use Open hardware Monitor software how do I get your Aquasuite 2014 to read the Open Monitor software temperatures? I hope this not to confusing!! Thank you Steve
:P [color


Full Member

RE: Software WOs

Sunday, February 16th 2014, 9:40pm

We Support Hwinfo, Open Hardware Monitor and Aida.
Other 3rd Party Software is not supported.

Sebastin I'm a Newbie to the Aquaero 6 so can I ask a couple of questions if it's not too much to ask. I just bought the Aquaero 6 XT and I have a Asus Maximus VI extreme motherboard do I have to use a software temperature monitoring program like Open Hardware monitor to get the motherboard temps or can I just use the Aquasuite 2014 software to do the job? or can I use them both so I can get SSD and HDD temps as well? My next question would be if I need to use Open hardware Monitor software how do I get your Aquasuite 2014 to read the Open Monitor software temperatures? I hope this not to confusing!! Thank you Steve
Sorry for butting in, but I may be able to help with that If you like....

Yep you need a separate software monitoring program like OHM or Aida64 or Hwinfo It's fairly simple to set up & I've done a little guide thing HERE If you scroll down the page about 75% you'll come across a "How to set up Software sensors" & although it says it's for if your just Air cooling a PC it's the same process if your water cooling also... Anyway Hope it helps :) ...


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