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Using Aquaro 5 LT to control PWM pump (MCP35x) - is it possible?

Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015, 18:35

Hello all. I know I should know this, but I'm just so confused by the different posts regarding this, so now I ask it plain out:
Can I use my Aquaro 5 LT (latest firmware) to control my MCP35x PWM - powered by 4-pin molex.
If I can't do the above, can I hook up a Poweradjust 3 standard to control the PWM fan, based on temperature reads from Aquaro?
Or must I have an Poweradjust 3 Ultra in order to control pump based on temperature input?
I also have another DDC-1t 10w (non-pwm). What configuration do I need to control this one?
I just wish they would sell an Aquaro 6 LT. Meaning without all the extra useless (to me) lcd, mounting and remote!


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 10:50

Hi. I don't mean to be rude in any way, but kindly read the product descriptions.

An example: poweradjust 3

- DC output, no PWM

And for your needs, an Aquaero 6 LT over an Aquaero 5 LT would mean just extra useless features (for you), because 5 LT has a PWM channel that yes, can control a DDC PWM pump.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 11:18

I did may times. What point are you trying to make?
English is not my first or second language, so might have missed some points.

You can control pump using DC, so if that is what you mean, its not important.

I have read a lot that the PWM on 5 LT is not for pump control. It even lists that in my manual. Is the documentation wrong?
(managed to misread your message due to many extra lines in the post, so what I thought was signature was related to the actual post)

Edit about useless features:
I use many other features than the ones I asked about ^^ I really just need good pwm pump control of mcp35x - depending on temp. Right now it is managed by motherboard, and it Works fine, I just want to have it all in the Aquaro and not just 8 temp sensors and stuff.

Hi. I don't mean to be rude in any way, but kindly read the product descriptions.

An example: poweradjust 3

- DC output, no PWM

And for your needs, an Aquaero 6 LT over an Aquaero 5 LT would mean just extra useless features (for you), because 5 LT has a PWM channel that yes, can control a DDC PWM pump.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dintid« (22. Januar 2015, 11:24)

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 11:32

I have read a lot that the PWM on 5 LT is not for pump control. It even lists that in my manual. Is the documentation wrong?
On the aquaero 5 only the fan 4 has the capability to control a fan/pump via PWM control signal.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 11:59

I have read a lot that the PWM on 5 LT is not for pump control. It even lists that in my manual. Is the documentation wrong?
On the aquaero 5 only the fan 4 has the capability to control a fan/pump via PWM control signal.

I just tested by connecting my pump to Fan header 4 (PWM) - I have newest Aquaro firm and software.
If I set it to PWM controlled in Aquaro -> Fan settings the fan goes 100 % 11,9V. There doesn't seem a way to define this?
If I set it to Power Controlled or Speed Controlled the rotation speed goes to 1216. 11,9V for both settings.
Settings is default at minimum 35% for all settings and maximum 100%
I would really like to have pump speed be controlle by CPU temp, but Aquaro doesn't seem to have access to this data?
I set it up under controllers where it seems to have effect, being controlled by a manual temp sensor.. I would like to have it controlled by cpu temp though. Can this be done?

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dintid« (22. Januar 2015, 12:01)

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 13:53


I would really like to have pump speed be controlled by CPU temp, but Aquaro doesn't seem to have access to this data?

Are you sure you want your pump ramping up and down at the rate your CPU changes temperature?
Might be best to set a pump speed that gives the flow rate you want and leave it there,
It is more common, and useful, to adjust the fan speed according to water temperature.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 13:59


I would really like to have pump speed be controlled by CPU temp, but Aquaro doesn't seem to have access to this data?

Are you sure you want your pump ramping up and down at the rate your CPU changes temperature?
Might be best to set a pump speed that gives the flow rate you want and leave it there,
It is more common, and useful, to adjust the fan speed according to water temperature.
I'm sure.
I need increase in flow when cpu is over 4Ghz to 4,7Ghz (i7-3770k)
I have larger/broader steps for pumps than by fan, but pump still needs to be adjusted by cpu temp. (as I do now via MB)
Edit2: I have previously had my pump controlled by Water temp, but that is just too slow. The respons from the pump needs to be almost instant or the CPU is going to automatically stop.
Edit: this is my pump now:
»Dintid« hat folgendes Bild angehängt:
  • cpu-pumpt.jpg

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dintid« (22. Januar 2015, 14:09)

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 14:57

If I set it to PWM controlled in Aquaro -> Fan settings the fan goes 100 % 11,9V. There doesn't seem a way to define this?
This is right. The Control Signal (Pin 4) controlls the fan. The fan is powered with the full supply voltage.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 15:46

If I set it to PWM controlled in Aquaro -> Fan settings the fan goes 100 % 11,9V. There doesn't seem a way to define this?
This is right. The Control Signal (Pin 4) controlls the fan. The fan is powered with the full supply voltage.

I think you misunderstood my question. I asked "There doesn't seem a way to define this?"
I KNOW the 4th pin or just (Pin 4) is the controlling one. I'm just trying to get Aquaro 5 LT to actually control my PWM device (PWM pump) instead of just giving out 100%.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 17:17

When you use the Power controlled mode, you can adjust the voltage.
When you use PWM: the voltage is fixed.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 19:57

When you use the Power controlled mode, you can adjust the voltage.
When you use PWM: the voltage is fixed.

PWM "control" is pretty useless then. I was under the impression that PWM would send control signal to Pump to speed up or down. Or keep the speed.
I dont care how it works: ie. if the voltage is fixed or not, but if the "PWM control" can't control anything, it is really just a glorified sensor.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 21:02

If I set it to PWM controlled in Aquaro -> Fan settings the fan goes 100 % 11,9V. There doesn't seem a way to define this?
This is right. The Control Signal (Pin 4) controlls the fan. The fan is powered with the full supply voltage.

I think you misunderstood my question. I asked "There doesn't seem a way to define this?"
I KNOW the 4th pin or just (Pin 4) is the controlling one. I'm just trying to get Aquaro 5 LT to actually control my PWM device (PWM pump) instead of just giving out 100%.

point 12 manual


I would really like to have pump speed be controlled by CPU temp, but Aquaro doesn't seem to have access to this data?

Are you sure you want your pump ramping up and down at the rate your CPU changes temperature?
Might be best to set a pump speed that gives the flow rate you want and leave it there,
It is more common, and useful, to adjust the fan speed according to water temperature.
I'm sure.
I need increase in flow when cpu is over 4Ghz to 4,7Ghz (i7-3770k)
I have larger/broader steps for pumps than by fan, but pump still needs to be adjusted by cpu temp. (as I do now via MB)
Edit2: I have previously had my pump controlled by Water temp, but that is just too slow. The respons from the pump needs to be almost instant or the CPU is going to automatically stop.
Edit: this is my pump now:

point 11.3 manual

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »EnigmaG« (23. Januar 2015, 13:54)

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 21:13

Didn't get that?
If you bothered looking up the answer, why couldn't you just copy/paste it here? My manual goes to 11, so I'm lost as to your "point"

If I set it to PWM controlled in Aquaro -> Fan settings the fan goes 100 % 11,9V. There doesn't seem a way to define this?
This is right. The Control Signal (Pin 4) controlls the fan. The fan is powered with the full supply voltage.

I think you misunderstood my question. I asked "There doesn't seem a way to define this?"
I KNOW the 4th pin or just (Pin 4) is the controlling one. I'm just trying to get Aquaro 5 LT to actually control my PWM device (PWM pump) instead of just giving out 100%.

point 12 manual


I would really like to have pump speed be controlled by CPU temp, but Aquaro doesn't seem to have access to this data?

Are you sure you want your pump ramping up and down at the rate your CPU changes temperature?
Might be best to set a pump speed that gives the flow rate you want and leave it there,
It is more common, and useful, to adjust the fan speed according to water temperature.
I'm sure.
I need increase in flow when cpu is over 4Ghz to 4,7Ghz (i7-3770k)
I have larger/broader steps for pumps than by fan, but pump still needs to be adjusted by cpu temp. (as I do now via MB)
Edit2: I have previously had my pump controlled by Water temp, but that is just too slow. The respons from the pump needs to be almost instant or the CPU is going to automatically stop.
Edit: this is my pump now:

point 11.3 manual

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dintid« (22. Januar 2015, 21:14)

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 21:17

manual point 11.3 & 12

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 21:21

manual point 11.3 & 12

Thanks.. but is it just impossible to paste what you find instead of tossing references to something you obviously just read? Lots of people do this, and it's awefully annoying.
I've been trying to find a manual for ages, but only some german old stuff appeared. My own printed manual is from 2011 and contains nothing usefull. I wouldn't ask otherwise.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 21:30

Ok, so in order to use Aquaro to control my pump or fan defined by on-chip temperatures like CPU or motherboard I have to stash out from $40 to $100 for a 3rd party program?
Would be nice if some free programs like HWmonitor was the source instead of the most expensive one out there.
Controlling my PWM fan strictly, and only, by voltage is odd as well.

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 22:05

Ok, so in order to use Aquaro to control my pump or fan defined by on-chip temperatures like CPU or motherboard I have to stash out from $40 to $100 for a 3rd party program?
Would be nice if some free programs like HWmonitor was the source instead of the most expensive one out there.

What you talking about? Open Hardware Monitor not enough?


Controlling my PWM fan strictly, and only, by voltage is odd as well

AE5 = 1PWM
AE6 = 4PWM

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 22:27

Ok, so in order to use Aquaro to control my pump or fan defined by on-chip temperatures like CPU or motherboard I have to stash out from $40 to $100 for a 3rd party program?
Would be nice if some free programs like HWmonitor was the source instead of the most expensive one out there.

What you talking about? Open Hardware Monitor not enough?


Controlling my PWM fan strictly, and only, by voltage is odd as well

AE5 = 1PWM
AE6 = 4PWM

I don't know what you mean about "Open Hardware Monitor not enough"? The link led to a very expensive program where the cheapest was $40.
Edit: I reread it and can see I only caught the last url to www.aida64.com
... that's what coming from pointing like that <nudge nudge> instead of just writing it :)

About PWM. As it was explained earlier Aquaro 5 does not do PWM control. It can see PWM but manage using Voltage. That IS NOT the same. DDC pumps degrades rather fast when managed by controlling voltage and will eventually no longer start at all.
Is Aquaro 6 true PWM or also voltage regulated?

Why does this forum always eat my line breaks? Line breaks only works if I edit my post and do new double-line breaks..

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Dintid« (22. Januar 2015, 22:29)

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 22:37

AE5 Port 4 is optional PWM or voltage.
AE6 Port 1-4 is optional PWM or voltage.
On the aquaero 5 only the fan 4 has the capability to control a fan/pump via PWM control signal.


13.2. Leistungs-, Drehzahl- oder PWM gesteuerter Modus
Im „leistungsgesteuerten“ Modus wird der Ausgangswert eines zugeordneten
Reglers linear auf den auf den Bereich zwischen eingestellter Minimal- und
Maximalleistung umgerechnet und die entsprechende Ausgangsspannung
Im „drehzahlgeregelten“ Modus wird der Ausgangswert eines zugeordneten
Reglers linear auf den auf den Bereich zwischen eingestellter minimalen und
maximalen Drehzahl umgerechnet. Der Lüfterausgang wird jetzt selbständig
vom aquaero innerhalb der Grenzen von eingestellter Minimal- und Maximalleistung
geregelt, um möglichst diese resultierende Drehzahl zu erreichen.
Im „PWM-geregelten“ Modus wird der Ausgangswert eines zugeordneten
Reglers direkt als PWM-Tastverhältnis ausgegeben (unter Beachtung von eingestellter
Minimal- und Maximalleistung), die Spannungsversorgung des Lüfters
wird fest auf 12 V eingestellt

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »EnigmaG« (22. Januar 2015, 22:45)

Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015, 22:45

AE5 Port 4 is optional PWM or voltage.
AE6 Port 1-4 is optional PWM or voltage.
On the aquaero 5 only the fan 4 has the capability to control a fan/pump via PWM control signal.

How do you control speed using PWM? I couldn't see any option in the software and someone here said it would always be at 100% at pwm through Aquaro 5.
I can choose between Power Controlled, Speed Controlled or PWM Controlled. PWM always went 100 %