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Full Member

Titan X just unveiled, where are our Waterblocks ?

Thursday, March 5th 2015, 12:27pm

So Nvidia CEO just unveiled the Titan X, full specs will be disclosed in 2 weeks.

So when can i order my full Waterblock with active backplate for this card, i take 2 please !


Full Member

Thursday, March 5th 2015, 12:43pm


Perhaps when you can actually order a new Titan...


Full Member

Thursday, March 5th 2015, 1:39pm

Just laughing, i wasnt serious !
Was curious if Aquacomputer receives samples from important cards prior to their launch for the exact purpose of designing the waterblocks, so that they may be available at launch date !
Was just a question !

If i were Nvidia CEO, i would order me 2 Aquacomputerwater blocks, and would send aquacomputer a sample just to cut the waterblock for the cards.


Senior Member

Thursday, March 5th 2015, 2:43pm

Most of the time ac is quite fast.
I think they will receive samples from most of the new cards, otherwise they would not have a chance to deliver their products in time.

But on the other hand i have no idea how low it takes to create a new cooler.
I don´t think that a partner will change the standard layout, i read, that all titan cards will be delivered with standard cooling design,
so ac shouldn´t´have a hard time so get this going.
Sys: 7900X | ASUS ROG STRIX X299-E | Trident Z 32 GB DDR4-3600 | EVGA 2080 TI xc ultra


Full Member

Tuesday, March 17th 2015, 7:02pm

Look, EK was there first day
So my question wasnt neccesaraly out of proportions !


Full Member

Tuesday, March 17th 2015, 7:14pm

...or you could have waited just like the rest of us as you weren't going to get it any sooner than you did.

Tuesday, March 17th 2015, 8:07pm

Look, EK was there first day
So my question wasnt neccesaraly out of proportions !

And the title at the top of the page of the press release you linkled:


EK might announce TITAN X water blocks this month


Full Member

Saturday, March 21st 2015, 6:52pm

Is Aquacomputer planning something for the Titan X.
These types of cards that are locked in original form (no custom models) are the ideal candidates for a Aquacomputer Waterblock.

As it stands now, my videocard of choice would be the TITAN X Hydrocopper, as everything is "factory made" and clocks are allready high in the bios.

Aquacomputer better be having a compelling solution to make me look away from the Titan X Hydrocopper.

What would that be ?
Well a complete board waterblock, with active backplate, would make me consider stuff before placing my purchase.

Since that wont happen for a while, (probably in may i will get the videocard) theres time to see what will be cooking.