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Junior Member

Aquasuite 2017

Sunday, November 27th 2016, 5:16pm

I upgraded to Aquasuite 2017. I noticed a couple of problems:

  • Conversion from metric to standard doesn't work (Liters to Gallons, Far to Cel)
  • I create charts, under "Analyze Data". If I attempt to add more than one chart to a page, Aquasuite crashes. I imported an old page with multiple charts. They were displayed without an associated chart source. If I attempted any modification (for the data sources), it crashed Aquasuite.
  • The upgrade from 2016-4 to 2017-1 fails in a number of spots. I had to completely remove the old version including all charts and data to get it to run properly. After the conversion I could not access the global settings. It would crash Aquasuite.

If you are going to charge for the software moving forward, this type of stuff should be fixed and never make it to a release. I wouldn't buy it in its current state.


Full Member

Monday, November 28th 2016, 3:49am

Curious! did you updated firmware of the AQ afterwards, if you did, than I can confirm the same problems I reported just a bit earlier I have try 2017 without updating firmware so I wasn't sure if maybe that was the reason of my issues but I was getting similar problems

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Nov 28th 2016, 3:51am)


Junior Member

Monday, November 28th 2016, 6:32am

I did update the firmware.

Monday, November 28th 2016, 7:16am

The wrong units are curryently a aquasuite Problem (in both version 2016/2017). This will be fixed today.


Sven - Admin

RE: Aquasuite 2017

Monday, November 28th 2016, 9:45am

I upgraded to Aquasuite 2017. I noticed a couple of problems:

  • Conversion from metric to standard doesn't work (Liters to Gallons, Far to Cel)
  • I create charts, under "Analyze Data". If I attempt to add more than one chart to a page, Aquasuite crashes. I imported an old page with multiple charts. They were displayed without an associated chart source. If I attempted any modification (for the data sources), it crashed Aquasuite.
  • The upgrade from 2016-4 to 2017-1 fails in a number of spots. I had to completely remove the old version including all charts and data to get it to run properly. After the conversion I could not access the global settings. It would crash Aquasuite.

If you are going to charge for the software moving forward, this type of stuff should be fixed and never make it to a release. I wouldn't buy it in its current state.

As Sbeastian said: the units will be fixed.

The problem with your charts and also the crash must have something to do with your specific settings because it is no general problem. Since you already did a complete new installation we will not be able to take a look at this issue because we would have required your configuration folder of the aquasuite. It can be found under C:\ProgramData\aquasuite-data. So if you get such a problem again, please zip this folder and mail it to us incl. a description of the problem.


Full Member

Monday, November 28th 2016, 3:36pm

After updating with new (fixed) 2017-1.1 still missing items on page



Junior Member

RE: RE: Aquasuite 2017

Monday, November 28th 2016, 3:46pm

I upgraded to Aquasuite 2017. I noticed a couple of problems:

  • Conversion from metric to standard doesn't work (Liters to Gallons, Far to Cel)
  • I create charts, under "Analyze Data". If I attempt to add more than one chart to a page, Aquasuite crashes. I imported an old page with multiple charts. They were displayed without an associated chart source. If I attempted any modification (for the data sources), it crashed Aquasuite.
  • The upgrade from 2016-4 to 2017-1 fails in a number of spots. I had to completely remove the old version including all charts and data to get it to run properly. After the conversion I could not access the global settings. It would crash Aquasuite.

If you are going to charge for the software moving forward, this type of stuff should be fixed and never make it to a release. I wouldn't buy it in its current state.

As Sbeastian said: the units will be fixed.

The problem with your charts and also the crash must have something to do with your specific settings because it is no general problem. Since you already did a complete new installation we will not be able to take a look at this issue because we would have required your configuration folder of the aquasuite. It can be found under C:\ProgramData\aquasuite-data. So if you get such a problem again, please zip this folder and mail it to us incl. a description of the problem.

I can't get a single custom chart up at this point. This is a brand new installation (unless there are registry settings left over some where). What email address do I send it to?


Sven - Admin

Monday, November 28th 2016, 4:17pm

info at aqua-computer.de

We do not use the registry. The mentioned folder contains all the configuration data.


Full Member

Monday, November 28th 2016, 5:10pm


After updating with new (fixed) 2017-1.1 still missing items on page


Its all good now



Tuesday, November 29th 2016, 12:58am

I just upgraded my aquasuite from 2016-4 to 2017-1.1 and, initially, everything went crazy (all items maxed out). Once I had restored the forced backup (thank-you for backing up my stuff before the upgrade), it calmed right down.

However ...
  1. system is still reporting lpm and not gpm (where do you change that?)
  2. aquasuite crashes when I click on 'Aquasuite, settings'

Edit: Fixed. Copied aquasuite data away from program data directory, uninstall (selecting the delete data option), reinstall, copy back data ... and it is all good.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ruff_hi" (Nov 29th 2016, 5:44am)


Senior Member

Tuesday, November 29th 2016, 5:28am

system is still reporting lpm and not gpm (where do you change that?)

Is a known problem, should be in the next update


Junior Member

Tuesday, November 29th 2016, 9:05am

Ordinarily it would be changed in the aquasuite > settings tab, but it seems that when you open it it wants to close the program. I saved all the pages I had been using and settings in a backup, in a different directory and uninstalled everything including all user data and settings; reinstalled and imported the pages i use and settings. it all works great now.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "t1nm4n" (Nov 29th 2016, 9:06am)

Tuesday, November 29th 2016, 10:10am

Ordinarily it would be changed in the aquasuite > settings tab, but it seems that when you open it it wants to close the program. I saved all the pages I had been using and settings in a backup, in a different directory and uninstalled everything including all user data and settings; reinstalled and imported the pages i use and settings. it all works great now.

What about the saved profile say from 2016-4 and going to 2017.1? Will the old profile work and do you need to save a copy of that too before a clean install?


Junior Member

Tuesday, November 29th 2016, 10:29am

It saved it automatically in my case, so I think thats a feature built in, might also be whats causing the conflict, but I'm no programmer. My old profile worked without issue. After inistial upgrade I lost all the sensor data I had stored renamed uncluding the temp sensors and any virtual temp I had created, but restoring from the backup they were all back to where they should be, only the flow rate wouldn't change, and each time i tried to access it the program woudl crash, but I covered that already so no point in listening to me type any more than I have too. :D

Tuesday, November 29th 2016, 11:11am

When your aquasuite doesent show all units or crash when you go to the settings page:
Delete this file (close aquasuite):

Source code


this will be fixed in the next version.


Junior Member

Tuesday, November 29th 2016, 11:35am

When your aquasuite doesent show all units or crash when you go to the settings page:
Delete this file (close aquasuite):

Source code


this will be fixed in the next version.
Thank you for that, a much more simple fix than delete all and reinstall.

Tuesday, November 29th 2016, 4:35pm

The wrong units are curryently a aquasuite Problem (in both version 2016/2017). This will be fixed today.

You really should force those crazy Americans to follow the metric system. ;)

Tuesday, November 29th 2016, 4:39pm

I sent you an e-mail on this question Shoggy, but might as well post it here, just in case anyone else is wondering.

Under Aquacomputer Hardwaremonitor/Asus RAMPAGE 5 EXTREME/Nuvoton NCT6791D

There are some temperatures labeled Temperature #1-#6, what are those temperatures measuring? There are also some voltages named #2, #5-#6 and #11-#15?

In addition, my RAM isn't recognized correctly, it only says Generic Memory and only gives percentage used, used amount and free amount. (Corsair Dominator)

As long as I can't get all necessary readings from your monitor I have to continue using Aida64.

If I buy a new Corsair AX1200i, will your monitor be able to measure it? If not, are there any other PSUs that can be monitored?

Wednesday, November 30th 2016, 11:12am

the new version with some fixes are online.
This fixes the crashes at startup.


Full Member


Wednesday, November 30th 2016, 11:36am

A question to install aquasuite 2017 I need license ??. ?(
I have the pump aquastream xt versión ultra . I have no license.
So I can not install aquasuite 2017. :wacko:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "novax1" (Nov 30th 2016, 11:39am)

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