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This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Nov 28th 2016, 3:51am)
I upgraded to Aquasuite 2017. I noticed a couple of problems:
- Conversion from metric to standard doesn't work (Liters to Gallons, Far to Cel)
- I create charts, under "Analyze Data". If I attempt to add more than one chart to a page, Aquasuite crashes. I imported an old page with multiple charts. They were displayed without an associated chart source. If I attempted any modification (for the data sources), it crashed Aquasuite.
- The upgrade from 2016-4 to 2017-1 fails in a number of spots. I had to completely remove the old version including all charts and data to get it to run properly. After the conversion I could not access the global settings. It would crash Aquasuite.
If you are going to charge for the software moving forward, this type of stuff should be fixed and never make it to a release. I wouldn't buy it in its current state.
I upgraded to Aquasuite 2017. I noticed a couple of problems:
- Conversion from metric to standard doesn't work (Liters to Gallons, Far to Cel)
- I create charts, under "Analyze Data". If I attempt to add more than one chart to a page, Aquasuite crashes. I imported an old page with multiple charts. They were displayed without an associated chart source. If I attempted any modification (for the data sources), it crashed Aquasuite.
- The upgrade from 2016-4 to 2017-1 fails in a number of spots. I had to completely remove the old version including all charts and data to get it to run properly. After the conversion I could not access the global settings. It would crash Aquasuite.
If you are going to charge for the software moving forward, this type of stuff should be fixed and never make it to a release. I wouldn't buy it in its current state.
As Sbeastian said: the units will be fixed.
The problem with your charts and also the crash must have something to do with your specific settings because it is no general problem. Since you already did a complete new installation we will not be able to take a look at this issue because we would have required your configuration folder of the aquasuite. It can be found under C:\ProgramData\aquasuite-data. So if you get such a problem again, please zip this folder and mail it to us incl. a description of the problem.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ruff_hi" (Nov 29th 2016, 5:44am)
Ordinarily it would be changed in the aquasuite > settings tab, but it seems that when you open it it wants to close the program. I saved all the pages I had been using and settings in a backup, in a different directory and uninstalled everything including all user data and settings; reinstalled and imported the pages i use and settings. it all works great now.