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Aquasuite doesnt work at all

Sunday, December 31st 2017, 1:34am

Some time ago i ran into a problem with aquasuite crashing on win10. Back then i got it to work by reading some things inhere i guess.

After latest windows fall update i now have the same problem again. On forums i saw that a new software were available so i downloaded it, ran the aquasuite_setup.exe ...and nothing happens :(

Can anyone tell me why? or point me in the right direction. I dont have that problem with anything else. And maybe tell me why aquasuite keeps crashing on win10 after each update?

Win10 1709
Aquaero 5 LT


Sven - Admin

Tuesday, January 2nd 2018, 11:41am

I assume you are using RivaTuner or other tools like MSI Afterburner that include RivaTuner. This tool is causing the problem because of the way how it accesses graphics interfaces that are also used by our software. It is the same problem as with the last big Windows 10 update.

It can be only solved by uninstallung this tool or by adding the aquasuite to the application list to disable the monitoring of it.