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Junior Member

Aquacomputer 6XT compatible

Tuesday, July 31st 2018, 8:47pm

Hi guys,

Recently I started to build my workstation. And right now I run into the next issue:
1. Firstly, I can't find any info about compatibility Aquacomputer 6 XT with Thermaltake Pacific DIY LCS PR-22 D5 pump. Can I connect this model? As far as I understand the major criteria in this case - that this D5 pump.

2. Secondly, I plan to install 2 calitemp, 2 high flow, and 2 pressure sensors (Delta 1000). Hence, I need to clarify next moment: do I need to install aquabus X4, or I can plug these sensors directly into Aquacomputer?

RE: Aquacomputer 6XT compatible

Tuesday, July 31st 2018, 9:03pm

Hi guys,

Recently I started to build my workstation. And right now I run into the next issue:
1. Firstly, I can't find any info about compatibility Aquacomputer 6 XT with Thermaltake Pacific DIY LCS PR-22 D5 pump. Can I connect this model? As far as I understand the major criteria in this case - that this D5 pump.

2. Secondly, I plan to install 2 calitemp, 2 high flow, and 2 pressure sensors (Delta 1000). Hence, I need to clarify next moment: do I need to install aquabus X4, or I can plug these sensors directly into Aquacomputer?

1. Other than Aquacomputer's PWM pumps, I'm not sure about that pump because only one company I know made the changes to their D5 pumps to Intel's PWM spec (EK G2 pump) that will allow it to work with the AQ.

I know DDC pumps that are PWM also work as I use two of them in serial (MCP35X2).

2. I'm not sure as maybe one of the AC reps can answer that but do know only 4 MPS devices can be used at a single time afaik unless changes were made that I'm not aware of.

I would hold up on any purchases if you haven't already till you find out as there have been several new products out and software.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "GTXJackBauer" (Jul 31st 2018, 10:56pm)


Junior Member

Tuesday, July 31st 2018, 10:43pm


1. Other than Aquacomputer's PWM pumps, I'm not sure about that pump because only one company I know made the changes to their D5 pumps to Intel's PWM spec (EK G2 pump) that will allow it to work with the AQ.

I know DDC pumps that are PWM also work as I use two of them in serial (MCP35X2).

2. I'm not sure as maybe one of the AC reps can answer that but do know only 4 MPS devices can be used at a single time afaik unless changes were made that I'm not aware of.

I would hold up on any purchases if you haven't already till you find you as there have been several new products out and software.

1. Thanks for the explanation. I sent request about PWM specs to Thermaltake customer support.
2. As far as I see in 6 XT specs:

"4x Calitemp"
And separate string about
"4x mps based devices (flow sensor, pressure/fill level sensor or D5 pump with aquabus)"
And accordingly I can connect 2x Calitemp and 4x mps based devices.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Niflxeim" (Jul 31st 2018, 10:45pm)

Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 2:40am

I haven't used them, but am curious about the aquabus X4... how does one know which calitemp sensor is which in the aquasuite?
I see no port ID to correlate to the sensor plugged in.


Junior Member

Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 9:45am

I haven't used them, but am curious about the aquabus X4... how does one know which calitemp sensor is which in the aquasuite?
I see no port ID to correlate to the sensor plugged in.

As far as I understand from this description:

Calitemp sensors may be connect directly to 6 XT, but aquabus required only in case if amount of high speed sensors more than 1 (but I'm not sure about this)
And in this description I found interesting phrase regard: "D5 pump with aquabus". But i'm not fully understand this.


Senior Member

Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 11:23am

You can connect 1 callitemp directly to aquaero.

If you want use more, yoou need the aquabus X4.


The aquaero supports a single Calitemp sensor without further hardware, alternatively a maximum of four Calitemp sensors can be connected to a single aquaero using an "aquabus X4" (product code 53258 ...)



Junior Member

Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 12:33pm

You can connect 1 callitemp directly to aquaero.

If you want use more, yoou need the aquabus X4.


The aquaero supports a single Calitemp sensor without further hardware, alternatively a maximum of four Calitemp sensors can be connected to a single aquaero using an "aquabus X4" (product code 53258 ...)


Ok, great.
Finally, do i understand correct that scheme of action looks like:
- I can buy Aquacomputer 6XT, but i can't connect my Thermaltake pumps.
But i can connect 2 calitemp, 2 pressure, 2 flow sensors with aquabus X4.

Right now I'm trying to assess how it critical - not connecting the pumps to 6 XT. Is there any chance that I can find another aquacomputer who can work with Thermaltake pumps (but not Thermaltake aquacomputer) and which will be able to work with temp/pressure/fill sensors?


Senior Member

Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 1:30pm

You can connect the Thermaltake pumps and they will work, but only at full speed.

I would recommend you tu buy the aquacomputer D5 pump, that can be used with the aquaero as well as at any other controller.

If you want to use the Thermaltake pumps, you need to modify the connector: overclock.net With this mod, the pumps will work on an aquaero.

Another soultion for you might be the new QUADRO fan controller for PWM fans, which has build-in pullup resistors, so that your pumps should work with it properly.

Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 1:36pm

Each calitemp iirc, can't be daisy chained with another calitemp on the same aquabus line. It needs to be alone on that line and another on another header, etc.

As for pumps, I would wait since the new pumps from AC should be out soon since they stopped making the other pumps.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "GTXJackBauer" (Aug 1st 2018, 1:37pm)

Wednesday, August 1st 2018, 8:51pm

You can connect 1 callitemp directly to aquaero.

If you want use more, yoou need the aquabus X4.


The aquaero supports a single Calitemp sensor without further hardware, alternatively a maximum of four Calitemp sensors can be connected to a single aquaero using an "aquabus X4" (product code 53258 ...)


I am simpatico with that... let's say I have a dual loop and I want temp in & out of radiator for each loop.
That is 4 calitemp, so an aquabus x4 is also installed.
I can see which calitemp sensor location (rad 1 in/out & rad 2 in/out) I am plugging into each port on the aquabus x4.
But since there doesn't appear to be any IDs on the ports, how do I know to correlate which sensor to the aquasuite list?

Like I said, I haven't used these items, so I may be asking a question that is obvious on implementation.

Thursday, August 2nd 2018, 1:48pm

Perhaps plug them in one at a time and then make your own record?

Thursday, August 2nd 2018, 6:20pm

If you have access to the back of the aquaero after the system is built and running, but not optimal.
I believe there must be something in place that addresses this, the aquacomputer engineers are a clever lot.

Friday, August 3rd 2018, 3:16pm

I've previously held the sensor and quite quickly you can see the temperature rising but again as long as you have access.


Junior Member

Thursday, August 16th 2018, 2:13pm

Many thanks to all who responded!
I need to clarify one moment. I ALREADY have two Thermaltake pumps, and variant "buy new D5 pumps" not convenient.

Finally, the possible way to solve my situation may be:

Regard pumps:
1) Buy new QUADRO fan controller for PWM fans
2) Connect Thermaltake pumps to QUADRO
3) And after that, all should work correctly (?)

Regard sensors:


You can connect 1 callitemp directly to aquaero.
If you want use more, you need the aquabus X4.

OK, as far as i understand, the full roadmap, in this case, looks like:
1) Buy Aquabus X4
2) Connect 1 calitemp directly to aquaero
3) Connect 1 calitemp to Abuabus X4
4) Connect 2 pressure and 2 flow sensors to Aquabus X4
All right?

Thursday, August 16th 2018, 7:02pm

Many thanks to all who responded!
I need to clarify one moment. I ALREADY have two Thermaltake pumps, and variant "buy new D5 pumps" not convenient.

Finally, the possible way to solve my situation may be:

Regard pumps:
1) Buy new QUADRO fan controller for PWM fans
2) Connect Thermaltake pumps to QUADRO
3) And after that, all should work correctly (?)Regard sensors:


You can connect 1 callitemp directly to aquaero.
If you want use more, you need the aquabus X4.

OK, as far as i understand, the full roadmap, in this case, looks like:
1) Buy Aquabus X4
2) Connect 1 calitemp directly to aquaero
3) Connect 1 calitemp to Abuabus X4
4) Connect 2 pressure and 2 flow sensors to Aquabus X4
All right?

I do not know about the workaround for your PWM pump proposal, hopefully someone else will address that.

Regarding the roadmap:
1) yes
2 & 3) BOTH calitemps need to be connected to the aquabus X4
4) for the 2 pressure sensors and the 2 flow sensors you will also need 2 Y-splitters or 1 splitty9 connected to the aquabus X4.

I do not remember if the MPS low port has been reassigned or is still disabled.

Your Original posts mentions the pressure sensors as delta 1000... that is for pressure of a one meter column. You will not be pleased with the resolution of the sensor with the reservoirs in you picture, which look to be 5 or 6 cm. The Delta 40 would probably better fit your need.


Junior Member

Thursday, August 16th 2018, 7:43pm


Regarding the roadmap:
1) yes
2 & 3) BOTH calitemps need to be connected to the aquabus X4
4) for the 2 pressure sensors and the 2 flow sensors you will also need 2 Y-splitters or 1 splitty9 connected to the aquabus X4.

Thanks a lot for your clarification!

But i'm not sure, that i fully understand what you mean in this part:


You will not be pleased with the resolution of the sensor with the reservoirs in your picture, which look to be 5 or 6 cm. The Delta 40 would probably better fit your need.

Sorry, if my question looks stupid (in this case I would be very grateful if give a link to an article about this question) but i'm not understood what exactly "look to be 5 or 6 cm.".
JFYI, maybe it'll be useful, a specs of this pump+reservoir:

1mm (L) x 78mm (W) x 309.7mm (H)
Material: POM + PMMA
Capacity: 300ml
Maximum Head: 15 Feet
Maximum Flow Rate: 1135 L/Hr
Maximum Pressure: 50 PSI
Connector: 4 Pin
Pump Speed: 1800, 2550, 3300, 4050, 4800 RPM
G ¼”


Senior Member

Friday, August 17th 2018, 2:01pm

Regard pumps:
1) Buy new QUADRO fan controller for PWM fans
2) Connect Thermaltake pumps to QUADRO
3) And after that, all should work correctly (?)


Regard sensors:

OK, as far as i understand, the full roadmap, in this case, looks like:
1) Buy Aquabus X4
2) Connect 1 calitemp directly to aquaero
3) Connect 1 calitemp to Abuabus X4
4) Connect 2 pressure and 2 flow sensors to Aquabus X4
All right?

You connect the aquabus X4 directly to the aquaero. All of your aquabus devices have to be connected to the aquabus X4. You have 4 ports at the aquabus X4. You can only use one calitemp at each port. All other aquabus devices can be freely connected to the aquabus X4. As you have more aquabus devices than ports on the aquabus X4 you can use e.g. Y-connectors.

I do not remember if the MPS low port has been reassigned or is still disabled.
Do you mean the aquabus low port an the aquero? This port can now be used for a second mechanical flow sensor.

Friday, August 17th 2018, 5:03pm


But i'm not sure, that i fully understand what you mean in this part:


You will not be pleased with the resolution of the sensor with the reservoirs in your picture, which look to be 5 or 6 cm. The Delta 40 would probably better fit your need.

Sorry, if my question looks stupid (in this case I would be very grateful if give a link to an article about this question) but i'm not understood what exactly "look to be 5 or 6 cm.".
JFYI, maybe it'll be useful, a specs of this pump+reservoir:

1mm (L) x 78mm (W) x 309.7mm (H)
Material: POM + PMMA
Capacity: 300ml
Maximum Head: 15 Feet
Maximum Flow Rate: 1135 L/Hr
Maximum Pressure: 50 PSI
Connector: 4 Pin
Pump Speed: 1800, 2550, 3300, 4050, 4800 RPM
G ¼”

I am working from the assumption you want to use the sensors to determine the fill level in the reservoirs.
If that assumption is incorrect, then please ignore my jabbering and accept my apologies.

A snippet from the Pressure sensor MPS product page:


At the moment, four versions of the mps pressure sensor are available that differ in pressure range. Please select the sensor best fitting your requirements:
mps pressure Delta 40 (art. 53133): Differential pressure sensor with two ports, range 0 - 40 mbar (corresponding to a water column of approx. 0 - 40 cm)
mps pressure Delta 100 (art. 53134): Differential pressure sensor with two ports, range 0 - 100 mbar (corresponding to a water column of approx. 0 - 100 cm)
mps pressure Delta 500 (art. 53135): Differential pressure sensor with two ports, range 0 - 500 mbar (corresponding to a water column of approx. 0 - 500 cm)
mps pressure Delta 1000 (art. 53136): Differential pressure sensor with two ports, range 0 - 1000 mbar (corresponding to a water column of approx. 0 - 1000 cm)

Your reservoirs with an ≈30 cm water column when full, would display the best granularity/resolution with the Pressure sensor MPS pressure Delta 40.


Junior Member

Thursday, August 23rd 2018, 11:21am

I am working from the assumption you want to use the sensors to determine the fill level in the reservoirs.
If that assumption is incorrect, then please ignore my jabbering and accept my apologies.

Sorry, i mistyped - i mean flow sensors, not fill. And as far as i understand i need to buy Flow sensor high flow USB G1/4 because of my pump have a maximum Flow Rate: 1135 L/Hr.

Your reservoirs with an ≈30 cm water column when full, would display the best granularity/resolution with the Pressure sensor MPS pressure Delta 40.

Thanks for explanations!


Junior Member

Thursday, August 23rd 2018, 12:04pm

And at the moment my shopping cart looks like:

I still haven't info about functionality this scheme (i can't find any info about it in QUADRO tech spec):
Thermaltake pump connect via QUADRO
QUADRO connect directly to Aquacomputer 6 XT

I'm a little concerned regard the possibility of adding PWN functionality for non-PWN device by connecting this non-PWN device(pumps) via QUADRO.

At large, i haven't a target connect fans via QUADRO, because of a) all Thermaltake fans have a separate controllers b) i have 13 fans and i physically won't be able to connect all of them to Quadro

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Niflxeim" (Aug 23rd 2018, 12:21pm)