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Junior Member

Using Windows to control an Aquaero in a Linux machine.

Thursday, August 2nd 2018, 6:58pm


Is it possible to control a second Aquaero installed in a Linux machine from a Windows machine running an existing Aquasuite setup?

Will an existing Aquasuite be ok with two attached Aquaeros, and a farbwerk, and not suffer lisencing issues?

I would guess that I could set up a second page to monitor and control the Linux Aquaero.

What would happen if I needed to unplug the USB connection from the Linux box while the Windows PC is still running? I would expect to at least have to shut down the Windows Aquasuite program before and during a disconnect.

I understand what is needed to get the USB connection out of one and into the other. The computers are within .75 meters of each other.

Thanks for any help here!


Friday, August 3rd 2018, 6:53am

When you connect the usb lines to your windows pc this is working.
When you have one valid license for a aquasuite you can attach as many devices as you want.


Junior Member

Monday, August 6th 2018, 1:45pm

Thank you, Sebastion, for the clarification.