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Full Member

Aquasuite Software in Linux

Tuesday, September 18th 2018, 9:27am

I am going to ditch Windows for good, and Change to Linux, more specifically Linux Mint v19 Tara.
Is there hope for a Aquasuite Software to be made for Linux ?

Perhaps with Software such as Crossover

Aqusuite will work, but before i test that, i wanted to ask, if there are any Linux users who also had the Need to use Aqusuite softwrae, and if yes, what did they do !


Senior Member

Tuesday, September 18th 2018, 10:23pm

afaik, there are no plans to release a linux version of the aquasuite.

read the official statement here: https://forum.aquacomputer.de/weitere-fo…99/#post1433043

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Hufeisen" (Sep 18th 2018, 10:39pm)


Junior Member

Saturday, April 27th 2019, 3:43am

At one point there was a open source project for a linux client, but it hasn't been updated in forever. Unclear if it would even work with new Aquacomputer firmwares.

I too run Linux as my primary OS. I keep a Windows 10 install around just for games. That's pretty much all it is good for these days. I do most of my Aquacomputer setup in Windows. The good part is that the Aquacomputer stores all of its curves and such on the unit itself, so as long as you don't need motherboard/CPU/GPU sensors to control your system, you don't actually need any software at all, once it is set up the way you like it.

I also have a VM with Windows 10 in it and have installed the Aquasuite software there as well, passing through the USB device, for when I need it.


Junior Member

Thursday, May 9th 2019, 3:33am

At one point there was a open source project for a linux client, but it hasn't been updated in forever. Unclear if it would even work with new Aquacomputer firmwares.

I too run Linux as my primary OS. I keep a Windows 10 install around just for games. That's pretty much all it is good for these days. I do most of my Aquacomputer setup in Windows. The good part is that the Aquacomputer stores all of its curves and such on the unit itself, so as long as you don't need motherboard/CPU/GPU sensors to control your system, you don't actually need any software at all, once it is set up the way you like it.

I also have a VM with Windows 10 in it and have installed the Aquasuite software there as well, passing through the USB device, for when I need it.

Same here. Only thing I wish existed is a way to send real-time temperature/sensor info to the Windows VM... I have my curves set up based on water temp, which works for normal workloads, but anything that spikes the temp suddenly, throttles my CPU faster than the water heats up... :\



Wednesday, December 11th 2019, 10:46am

I also have a VM with Windows 10 in it and have installed the Aquasuite software there as well, passing through the USB device, for when I need it.
Does the VM correctly display host hardware temps I wonder? I.e. could the VM be left running 24-7 to feed temps to the Aquacomputer?

I want to convert an old workstation into a transcoding server running Linux but it's built fully W/C with curves taking case + mobo + dual CPU + GPU temps. Transcoding tends to slam CPUs to 100% immediately and I don't want it to wait until the case warms up for fans to spin up. Passing the GPU through to the Windows VM is probably too complicated so I might drop that from the loop but I'd like to keep the CPUs on WC if poss.

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