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Junior Member

RGBpx lighting set Connection Question

Thursday, January 10th 2019, 6:13am


This is a fast and rather easy question in order to eliminate my confusion.

1) Does Aqua-Computer RGBpx lighting set for PC case, 60 addressable LEDs require

farbwerk in order to connect it to the Aquaero 6xt or this can be done and without it?

Thanks in advance :D :D :D

PS: 2nd question. If it requires farbwerk ... can I connect it on the same splitty 9 where I will be connecting 2 D5 Next
and any other Aquabus device on my set up ? Will it work like that as a set up.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Edropian" (Jan 10th 2019, 6:15am)


Senior Member

Thursday, January 10th 2019, 7:13am

No, Farbwerk isn't for RGBpx. You have to use Quadro https://www.highflow.nl/aircooling/fans/…r-pwm-fans.html

for your USB question: should work also for Quadro


Junior Member

Thursday, January 10th 2019, 8:01am

No, Farbwerk isn't for RGBpx. You have to use Quadro https://www.highflow.nl/aircooling/fans/…r-pwm-fans.html

for your USB question: should work also for Quadro

Thanks for responding my friend!

So ... will I have to use quadro or it can be done
with Aquaero 6xt without quadro too?

Can the Aquaero run this RGBpx kit through its RGB connection?

PS: what is frustrating here is the fact that even by having 2 D5 next you can't use them for that
purpose if you have them attached to the Aquabus high as long as this is the same connection
for both Aquabus and RGBpx and you can only choose to use one function.

PPS: is there an RGB kit compatible and able to connect with the Aquaero straight
away if this one can't ?

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Edropian" (Jan 10th 2019, 8:14am)


Senior Member

Thursday, January 10th 2019, 11:09pm

Can the Aquaero run this RGBpx kit through its RGB connection?
The RGB Header on the Aquaero is intended for a single RGB LED like this one https://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_inf…roducts_id=2664
Connecting a LED Strip to the RGB Header can damage the Aquaero.

You can connect the D5 Next Pump with USB to your Mainboard.
Then you can use the Connector on the Pump for the RGBpx LEDs.

Note: To control the RGBpx LED colors, an USB connection is required. It is not possible to control the RGBpx LEDs with Aquabus.
Thats why the Pump share the Aquabus and RGBpx connection. (the Quadro requires an USB connection to control the LED color, too)

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Hufeisen" (Jan 10th 2019, 11:27pm)


Junior Member

Friday, January 11th 2019, 11:15am

Can the Aquaero run this RGBpx kit through its RGB connection?
The RGB Header on the Aquaero is intended for a single RGB LED like this one https://shop.aquacomputer.de/product_inf…roducts_id=2664
Connecting a LED Strip to the RGB Header can damage the Aquaero.

You can connect the D5 Next Pump with USB to your Mainboard.
Then you can use the Connector on the Pump for the RGBpx LEDs.

Note: To control the RGBpx LED colors, an USB connection is required. It is not possible to control the RGBpx LEDs with Aquabus.
Thats why the Pump share the Aquabus and RGBpx connection. (the Quadro requires an USB connection to control the LED color, too)

Thanks for that answer my friend!

I never had previous experience with Aqua Computer electronics ... but I have finally started clarifying the
way they are thinking around their stuff.

You answer covered me 100% :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: