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Hi thereHi guys
I'm getting constant crashes with newer Aquasuite,usually its .NET Runtime errors,here are few of them
Are your RAM settings stable?
Hi guys
I'm getting constant crashes with newer Aquasuite,usually its .NET Runtime errors,here are few of them
Usually Aquasuite will runs something like for 1 or two hours and then will crash with above errors
This is working here. No Crashes. (runtime more than 5h)But the aquacomputer engineers experienced no issue when they tested it on their system.
The game is The Backgammon, and it's free on the Microsoft store if you want to test it's interaction on your system.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (May 25th 2020, 4:25pm)
Hi thereHi guys
I'm getting constant crashes with newer Aquasuite,usually its .NET Runtime errors,here are few of them
Usually Aquasuite will runs something like for 1 or two hours and then will crash with above errors
I don't suffer crashes every few hours, but I have occasional aquasuite crashes perhaps bi-weekly or monthly.
There is a game I occasionally played which caused the aquasuite to crash 95% of the time when I ran it.
But the aquacomputer engineers experienced no issue when they tested it on their system.
The game is The Backgammon, and it's free on the Microsoft store if you want to test it's interaction on your system.
My system consists of an MSI X299M-GAMING-PRO-CARBON-AC motherboard with an Intel i9 9980XE processor, and dual Zotac RTX 2080 Tis in SLI.
Any similarity to yours?
Hi there
I do play on my build but not as much, literally I play only occasionally when time allows abd games are usually older ones
My loop consists from ASRock X99 WS, 5960x with 4.7GHz OC, 96GB of RAM(2113MHz), 4*GPUs setup(Asus RTX 2080Ti Strix with 2160MHz OC, GTX1080 with 2164MHz and GTX1080 with 2100MHz OC and 4th in loop is GTX1080Ti with 2113MHz OC), 4*360mm radiators plus MO-ra3 360mm, PSU is Superflower OCUK 8pack 2000W
GPUs are not running in SLI as PC is used mostly in rendering like in Octane, Cycles or E-Cycles etc
Not sure what is causing Aquasuite to crash![]()
Hope this helps
Thanks, Jura
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (May 25th 2020, 4:32pm)
Hi thereHi there
I do play on my build but not as much, literally I play only occasionally when time allows abd games are usually older ones
My loop consists from ASRock X99 WS, 5960x with 4.7GHz OC, 96GB of RAM(2113MHz), 4*GPUs setup(Asus RTX 2080Ti Strix with 2160MHz OC, GTX1080 with 2164MHz and GTX1080 with 2100MHz OC and 4th in loop is GTX1080Ti with 2113MHz OC), 4*360mm radiators plus MO-ra3 360mm, PSU is Superflower OCUK 8pack 2000W
GPUs are not running in SLI as PC is used mostly in rendering like in Octane, Cycles or E-Cycles etc
Not sure what is causing Aquasuite to crash![]()
Hope this helps
Thanks, Jura
That's quite a mix of GPUs
Does your aquasuite actually crash, or just stop updating the display?
In my case the aquasuite appears to continue running (Data Logger continues), but the display stops updating.
This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "mta" (May 26th 2020, 5:38am)
Cannot access the LED controllers for any of my Farbwerks -- the entire Aquasuite X program just crashes/fails silently (i.e. the entire program just closes down completely / disappears) when I click on any of the "LED Controller #" items that normally bring up the panels for choosing colors, color modes, etc etc. It also crashes if I click the + button as well in those sections.
All of the LEDs are still on, fans are on, everything is still running -- I just can't modify the RGBpx outputs of my Farbwerks further.
Version: X.18
-Windows 10 Pro
-Ryzen 3950x CPU
-Gigabyte Aorus Xtreme x570 motherboard
-64 GB Trident Z Neo RAM
-RTX 2080 Ti video card
-Aquacomputer D5 Next pump
-3 x 360 Hardware Labs GTS360 rads
-Three Farbwerk360s, one Quadro, one Splitty9, one Splitty4, one Hubby7 -- all powering the pump, ten fans, and ten Phantek Halos
Nothing OC'd yet, just finished building the PC / upgraded the BIOS / installed Windows 10 Pro / went straight to Aquasuite and downloaded it / upgraded all firmware, etc.
Reset your farbwerk in the System Tab to factory defaults. After the reset the aquasuite is working.Cannot access the LED controllers for any of my Farbwerks -- the entire Aquasuite X program just crashes/fails silently (i.e. the entire program just closes down completely / disappears) when I click on any of the "LED Controller #" items that normally bring up the panels for choosing colors, color modes, etc etc. It also crashes if I click the + button as well in those sections.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "sultan.of.swing" (May 26th 2020, 4:04pm)
I have HWinfo installed and after re-enabling the service for aquasuite HWinfo is working as normal.registered just to say that the x19 version breaks hwinfo64, the only way to get it working again is the kill the aquasuite service, if you re enable the aquasuite service the logging stops in both systems. you can confirm by watching numbers in hwinfo64 they do not move, same for aquasuite and fanspeeds
I've recently upgraded my motherboard, and seeing similar issues. I've seen the HW info not available during my downgrade/re-installations, but as it stands I am trying to get software sensors to see the same list of sensors that quick view does.registered just to say that the x19 version breaks hwinfo64, the only way to get it working again is the kill the aquasuite service, if you re enable the aquasuite service the logging stops in both systems. you can confirm by watching numbers in hwinfo64 they do not move, same for aquasuite and fanspeeds
No sir.Stop and restart the service. Then you need to restart the aquasuite and should be able to assign them.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Undermoose" (May 27th 2020, 4:08pm)
thanks ill see if it makes a difference. either way its starting working now correctly after about 10 restarts. weirddeactivae the aquasuite hardware monitoring in the aquasuite settings.
its strangely started working again now correctly after around 10 reboots.I have HWinfo installed and after re-enabling the service for aquasuite HWinfo is working as normal.registered just to say that the x19 version breaks hwinfo64, the only way to get it working again is the kill the aquasuite service, if you re enable the aquasuite service the logging stops in both systems. you can confirm by watching numbers in hwinfo64 they do not move, same for aquasuite and fanspeeds
as above, maybe its of help to you?I've recently upgraded my motherboard, and seeing similar issues. I've seen the HW info not available during my downgrade/re-installations, but as it stands I am trying to get software sensors to see the same list of sensors that quick view does.registered just to say that the x19 version breaks hwinfo64, the only way to get it working again is the kill the aquasuite service, if you re enable the aquasuite service the logging stops in both systems. you can confirm by watching numbers in hwinfo64 they do not move, same for aquasuite and fanspeeds
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "henson0115" (May 27th 2020, 5:57pm)