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Junior Member

Saturday, January 16th 2021, 2:19am

wait you want me to cut the cable ties on 3 hours of cable management, move locations to the mobo then re cable manage everything just to update the firmware? This is preposterous and if this is the case going forward i will be no longer using or recommending your products!


Full Member

Saturday, January 16th 2021, 5:02am

It’s always been this way since I can remember, you don't want any conflict between other hardware while updating firmware ;)

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Jan 16th 2021, 5:10am)

Saturday, January 16th 2021, 9:57am

It’s always been this way since I can remember, you don't want any conflict between other hardware while updating firmware ;)
Been updating without ever unplugging anything for years here.

Saturday, January 16th 2021, 12:39pm

It’s always been this way since I can remember, you don't want any conflict between other hardware while updating firmware ;)
Been updating without ever unplugging anything for years here.

Same here, have never had to open the case to update aquasuite or firmware.

May we have an explanation why this is required, and will this be required for all updates going forward, or is this a one of?


Full Member

Saturday, January 16th 2021, 4:14pm

:rolleyes:I've been always unplugging everything else to update firmware e.g. PA3, aquaero, but it has been very long time since I've done that.

Btw. It seems with each new version of aquasuite release, there is more issues e.g.. already, old, unresolved issue with crashing services every 2-3 days that I have reported long ago, Now! crashing daily since X34.. It seems that improvements are going backwards I wish I stayed with older aquasuite, at least It didn't have the issues I'm having.

This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Jan 16th 2021, 9:15pm)


Junior Member

Saturday, January 16th 2021, 10:11pm

Obviously my OCTO is borked beyond repair, that's being dealt with separately.
So I dig ot my quadro that will not take the flash. Unplug everything, direct usb connection with zero connected to USB other than the quardo, no fans plugged in to it. Says it flashed, service shuts down. tried rebooting, same outcome, power down and turn off power supply for 30 mins same outcome. it still comes back with the same firm ware saying it has to be updated to use with this version. I have to tell you this is really trying my patience. Id settle for a roll back to like a year ago when everything worked!!
JustinThyme has attached the following files:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "JustinThyme" (Jan 16th 2021, 10:23pm)


Senior Member

Sunday, January 17th 2021, 1:10am

It’s always been this way since I can remember, you don't want any conflict between other hardware while updating firmware ;)

No. This is not true. This new procedure was introduced with the release x.35 of January 14, 2021.


Junior Member

Sunday, January 17th 2021, 2:10am

Obviously my OCTO is borked beyond repair, that's being dealt with separately.
So I dig ot my quadro that will not take the flash. Unplug everything, direct usb connection with zero connected to USB other than the quardo, no fans plugged in to it. Says it flashed, service shuts down. tried rebooting, same outcome, power down and turn off power supply for 30 mins same outcome. it still comes back with the same firm ware saying it has to be updated to use with this version. I have to tell you this is really trying my patience. Id settle for a roll back to like a year ago when everything worked!!
OK figured it out, that was completely unnecessary. No need to disconnect all your other devices from USB but I already had fans disconnected.Will just have to put everything back on aquabus now.
Go to program files, program data and copy/save to different location aquasuite data.
Uninstall aquasuite. Delete old aqausuite settings and folder.
Launch aquasuite installer to new install.
after install is finished reboot
after reboot pull up quadro and install new firmware.
Shut down aquasuite
open program data and delete aquasuite data file and drag over old file saved which has all your hard work done in it.
Comes back up and everything is there.

At least I know what I have to go though now when replacement OCTO gets here and Next flow meter.

Worst implementation and hoop jumping Ive seen with any app........EVER!


Full Member

Sunday, January 17th 2021, 3:33am

It’s always been this way since I can remember, you don't want any conflict between other hardware while updating firmware ;)

No. This is not true. This new procedure was introduced with the release x.35 of January 14, 2021.
That's what I meant, it’s been a long time since I upgraded my hardware at least on one of my systems. One of my behemoth PC with windows 7 I’m still running old aquasuite, whey before "X" was introduced and it’s been running with 0 issues and I have at least 7x PA3's Ultra, older Aquaero 6XT, 2x USB flow meters and at the time you had to unplug everything else other then the hardware you were updating its firmware, now things are obviously changed.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Jan 17th 2021, 3:38am)

Sunday, January 17th 2021, 2:46pm

Never had to unplug anything to do a firmware update on the 2 pumps, flow sensor, farbwerk. Must have just been lucky.

Monday, January 18th 2021, 6:25am

This is the first time I've ever had to unplug anything too, thankfully my Quadro is easy to get too. Still a pain in the 8| :cursing: :rolleyes: . Hopefully this was a "one off"
"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"


Junior Member

Monday, January 18th 2021, 7:14am

Hope this is fixed by the time I’m up and running. I’m
not unplugging everything every firmware update. Either I’ll go without updates or it’s time to find other options then Aquacomputer.

Monday, January 18th 2021, 8:46am


Next update that requires we unplug everything to update firmware, can we have a heads up please. I personally didn't have a hard time unplugging everything as I have easy access to my Quadro, some may have a harder time but if I had known about it I may have opted to ignore the update as I had no issues with X34. That said I wasn't aware I'd have to unplug everything until I had installed X35 and needed to update the firmware to regain functionality, hence this post.


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Bartdude" (Jan 21st 2021, 11:43am)

"no shit lady, does it sound like i'm ordering pizza?"

Wednesday, January 20th 2021, 12:10pm


I'm trying to do something with aquasuite X but I do not know if it is supported.
Lets say I have a strip with 30LEDs and I choose a light mode for it. What I am trying to do is to shift with 10 leds the starting point of the animation, meaning: instead of having animation moving from 0->30, to move from 10->30->1->10.

Thanks in advance.


Junior Member

Fabwerk Firmware not updating

Thursday, January 21st 2021, 11:38am

Help! I have had an Octo for about 2 months and just bought the Fabwerk, but I cannot get the Fabwerk to work because it says I need to update the firmware, but I cannot actually update the firmware in Aquasuite x31. I've tried to update my aquasuite to x35 and no matter how many times I download x35 from the site and install it, my aquasuite still shows up as x31 (and my update service for the Octo doesn't expire until 6/20/21). What am I doing wrong?

Thursday, January 21st 2021, 11:44am

Downlod the aquasuite setup from the Download page.


Junior Member

Thursday, January 21st 2021, 3:16pm

I am downloading the software from the download page. The installer identifies the version as x35, but when after I reboot, x31 is what shows up in the software. I even uninstalled aquasuite from my computer and then installed it using the software page's download, but still x31.

Thursday, January 21st 2021, 4:03pm

Tested, download and install is X35


Junior Member

Thursday, January 21st 2021, 4:14pm

Let me show exactly what is happening. I am attaching snippets of me downloading and installing the software, with time stamps, so you can see that even after installing from the website and rebooting at the installer prompt, the suite still shows x31.
OlamFam has attached the following images:
  • Capture x31.PNG
  • x35 download.PNG
  • still x31 2.png

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "OlamFam" (Jan 21st 2021, 4:17pm)

Thursday, January 21st 2021, 6:44pm

Check the path of the link that aquasuite has created, normally it should be this path:
"C:\Program Files\aquasuite".
Uninstall the aquasuite and search everywhere if you have installed the aquasuite in a different path, so just search for "aquasuite.exe".
Delete all old data, including the folder:

Install the aquasuite again.