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Saturday, June 29th 2019, 2:07pm

Software sensor has disappeared.
restart your computer.
Restart and confirm service activation.

I will not come out after all.

Saturday, June 29th 2019, 3:26pm

Restart and confirm service activation.

I will not come out after all.
Try deactivate each option from the monitoring options and enable only 1 option, -> restart the service and check if the monitoring is running.
Try to find out when the monitorig is crashing.

Saturday, June 29th 2019, 3:27pm

both of my M.2 drives (Samsung 960PRO and Intel 660P) are disappeared from the Hardware Monitoring service
We had to remove the M.2 support because it caused problems and did not run stable.

well in all version working fine but in latest version for money not workin m.2 reading awesome and shame

Software sensor is buggy.

Sunday, June 30th 2019, 4:20pm

Before update, aquasuite x.1 or x.2 could read info from AIDA64 or HWINFO. In fact, those external programs were not necessary because aquasuite itself could read the essential info such as CPU temp. or GPU temp.
However, after update, the Aquacomputer service menu on the software sensors section disappeared. Sometimes it showed up, but usually I can't see it.
So the temperature of CPU or GPU is always displayed as 50 degrees in Celsius.
I tried all general things - clean install of WIN10 1903, reinstall aquasuite x.3, factory reset of my aquaero 6 LT and D5 NEXT pump, and so forth.
What can I do?
At least I'd like to know the download link of the previous version of aquasuite. X.1 was stable.

Monday, July 1st 2019, 7:13am

I tried all general things - clean install of WIN10 1903, reinstall aquasuite x.3, factory reset of my aquaero 6 LT and D5 NEXT pump, and so forth.
What can I do?

Try deactivate each option from the monitoring options and enable only 1 option, -> restart the service and check if the monitoring is running.
Try to find out when the monitorig is crashing.

We need some Feedback from the users with the faulty monitoring. Here is everything running without any errors! Otherwise we cant fix the errors. You can also contact the support with a detailed error description:
* Connectet devices
* error logs when available from the windows event logger
* screenshots
* a short hardware description (Mainboard, GPU, CPU, RAM, ...)

Monday, July 1st 2019, 6:24pm

I also suffer from the same phenomenon.

Immediately after the update, aquacomputer service became unusable.
When I try to launch the application directly, windows booting error pops up and won't work.

Monday, July 1st 2019, 6:27pm

Write a mail to the support with a all error logs and Messages!
The errors are not fixed until we have a reproduceable feedback.

X.3 can't recognize the MB data.

Tuesday, July 2nd 2019, 3:04pm

No menu for reading data from the mainboard.

1. Able to read data from D5 Next
2. Unable to read data from Mainboard

OS: WIN 10 Pro 1903 (fully updated)
CPU: i9 - 9900k
MainBoard: Z390 Taichi
GPU: EVGA Ultra XC 2080 Ti
RAM: G.skill Tridentz RGB DDR4 Memory 3600 CL15 (8GB*2EA)

This post has been edited 9 times, last edit by "neoville" (Jul 2nd 2019, 3:26pm)

Tuesday, July 2nd 2019, 6:21pm

Linking to AIDA64, sometimes Aquasuite x.3 can read data from AIDA64 but the link unpredictably dies.

Please look at this graphs.
CPU Temp. went over 60 degrees in Celsius, and it dropped to 50 and stayed there.
This means the link between AIDA64 and Aquasuite x.3 was disconnected without any reason. So I call this phenomenon is a bug.
In addition, the previous version of Aquasuite itself could read data from the Mainboard without using any external programs.
However, after update, I can't find any button for it.

My Windows 10 1903's language is Korean. Could it be the reason?
As I am aware of, the only people who are suffering from this problem are Korean Win 10 users.
Sadly, changing the main language of Win 10 from Korean to English wasn't helpful though.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "neoville" (Jul 2nd 2019, 6:27pm)

Tuesday, July 2nd 2019, 7:43pm

Please look at this graphs.
CPU Temp. went over 60 degrees in Celsius, and it dropped to 50 and stayed there.
This means the link between AIDA64 and Aquasuite x.3 was disconnected without any reason. So I call this phenomenon is a bug.
now for the 3rd time!

Try deactivate each option from the monitoring options and enable only 1 option, -> restart the service and check if the monitoring is running.
Try to find out when the monitorig is crashing.

when is the internal hardware monitoring crashing?
write a mail to the support!

Tuesday, July 9th 2019, 9:35am

Version X4, with updated hardware monitoring is online.
Now we have a better NVMe and HDD support. Changelog on page 1.

Tuesday, July 9th 2019, 2:07pm

Version X4, with updated hardware monitoring is online.
Now we have a better NVMe and HDD support. Changelog on page 1.

Mhmm, I have aquasuite set to 'Minimize at startup', and to 'Minimize to system tray'.
The unfortunate result is I do not see the flag in aquasuite advising update availability.
Is it possible for aquasuite to have Windows throw a notification banner also?


Junior Member

Wednesday, July 10th 2019, 12:30am

Version X4, with updated hardware monitoring is online.
Now we have a better NVMe and HDD support. Changelog on page 1.

Mhmm, I have aquasuite set to 'Minimize at startup', and to 'Minimize to system tray'.
The unfortunate result is I do not see the flag in aquasuite advising update availability.
Is it possible for aquasuite to have Windows throw a notification banner also?

It only showed up when I checked 'Notify about new insider versions'.

Wednesday, July 10th 2019, 6:52am

It only showed up when I checked 'Notify about new insider versions'.
the update check is max 1 time per day.

Wednesday, July 10th 2019, 12:32pm

Mhmm, I have aquasuite set to 'Minimize at startup', and to 'Minimize to system tray'.
The unfortunate result is I do not see the flag in aquasuite advising update availability.
Is it possible for aquasuite to have Windows throw a notification banner also?

Another option is to have the aquasuite skip 'Minimize at startup' if an update is available, so we can see, and act, on the update flag.

Edit: Though it may not be able to get the update check done before minimizing at startup?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Jul 10th 2019, 12:36pm)


Junior Member

Thursday, July 18th 2019, 5:19am

We need some Feedback from the users with the faulty monitoring.

I don't use the software monitoring feature (I like my fan control to be OS agnostic, so I control it based on loop temperature) so I can't comment on that, but I do have a question about something else.

I just upgraded from 2018-11 to X.3, and I have noticed that the Set Point Controller presets (Normal, Faster, Fastest, etc) behave very differently in this new version.

Was this done on purpose, or is it a bug?

In the older version I found they worked perfectly for my loop, but after the upgrade, even when set to Fastest, they respond very slowly to increasing temperatures (like a sudden load causing a cold loop to get hotter) resulting in the loop temperature overshooting the target by quite a bit, for quite a while before settling in to a more steady state, and once it does it seems a bit jittery.

This never used to happen in 2018-11

Much obliged,

Thursday, July 18th 2019, 6:47am

I just upgraded from 2018-11 to X.3, and I have noticed that the Set Point Controller presets (Normal, Faster, Fastest, etc) behave very differently in this new version.

Was this done on purpose, or is it a bug?
We have no changes in this point. The behavior of the controller is the same as in your old version.


Junior Member

Thursday, July 18th 2019, 7:55pm

I just upgraded from 2018-11 to X.3, and I have noticed that the Set Point Controller presets (Normal, Faster, Fastest, etc) behave very differently in this new version.

Was this done on purpose, or is it a bug?
We have no changes in this point. The behavior of the controller is the same as in your old version.

Hmm, that is very strange.

I never saw this behavior with 2018-8 through 2018-11.

I have my coolant setpoint set to 33C based on the max of two calitemp sensors using a virtual sensor. When I start a sudden high worload, the fans will now ramp up very slowly, with the coolant hitting 34-35C before the fans reach a high enough speed and start bringing the temperature back down again. It eventually settles in the right spot at about 33C, but it takes a while.

This is particularly surprising since I have a very large reservoir, so the coolant volume is large resulting in temperatures changing very slowly.

This never happened before. It is new since upgrading to x.3 on Tuesday. 2018-11 worked perfectly.

I'll post a screenshot of my charts when I get home after work.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "mattlach" (Jul 18th 2019, 7:58pm)


Junior Member

Friday, July 19th 2019, 4:54am

I just upgraded from 2018-11 to X.3, and I have noticed that the Set Point Controller presets (Normal, Faster, Fastest, etc) behave very differently in this new version.

Was this done on purpose, or is it a bug?
We have no changes in this point. The behavior of the controller is the same as in your old version.

Hmm, that is very strange.

I never saw this behavior with 2018-8 through 2018-11.

I have my coolant setpoint set to 33C based on the max of two calitemp sensors using a virtual sensor. When I start a sudden high worload, the fans will now ramp up very slowly, with the coolant hitting 34-35C before the fans reach a high enough speed and start bringing the temperature back down again. It eventually settles in the right spot at about 33C, but it takes a while.

This is particularly surprising since I have a very large reservoir, so the coolant volume is large resulting in temperatures changing very slowly.

This never happened before. It is new since upgrading to x.3 on Tuesday. 2018-11 worked perfectly.

I'll post a screenshot of my charts when I get home after work.

Alright, here are some details:

Setup is as follows:

4 calitemp temp sensors using an Aquaero 6 XT

Pump speed controlled via PWM with setpoint controller. Setpoint is set to 33C (Max temp of CPU Out and GPU Out) with "Fastest +2" setting.

Two fan channels used, and controlled via PWM and PWM splitters. Setpoint is set to 33C (Max temp of CPU In and GPU In). Currently set to "Faster +1". Was previously set to Normal in 2018-11. Increasing speed does not appear to have helped.

In 2018-11, when a new load was put on the loop, as the temperature rose tto close tot he setpoint, the fan speed would increase. The loop may have overshot the target temperature very slightly (0.25C?) but it wasn't significant.

Now with X.3, both the pump and fan speeds increase very slowly from idle. In the video below, the pump hits a max of 34.6C (1.6C above setpoint) with the pump not yet at full speed. (It is at 92%) The temperature sensor that controls the fans hits 33.96, almost 1C above target temp while the fans are still only at 42@ and 43% respectively.

This did not happen on the old version. The fans increased in speed much more quickly, and were able to accomplish minimal temperature overshoot.

I have also tried increasing fan setpoint controller speed to "fastest +2". This does not help.

Once the system reaches equilibrium, it appears to work pretty well, it just takes a very long time to do so. It does seem more "jumpy" at equilibrium than it was before though. It used to be much smoother. The fan speed percentages will just several percent all at once, and then jump several percent back down again, when I recall them being pretty smooth before.

Please see the youtube video I uploaded.

It is only 360p right now, but I recorded and uploaded it at 2560x1600, so it will probably become higher quality when Youtube has spent more time reprocessing it.



Junior Member

Friday, July 19th 2019, 5:22pm

imin Aquasuite X.4 is bug. Aquasuit notify my about new update X.4 so I install it but after install I saw high CPU usage.
WMI Provider Host showing high CPU usage. After turning off or disabling "Aqua Computer Service" this process works again normaly 0,1% - 0,3%.


I uncheck in HM - Memory, SSD/HDD and Network and CPU usage is again normal. I think HM need more improvements :thumbup:

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "bojer" (Jul 20th 2019, 2:04pm)