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I tried all general things - clean install of WIN10 1903, reinstall aquasuite x.3, factory reset of my aquaero 6 LT and D5 NEXT pump, and so forth.
What can I do?
Try deactivate each option from the monitoring options and enable only 1 option, -> restart the service and check if the monitoring is running.
Try to find out when the monitorig is crashing.
This post has been edited 9 times, last edit by "neoville" (Jul 2nd 2019, 3:26pm)
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "neoville" (Jul 2nd 2019, 6:27pm)
now for the 3rd time!Please look at this graphs.
CPU Temp. went over 60 degrees in Celsius, and it dropped to 50 and stayed there.
This means the link between AIDA64 and Aquasuite x.3 was disconnected without any reason. So I call this phenomenon is a bug.
Version X4, with updated hardware monitoring is online.
Now we have a better NVMe and HDD support. Changelog on page 1.
Version X4, with updated hardware monitoring is online.
Now we have a better NVMe and HDD support. Changelog on page 1.
Mhmm, I have aquasuite set to 'Minimize at startup', and to 'Minimize to system tray'.
The unfortunate result is I do not see the flag in aquasuite advising update availability.
Is it possible for aquasuite to have Windows throw a notification banner also?
Mhmm, I have aquasuite set to 'Minimize at startup', and to 'Minimize to system tray'.
The unfortunate result is I do not see the flag in aquasuite advising update availability.
Is it possible for aquasuite to have Windows throw a notification banner also?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Jul 10th 2019, 12:36pm)
We need some Feedback from the users with the faulty monitoring.
We have no changes in this point. The behavior of the controller is the same as in your old version.I just upgraded from 2018-11 to X.3, and I have noticed that the Set Point Controller presets (Normal, Faster, Fastest, etc) behave very differently in this new version.
Was this done on purpose, or is it a bug?
We have no changes in this point. The behavior of the controller is the same as in your old version.I just upgraded from 2018-11 to X.3, and I have noticed that the Set Point Controller presets (Normal, Faster, Fastest, etc) behave very differently in this new version.
Was this done on purpose, or is it a bug?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "mattlach" (Jul 18th 2019, 7:58pm)
We have no changes in this point. The behavior of the controller is the same as in your old version.I just upgraded from 2018-11 to X.3, and I have noticed that the Set Point Controller presets (Normal, Faster, Fastest, etc) behave very differently in this new version.
Was this done on purpose, or is it a bug?
Hmm, that is very strange.
I never saw this behavior with 2018-8 through 2018-11.
I have my coolant setpoint set to 33C based on the max of two calitemp sensors using a virtual sensor. When I start a sudden high worload, the fans will now ramp up very slowly, with the coolant hitting 34-35C before the fans reach a high enough speed and start bringing the temperature back down again. It eventually settles in the right spot at about 33C, but it takes a while.
This is particularly surprising since I have a very large reservoir, so the coolant volume is large resulting in temperatures changing very slowly.
This never happened before. It is new since upgrading to x.3 on Tuesday. 2018-11 worked perfectly.
I'll post a screenshot of my charts when I get home after work.