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Update!Try to increase the software senor timeout or adjust the fallback temperature.
The old behavior is an issue.
This post has been edited 9 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Mar 9th 2021, 1:08am)
Q: I want to create a commercial application that would read sensor data from HWiNFO via SHM. Will I be allowed to utilize the SHM?
A: Yes, according to new conditions you're allowed to do so. HWiNFO32/64 version 7.0 or later shall be used on the client side.
- To compensate for the SHM limitation, the interface details will be made fully public, so that anyone can interface with HWiNFO to read all sensor data. See below FAQ for more details.
You have to enable "Shared Memory Support" in HWInfo 7.0. Since 7.0 this option is disabled by default. Without this function, Aquacomputer Service cannot read data from HWInfo.No it does not work with HwInfo64 v7.00.
I have the same issue.
It did work with the previous version.
The data source HwInfo does not appear at all in aquasuite. Even after the service is restarted.
I really need to monitor the T° of the Memory Junction in the NVidia card.
This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "LukS" (Mar 14th 2021, 11:20am)
any plans to add the other sensors frm the rx 6000 series to aquasuite? such as hotspot, vr socc etc, there is at least 5 missing temps. also what is the polling rate of the cpu temp checks, it seems very slow to me, for example i am used to hwinfo 500ms; is there anyway to change or define this? i cant see it anywhere unless ive missed it.The aquasuite works with hwinfo 7
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "deckardcain" (Apr 6th 2021, 12:58pm)…6937/post-30453They have fixed the bug already, can you enable the sensor back?
A basic manual for setup the devices is in each detailed device manual in the download section: