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Full Member

Tuesday, March 9th 2021, 12:52am

Try to increase the software senor timeout or adjust the fallback temperature.
The old behavior is an issue.


Setting "fallback temperature" a few C degrees lower from my first attempt I have tried have actually worked :)
Thank you

This post has been edited 9 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Mar 9th 2021, 1:08am)

Tuesday, March 9th 2021, 7:36pm


Friday, March 12th 2021, 2:22pm

The latest Aquasuite version X doesn't seem to work with Hwinfo v7.0x even when shared memory support is enabled. As far as I understand the way that Hwinfo sensors are being read is changed.


Q: I want to create a commercial application that would read sensor data from HWiNFO via SHM. Will I be allowed to utilize the SHM?


A: Yes, according to new conditions you're allowed to do so. HWiNFO32/64 version 7.0 or later shall be used on the client side.


- To compensate for the SHM limitation, the interface details will be made fully public, so that anyone can interface with HWiNFO to read all sensor data. See below FAQ for more details.

Friday, March 12th 2021, 2:31pm

The aquasuite works with hwinfo 7

Friday, March 12th 2021, 2:35pm

When I installed version 7 the aquasuite service could not read any hwinfo sensor. I enabled SHM restarted everything and the problem persisted. When i reverted back to 6.42 everything was fine.

I will try again. Even if it does work, that's only for 12 hours though right?

Friday, March 12th 2021, 5:05pm

Have you reassigned the values in the aquasuite?
After that it should work again.

HWInfo, in the free version, provides the data for 12 hours, then it must be restarted and the function must be activated again manually.

If this does not bother you can use it, if so treat yourself to the Pro version, which does not have these restrictions.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder


Junior Member

Friday, March 12th 2021, 8:42pm

The aquasuite works with hwinfo 7
Strange, but after upgrading to hwinfo 7 I do not see it as source.

Revert to 6.42 fixed that.
ND1 has attached the following images:
  • hwinfo.png
  • 6.42.png

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "ND1" (Mar 12th 2021, 8:45pm)


Junior Member

Friday, March 12th 2021, 9:11pm

if its not source then you havnt enabled shared memory.


Junior Member

Sunday, March 14th 2021, 10:54am

No it does not work with HwInfo64 v7.00.
I have the same issue.
It did work with the previous version.

The data source HwInfo does not appear at all in aquasuite. Even after the service is restarted.

I really need to monitor the T° of the Memory Junction in the NVidia card.


Junior Member

Sunday, March 14th 2021, 11:12am

No it does not work with HwInfo64 v7.00.
I have the same issue.
It did work with the previous version.

The data source HwInfo does not appear at all in aquasuite. Even after the service is restarted.

I really need to monitor the T° of the Memory Junction in the NVidia card.
You have to enable "Shared Memory Support" in HWInfo 7.0. Since 7.0 this option is disabled by default. Without this function, Aquacomputer Service cannot read data from HWInfo.

HWInfo Tasksymbol -> right click -> settings -> check "Shared Memory Support" -> OK

Maybee after checking "Shared Memory Support" you have to resart Aquacomputerservice or the pc.
For me resarting the service worked.

HWInfo 7.0 changed this setting, because of new licencing. You can only run this option for 12hours. After this you get a popup to reenable this option. When you buy HWInfo there will not be a popup or a 12 hours limit. When your pc don't run longer than 12 hours, you will not have a problem, because the timer resets, when HWInfo is closed.

This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "LukS" (Mar 14th 2021, 11:20am)


Junior Member

Sunday, March 14th 2021, 6:13pm

> HWInfo 7.0 changed this setting, because of new licencing

so with HWIngo 6.xxx there is no such limitation ?
Ok i'm downgrading then.


Junior Member

Tuesday, March 16th 2021, 5:20pm



Change: Hardware monitoring, NVIDIA Power Usage Sensor removed (NVIDIA driver bug)

They have fixed the bug already, can you enable the sensor back?


Junior Member

Friday, March 26th 2021, 4:22pm

The aquasuite works with hwinfo 7
any plans to add the other sensors frm the rx 6000 series to aquasuite? such as hotspot, vr socc etc, there is at least 5 missing temps. also what is the polling rate of the cpu temp checks, it seems very slow to me, for example i am used to hwinfo 500ms; is there anyway to change or define this? i cant see it anywhere unless ive missed it.

Tuesday, April 6th 2021, 10:23am

A week ago I've installed a new D5 Next in my system, and since then my Octo (inside Aquasuite) seems to be having some issues.

I can’t change to any of my Octo's profiles anymore and none of the software sensors have readings.

But, if I add the same sensor in the D5 Next I can see the value.

I've connected both USB cables to the same header, and for what I've checked my USB ports doesn't have 'USB selective suspend' enabled.
Also, I've restored each device to factory settings, removed Aquasuite X38 and installed it again, nothing seems to work.

Any thoughts what could be the cause of this?
deckardcain has attached the following images:
  • sensors.PNG
  • Playground.PNG
  • Octo1.PNG
  • Octo2.PNG
  • D5Next.PNG

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "deckardcain" (Apr 6th 2021, 12:58pm)

Wednesday, April 14th 2021, 12:58pm

They have fixed the bug already, can you enable the sensor back?

this... bug is not fixed!


Junior Member

Wednesday, May 5th 2021, 5:19am

I would like to know if there is any guide, manual or tutorial for the Aquasuite program ?
Thank you.

Wednesday, May 5th 2021, 7:15am

A basic manual for setup the devices is in each detailed device manual in the download section:


Junior Member

Wednesday, May 5th 2021, 8:27am

A basic manual for setup the devices is in each detailed device manual in the download section:

Thank you very much.
Best regards

Wednesday, May 5th 2021, 12:29pm

Does anyone know how to add custom applications onto the 'Check if an application is running' section of the global profiles?
Aquasuite cannot find any of my Steam games and I would like to change profile if any of them are running.

Wednesday, May 5th 2021, 1:00pm

If I have started a Steam game and then open the "Program" rule it is visible, so I think only currently running programs are displayed.
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder