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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "eqkosch" (Sep 1st 2021, 8:29pm)
This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "shrubdog" (Sep 16th 2021, 3:18pm)
I was looking for a way to roll back to the previous version. My local system backup failed to restore the old version. I updated to x.45 and things broke; Aquasuite does not see HWINFO, and HWINFO does not see Aquasuite.
I did perform the full system reboot, reinstalled HWINFO, rebooted, multiple times. No change.I was looking for a way to roll back to the previous version. My local system backup failed to restore the old version. I updated to x.45 and things broke; Aquasuite does not see HWINFO, and HWINFO does not see Aquasuite.
X.45 required a system reboot and firmware updates for my quadro, octo & flow next.
Your hwinfo 6.42 should work the same once your aquasuite is running properly.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Frag85" (Oct 21st 2021, 5:34pm)
Hi everyone:
I recently updated to X.45 and noticed that automatic profile switching doesn't work for me.
Aquasuite changes to "Profile 2" but doesn't apply the settings of that profile.
Changing the profile manually on the system tray or on the upper part of the aquasuite software doesn't do anything either.
The only way to change profiles is going to Quadro>Profiles and doing it from there.
And a question I got about the Playground Input and Output implementation. What are they good for, or what's their best use?
Thanks ;)
Hi everyone:
I recently updated to X.45 and noticed that automatic profile switching doesn't work for me.
Aquasuite changes to "Profile 2" but doesn't apply the settings of that profile.
Changing the profile manually on the system tray or on the upper part of the aquasuite software doesn't do anything either.
The only way to change profiles is going to Quadro>Profiles and doing it from there.
And a question I got about the Playground Input and Output implementation. What are they good for, or what's their best use?
This THREAD may address your issues.
Hi everyone:
I recently updated to X.45 and noticed that automatic profile switching doesn't work for me.
Aquasuite changes to "Profile 2" but doesn't apply the settings of that profile.
Changing the profile manually on the system tray or on the upper part of the aquasuite software doesn't do anything either.
The only way to change profiles is going to Quadro>Profiles and doing it from there.
And a question I got about the Playground Input and Output implementation. What are they good for, or what's their best use?
This THREAD may address your issues.
Yes no doubt that is the issue. I am glad I saw that thread before I updated to X.45, These are major changes / improvements that open up a lot of new possibilities. This is not just a maintenance update. I am going to be messing with these new features all weekend!
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Thunder-74" (Oct 22nd 2021, 10:55am)
You have to wait for the next Aida and HWinfo Update.
Octo and Quadro have some major changes in the data strutures.
You have to wait for the next Aida and HWinfo Update.
Octo and Quadro have some major changes in the data strutures.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Speedy-VI" (Oct 22nd 2021, 8:21pm)
I just gave the 7.13 beta a shot, can confirm Speedy-VI's results for Octo.You have to wait for the next Aida and HWinfo Update.
Octo and Quadro have some major changes in the data strutures.
Can confirm that HWINFO v7.13-4600 is not reporting Octo fan speeds or temp sensor data. It is still reporting flow rate. It is also reporting my Farbwerk360 temp sensor data. I have posted on the HWINFO forum altering the author (Martin) of the change and requesting that HWINFO be updated. I don't know if you guys share info directly with Martin. Is there any specific info that he will need to reestablish full monitoring of the Octo (and I assume Quadro)? Can/will you provide him with what he needs to do this or does he need to figure it out without support from Aquacomputer?
X.45 is a huge update with new features that I am really looking forward to using, but I would like to get the Octo fan speed and temp sensor data reporting working in HWINFO as soon as possible. Thanks!