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I just gave the 7.13 beta a shot, can confirm Speedy-VI's results for Octo.You have to wait for the next Aida and HWinfo Update.
Octo and Quadro have some major changes in the data strutures.
Can confirm that HWINFO v7.13-4600 is not reporting Octo fan speeds or temp sensor data. It is still reporting flow rate. It is also reporting my Farbwerk360 temp sensor data. I have posted on the HWINFO forum altering the author (Martin) of the change and requesting that HWINFO be updated. I don't know if you guys share info directly with Martin. Is there any specific info that he will need to reestablish full monitoring of the Octo (and I assume Quadro)? Can/will you provide him with what he needs to do this or does he need to figure it out without support from Aquacomputer?
X.45 is a huge update with new features that I am really looking forward to using, but I would like to get the Octo fan speed and temp sensor data reporting working in HWINFO as soon as possible. Thanks!
Martin compiled a build with support for the updated firmwares:
I just got a new Leakshield device but I wanted to power it briefly from another PC while I did fill and test. If I install AS to a laptop and use the usb connector that is for external USB-A will it register again on my main PC or not? I know it registers when you start, but how does it work if you transfer a device to a different PC?
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "busa" (Dec 5th 2021, 6:09pm)