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you dont see a crashed / blocked usb connection. it looks like an valid conntion. You cant transfer any data (software sensors, rgb..) with this blocked connection.I can see using usbdeview it’s the octo disconnecting reconnecting. My high flow next is not doing it.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Taubenhaucher" (Feb 18th 2022, 10:44am)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Taubenhaucher" (Feb 18th 2022, 11:39am)
I have latest HWINFO 7.20 which was updated a few days before AquaSuite, everything was working before I updated Aquasuite and even after 30 seconds - no data in Aquasuite from HWINFO.Have you maybe also updated HWinfo? If you haven't bought the current version the shared memory interface will not be available. You have to enable it manual. I will also closed after 12h.
So please check if HWinfo is running and the settings for the shared memory interface are fine. Then open the sensor tab and check again. Wait for 30 seconds, if you don't see the sensors in the aquasuite you can restart the Aqua Computer service.
There are NO known bugs right now with HWinfo.
I have latest HWINFO 7.20 which was updated a few days before AquaSuite,
everything was working before I updated Aquasuite and even after 30
seconds - no data in Aquasuite from HWINFO.
I rather suspect that the understanding problem is on your side.Quoted
I just have some doubts that you guys even understand what are you doing with Aquasuite.
Sunday, February 20th 2022, 9:09pm
It would help if there were a horizontal bar between Input options in the aquasuite Inputs displayed in the system tray.