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Hello, same here buth with AIDA64 (shared memory used as well) on Windows 10. Aquacomputer hardware monitor actually sees values published by AIDA but (when trying to setup a software sensor for example) but Aquasuite won't update nor software sensors neither overview page charts defined prior to backup/restore. Tried to restart, logoff/login, restart AIDA while Aquasuite running, restart Aquasuite & process while AIDA running. Possible clue for developpers : updating from X.4 I had to update firmware on my Aquaero 5 LT.That was the first thing Ill did ! And updatede HWInfo as well, checking that HWinfo has shared memory active was the last bit Ill did before writing.
PC is running Windows 7 64 bits, if that matters.
Alright, I think I got it. The old profile page needs to be set to manual in order the new one to work, isn't it?you select ist to AUTO: you have to define rules, otherwise set ist manual to profile 1, 2,...It's always on Profile 1 and never switches between profiles. No action on manually changing it to profile 2. Nothing happens.
This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Jan 17th 2020, 3:15pm)
as an example my setup. it's in german but i think it will help
This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "don_dolarson" (Jan 20th 2020, 12:50am)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "don_dolarson" (Jan 20th 2020, 2:54pm)
Not sure if it has been discussed in here but I have Aquasuite set to open after startup with a delay of 15 seconds however it is not doing that for me.
After I start the PC I can see the Profile switcher in my taskbar but the actual program I have to manually open after each reboot.
Is this normal behavior?
No, Once the PC is booted I have the profile switcher in my taskbar, I have to manually use the aquasuite icon on my desktop to start the actual program.Not sure if it has been discussed in here but I have Aquasuite set to open after startup with a delay of 15 seconds however it is not doing that for me.
After I start the PC I can see the Profile switcher in my taskbar but the actual program I have to manually open after each reboot.
Is this normal behavior?
You mean the aquasuite is running, and you have to click on the icon on the task bar to open it on the desktop?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "sultan.of.swing" (Jan 21st 2020, 4:00pm)