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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "wcarboni" (Mar 11th 2023, 7:05pm)
i think for the hardware the software is lacking slightly in the options, specially for audio, more control over the effects would be cool. but yea i agreeI don't use the audio ones, but new effects, or just anything new on the lighting side would be coolwhat's the possibility of getting more control over rgbpx audio effects? like fade, randomizing colours for sound flash, filtering. the controls are fairly basic right now, are they are plans to improve it?![]()
I am still waiting for RGBpx port sync. I have 2 Farbwerk360s in my rig and found out the hard way that there is no sync between them. I asked about this on this forum and Aquacomputer responded that RGBpx port sync was coming in a later release. That was like 6 months ago. Since then, nothing. It would be nice if you could at least sync 2 Farbwerks together and I wonder if the currently present but unused aquabus port could be used to do this. Aquabus does not have enough bandwidth to carry DRGB data but maybe it could carry a sync pulse or at least a start trigger.i think for the hardware the software is lacking slightly in the options, specially for audio, more control over the effects would be cool. but yea i agreeI don't use the audio ones, but new effects, or just anything new on the lighting side would be coolwhat's the possibility of getting more control over rgbpx audio effects? like fade, randomizing colours for sound flash, filtering. the controls are fairly basic right now, are they are plans to improve it?![]()
Curious. How fast do you have your pump(s) set to run?According to the Change Log this firmware updates calibration for all flow sensors, did you notice any change to flow sensor data?
High Flow Next w/firmware 1016
X66 flow rate: 2.5 l/m
X67 flow rate: 2.5 l/m
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ne0xy" (Mar 17th 2023, 7:07pm)
Thank you for responding to my post.90 LEDs are a hard limit.
If you have suggestions for new effects, please make it in a new topic and describe in detail how it should look like.
Possibly also a video with indication from which minute/second the effect is to be seen.
New effects will be implemented if, then only for the farbwerk 360/nano. All other devices have only a "basic" RGB implementation.
A RGB synchronization is on the RoadMap but without a schedule, sometime it might be implemented. For now there are other and more important projects.
This post has been edited 7 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Mar 23rd 2023, 5:34am)
Sorry for late response. As I mentioned, Its weird issue and I cant even pin point which driver(s) or windows services causing it, but here is the fix at least for now. I have 2 identical Win10 Pro installs, but one is on Samsung 860 Pro Sata 3 and the other on FIrecuda 530 2TB.What was the cause?
Few additional tests and I found very weird cause of it
This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Mar 25th 2023, 4:34pm)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Mar 25th 2023, 4:54pm)
Just a stab in the dark from someone who is not the most versed, but know enough to be deadly, haha!. Did you give them the correct address number? There are specific numbers for each product. I am sure you probably already know this but sometimes we forget things we don't deal with on a daily basis.Not sure if this is the right place for this or not.
I have: one Aquaero 5 Lt, two poweradjust 3, and one quadro.
The quadro is a new addition, in adding it in I noticed that the aquabus setting overlapped the poweradjust (which previously worked just fine). I updated to the latest aquasuite and also updated the firmware on the aquaero 5. After doing this I moved the aquabus address and both of the poweradjusts disappeared from aquasuite. They show as being available on the aquabus page, but the related devices e.g. fan, don't actually appear on the fan tab for the aquaero now.
Can you please advise on this?
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Methodical" (Mar 27th 2023, 4:48pm)