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I have had sensor data from HWINFO disappear like this but it was many versions ago. Martin (HWINFO author) made me aware of the HWINFO Shared Memory Viewer. He said that if the problem was with HWINFO or the Shared Memory interface, this utility would show that. In my case, the sensor data missing from AQS was present in the HWINFO Shared Memory Viewer. The data came back after I reassigned the sensors. I never did figure out what happened and it has not happened in a long time, including all the recent updates. Weird.for some reason i lost a few sensors on my dashboard, polled from HWinfo. just reassigned them manually and all is well.
It's back to using almost nothing on the CPU, even with aquasuite opened.
@ AC rep.
I was considering another aquuaero 6XT, but on aquacomputer website there is no listing and also unavailable at PerformancePC and everywhere else where they used to sell them. Has 6XT been discontinued?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Aug 17th 2023, 5:08pm)
The Quadro and Octo ports are PWM only. They cannot control DC fans. For DC fan control, I think your choices are Aquaero or Power Adjust.Thanks for the info.
If I'm not mistaking, can anyone confirm, quadro or Octo don't have ability to control fans via voltage, that's what I have been doing with Aquaero.
All my cables are mixed 3 pin and 4 pin and splitters are also mixed so for me to redo everything to be PWM way and I like the "Power Control" function
The Quadro and Octo ports are PWM only. They cannot control DC fans. For DC fan control, I think your choices are Aquaero or Power Adjust.Thanks for the info.
If I'm not mistaking, can anyone confirm, quadro or Octo don't have ability to control fans via voltage, that's what I have been doing with Aquaero.
All my cables are mixed 3 pin and 4 pin and splitters are also mixed so for me to redo everything to be PWM way and I like the "Power Control" function
No, unfortunately the Power Adjust 3 does not have a curve controller. It does have a PID controller. I don't know if the Aquaero has curve controllers (I don't own one). I looked in what I think is the latest version of the owner's manual (dated July 26, 2004) and did not see any mention of a curve controller.
YAh, that's what I thought. I have # of Power Adjust Ultra 3, the only problem is they don't offer curve control.
The Quadro and Octo ports are PWM only. They cannot control DC fans. For DC fan control, I think your choices are Aquaero or Power Adjust.Thanks for the info.
If I'm not mistaking, can anyone confirm, quadro or Octo don't have ability to control fans via voltage, that's what I have been doing with Aquaero.
All my cables are mixed 3 pin and 4 pin and splitters are also mixed so for me to redo everything to be PWM way and I like the "Power Control" function
YAh, that's what I thought. I have # of Power Adjust Ultra 3, the only problem is they don't offer curve control.
Thank you for clarifying this, I looked at the Aquaero 5/6 manual and it does include curve controllers. That manual is dated October 2020 which is much more recent than the manual I was looking in.
Aquaero has curve controllers. Here is a screenshot of when I set up using AQS. They are massively helpful in tuning noise to performance ratio.
The Quadro and Octo ports are PWM only. They cannot control DC fans. For DC fan control, I think your choices are Aquaero or Power Adjust.Thanks for the info.
If I'm not mistaking, can anyone confirm, quadro or Octo don't have ability to control fans via voltage, that's what I have been doing with Aquaero.
All my cables are mixed 3 pin and 4 pin and splitters are also mixed so for me to redo everything to be PWM way and I like the "Power Control" function
YAh, that's what I thought. I have # of Power Adjust Ultra 3, the only problem is they don't offer curve control.
Aquaero has curve controllers. Here is a screenshot of when I set up using AQS. They are massively helpful in tuning noise to performance ratio.
Thanks for the info.
If I'm not mistaking, can anyone confirm, quadro or Octo don't have ability to control fans via voltage, that's what I have been doing with Aquaero.
All my cables are mixed 3 pin and 4 pin and splitters are also mixed so for me to redo everything to be PWM way and I like the "Power Control" function