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The Octo is not able to control DC fans. The latest Octo owner's manual was published in April 2020 which it says on the cover. The Octo manual does not say anything about being able to control DC fans. I have been using Aquasuite and an Octo since February 2021. The first version of Aquasuite I used was X.37. The Octo ports were PWM only then.Around the X.50 days, they could. It was a selling feature they had on their website back then. It's a shame that it can't do that anymore; it was a really nice feature.
There are some Noctua and EK fans that do not work properly with the Octo due to their (Noctua and EK) implementation of PWM not being standard. There is a thread about this HERE. There have been several posts on this forum about problems with Artic P12 fans. IIRC, there was a fix that involved adding a diode or resistor. I tried to find that thread but could not. Maybe someone else will chime in here.I got a few PWM fans to replace the voltage controlled ones, and now port 2 and port 4 don't report PWM speeds. They're the Arctic P12 fans. If I put my 3000rpm Noctua industrial fans and NHD15 stock fans on those ports, it reports it just fine. If I put the P12s on any other port, it reports it just fine. Port 6 has a P12 on it and it reports the RPM as normal. I can still control the fans just fine, though. It would just be nice to see the RPM number there.
Oh Goodie - an AQS update!Yay, relative (Loop) is here - (observation)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Speedy-VI" (Aug 31st 2023, 1:48am)
Oh Goodie - an AQS update!
Well at least they added Relative Loop. I watched your video several times and agree that it should loop back to the minimum value once it hits the maximum value. Hopefully the Aquasuite programmer will see your video and agree. There is a possibility that there is a reason that it works the way it does now, but that reason eludes me. I will play around with it, Maybe you (and me) are missing something.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Aug 31st 2023, 2:25am)
Did AQS used to be able to monitor the AX 1600i and stopped, or has it never done it? I know SIV can import data from the AX 1600i and I think HWINFO can. If it does, you can just import the data from HWINFO if you are using the Shared Memory Support feature. I import everything from HWINFO and disabled all hardware monitoring in AQS.Noticed an update to hardware monitoring, not sure if it was related to PSUs, but my AX1600i is still not captured. I closed HWiNFO so there would be no conflicts.
[attach]10427[/attach] > [attach]10428[/attach]
Yes you are right, and that is what I meant. I just phrased it poorly.No, it should loop back to the minimum value when it EXCEEDS the maximum value, not when it hits the maximum value
edit: the test would look something like
- +step = current value + step value (button press)
- IF +step > maximum, THEN minimum, ELSE +step
Did AQS used to be able to monitor the AX 1600i and stopped, or has it never done it? I know SIV can import data from the AX 1600i and I think HWINFO can. If it does, you can just import the data from HWINFO if you are using the Shared Memory Support feature. I import everything from HWINFO and disabled all hardware monitoring in AQS.Noticed an update to hardware monitoring, not sure if it was related to PSUs, but my AX1600i is still not captured. I closed HWiNFO so there would be no conflicts.
[attach]10427[/attach] > [attach]10428[/attach]
I recently looked at Corsair PSUs. There are still a few that have USB ports, but not many, and they are older models. I think the AX 1600i is the only one rated for over 1KW that has a USB port. IMHO the AX 1600i is one of the best PSUs Corsair ever sold, but I am kind of surprised they are still in production. I forget who the OEM is – do you know?
I guess PSU stats reporting is not a high-demand feature, which confuses me. The PSU is a CRITICAL component of a computer. To me, monitoring the PSU is a must-have feature. Most brands don't have any kind of monitoring, which really limits the choices.I took a chance and bought a Thermaltake iRGB Plus 805W PSU last time around, solely because it has a USB port on it. Thermaltake’s software is atrocious but SIV and HWINFO can both monitor it. I would normally not pick Thermaltake for a PSU, but it works fine.
Yay, relative (Loop) is here - (observation)
Yay, relative (Loop) is here - (observation)
The function works as designed. You have a few edge cases.
1. when you add a positive value you you can never reach the minimum value
2. when you add a positive value you you can never reach the maximum value
3. when you add values that bigger as the total range
Wen you need a range from 0..1, you have to extend your numeric range to -1.. 1
You can toggle with the Button (+1) between 0..1
The reason is simple:
Range: 0..1
current value: 1
when you add +1 to 1 the internal result = +2; (delta +1) to maximum value, the new value is minimum (0) + (delta to maximum) --> 1
maybe the value is not exact 0 or 1 during your experiments. add a button or numeric input to reset your value.I tried the -1.. 1 on/off suggestion, but i could not get it to work
delete your input and create a new one,..we can add logic to ensure the input_value always hits maximum
NoAdding in a 'Reset' allows the 0/1 option to function, but step values other than '1' present issue
I delete my test inputs every time I am finished with it, and create a new one when needed.delete your input and create a new one,..we can add logic to ensure the input_value always hits maximum
Currently the step value continuous beyond the maximum valueNo
Adding in a 'Reset' allows the 0/1 option to function, but step values other than '1' present issue
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Sep 1st 2023, 10:46pm)
I watched your last video and replicated your test setup. I agree that the step value should restart at the minimum value whenever it loops. Setting the maximum value to 100 and the button step value to 25 clearly shows the problem with how it works now.The step value should restart at minimum whenever it loops
Currently I see two issues with the loop option:I watched your last video and replicated your test setup. I agree that the step value should restart at the minimum value whenever it loops. Setting the maximum value to 100 and the button step value to 25 clearly shows the problem with how it works now.The step value should restart at minimum whenever it loops