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This flow chart is interesting. I think that in the value test diamonds, YES is on the right and NO is at the bottom, as shown in the attached. Is this correct?I believe this flowchart allows max/min to be hit in both +/- stepping, and will keep steps consistent as specified ([attach]10432[/attach])
CorrectThis flow chart is interesting. I think that in the value test diamonds, YES is on the right and NO is at the bottom, as shown in the attached. Is this correct?
I also think the greater than tests may need to be greater than or equal to, and the less than tests may need to be less than or equal to
Ok, so I disconnected the power cable today as I needed to complete water in the loop and, when I reconnected everything, the alarm is working as expected. I haven't changed anything whatosoever.On the standard monitoring page for high flow Next, the "Alarm state" is always showing as "has been activated already but is not activated currently". Going the the alarm setting page, it also shows as if the flow alarm was once activated - it is very curious as the buzzer never played. I tried increasing the "ignore alarm" threshold but it hasn't solved the problem. Is it the intended behavior and the threshold is only for the buzzer, not for the signal itself? Thanks!
Note: using x.75 now, but similar behavior on the previous version. I haven't tested other releases.
If the Flow Rate goes below the lower limit, the visual alarm and buzzer should both activate if you have the "Activate buzzer during alarm" switched on. I tested the Flow Rate alarm by setting the threshold to 1 l/hr below the current flow rate. “Activate buzzer during alarm” was turned on. The High Flow Next LEDs turned red and the buzzer went off. I cleared the alarm, turned off "Activate buzzer during alarm", then tripped the alarm again and the buzzer did not go off. I have “Ignore alarm at system startup” set to 10 seconds and it has never gone off when I boot up.Ok, so I disconnected the power cable today as I needed to complete water in the loop and, when I reconnected everything, the alarm is working as expected. I haven't changed anything whatosoever.
I think I know what the issue is. Apparently, if the the alarm is triggered, simply turning off and on the computer won't clear the alarm memory; it will keep showing "Alarm Inactive" until you reset the device (e.g., unplug and plug it again from outlet). Is there any alternative way of doing it? This behavior doesn't seem efficient--at least not at first thought.If the Flow Rate goes below the lower limit, the visual alarm and buzzer should both activate if you have the "Activate buzzer during alarm" switched on. I tested the Flow Rate alarm by setting the threshold to 1 l/hr below the current flow rate. “Activate buzzer during alarm” was turned on. The High Flow Next LEDs turned red and the buzzer went off. I cleared the alarm, turned off "Activate buzzer during alarm", then tripped the alarm again and the buzzer did not go off. I have “Ignore alarm at system startup” set to 10 seconds and it has never gone off when I boot up.Ok, so I disconnected the power cable today as I needed to complete water in the loop and, when I reconnected everything, the alarm is working as expected. I haven't changed anything whatosoever.
I don’t know why your High Flow Next was doing that, but apparently, a full power cycle fixed it. Aquacomputer often recommends doing a full power cycle for things like this but I don’t know why it sometimes works. Maybe it has something to do with the Aquasuite Service. At least you got it working.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "NoobNation" (Sep 29th 2023, 9:05am)
That is how I reset an Alarm. I agree that having a “Clear Alarm Events” button would be nice to have. I think it should be called “Reset Alarms”. There may be times when you only want to reset a specific Alarm so there could be a “Reset Alarm” button for each alarm and also a master “Reset All Alarms” button that resets all Alarms for a device. It’s a small thing but perhaps Aquacomputer will consider adding this.Edit: if I toggle the alarm that was triggered off and then toggle it back on it will clear the memory. Perhaps this is how it was supposed to be used? If so, I think a "Clear Alarm Events" button would be more intuitive.
This is a great idea! Fingers crossed.That post on the HWinfo forum would be a good feature request for Aquasuite :
Shared Memory Support | Page 2 | HWiNFO Forum
Apparently we can't use in a quasuite data coming from HWinfo remote monitoring, despite the data being exposed through shared memory. Aquasuite only displays the monitoring data of the local machine.
That would be pretty cool if we could access all.
We can have data from other aquasuite instances on other machines through aquasuite web, but having access to HWinfo remote monitoring data would allow to add machines with no aquacomputer controllers on our dashboards.
Yes, I have almost exactly the same experience. I can also confirm your steps to reproduce.Has anyone else noticed increased GPU usage with x75 using the desktop mode? (I'm about 90% sure this has only started since I upgraded to x75).
If I have a fairly complex Overview page (eg the default device overview page for my Quadro), and display it in desktop mode, then my GPU (nVidia RTX3080) starts drawing quite a lot more power. If I display the same overview in 'normal' (ie not desktop) mode, then usage drops back down to idle.
From testing with simpler overviews, the power draw seems to increase with the number of displayed widgets. A single graph makes no noticeable difference, but five graphs and a couple of gauges has an noticeable impact, and the default overview (at least 11 graphs+) causes a big spike in temperatures.
The GPU core usage goes up a slightly, but none of the other parts of the GPU like CUDA or D3D show any activity. I can also see the power increase in the increase in temperature from a temp sensor I have attached directly to the GPU block.
The attached graph shows the power increase, red is when a complex desktop overview is displayed, blue is the less complex one. Other sections show the usual background idle level.[attach]10473[/attach]
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a complex overview page (eg, in aquasuite settings, click "Generate device overview pages")
- Monitor "GPU Package Power" and/or GPU temperatures
- Set the overview to "Desktop Mode"
- Watch power and temperature increases
Now this might not be anything to do with Aquasuite, it might be a Windows desktop or nVidia isue, but has anyone else noticed this?
yes, that would be greatThat post on the HWinfo forum would be a good feature request for Aquasuite :
Shared Memory Support | Page 2 | HWiNFO Forum
Apparently we can't use in a quasuite data coming from HWinfo remote monitoring, despite the data being exposed through shared memory. Aquasuite only displays the monitoring data of the local machine.
That would be pretty cool if we could access all.
We can have data from other aquasuite instances on other machines through aquasuite web, but having access to HWinfo remote monitoring data would allow to add machines with no aquacomputer controllers on our dashboards.