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No worries, InfoSeeker. You've helped me confirm that I haven't become senile. Was spending the last two days trying to configure Inputs to control the devices.@aquaman2030
Oops, my bad, I did not consider a build without an OCTO. It looks like Inputs are not integrated into the D5 NEXT or the High Flow NEXT... sorry.![]()
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "PvF" (Jan 8th 2024, 6:41am)
Thank you PvF, I was able to 'simulate' the inputs following your steps. Is there a way to submit a request to Aquacomputer to enhance this functionality?For devices other than the Quadro or Octo it is somewhat more complicated to use "inputs".
For example, I only have the option of setting the speed of the D5 Next via virt. software sensors.
- Add a new input (pump power [%])
- Convert the % into a 1:1 temperature using virt. software sensors
- integrate this virt. software sensor into the d5 Next via one free "soft. sensor"
- Use this temperature as a linear input for the speed of the D5 Next
For other things such as RGB, this should also work in the same or similar way if you can set a temperature to influence it
e.g. for the fan control, instead of using the 1:1 translation in the 2. step of converting the input [%] into a temperature, you can take the CPU temperature as the actual control variable and add the value via "inputs" as an offset.
I am having issues losing data in aquasuite. Everything is updated. Latest version. Suggestions?? Thanks
I am still missing all the temperature of my graphics card (6900xt) after the last update. Enabling/disabling gprahics card under hardware monitoring doesn't make a difference.
I am still missing all the temperature of my graphics card (6900xt) after the last update. Enabling/disabling gprahics card under hardware monitoring doesn't make a difference.
User "sBronco" had the same problem with his RX 6900 XT -> thread in german
He was able to solve the problem by reinstalling aqua suite
If you stop the service once from the aquasuite after installing the new (GPU) drivers and then restart it, it also works.
This must be done directly from the aquasuite.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rbato" (Feb 14th 2024, 8:54pm)