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Junior Member

Playground Inputs HELP!

Monday, January 8th 2024, 1:45am

I came across this document: New: aquasuite X.45 - Need input! / Controls on the desktop or in the system tray / New profile system

and wanted to play around with Inputs to control brightness of aRGB and another knob to control Fans RPM, for example. However, I could not get the Inputs to associate with the devices (or appropriate controllers). The document is for X.45 and I'm using X.77. I understand that the UI has changed. I can see the knobs and sliders, etc but when I clicked on the Fans or RGBx of my D5 NEXT or highflow NEXT, I couldn't find a way to associate these inputs with those devices/controllers.

Please let me know if there's a more current document or what I did wrong. I really love my dashboard so far and would like to add a few inputs so that I could adjust fan speed and LED brightness.
Thanks in advance!

Monday, January 8th 2024, 4:12am


Hope THIS helps


Junior Member

Monday, January 8th 2024, 4:34am


Hope THIS helps

Thank you very much for taking the time to make the walk-through video sir! I seems to me that I need an OCTO device?
I don't see the gear icon at the bottom of my D5 NEXT view to click on. I also do not have the gear icon under RGBx for neither D5 NEXT nor highflow NEXT.

I wanted to attach a few screenshots but hit a max length limit of 10,000 characters.

Monday, January 8th 2024, 5:03am


Oops, my bad, I did not consider a build without an OCTO. It looks like Inputs are not integrated into the D5 NEXT or the High Flow NEXT... sorry. :(


Junior Member

Monday, January 8th 2024, 5:43am


Oops, my bad, I did not consider a build without an OCTO. It looks like Inputs are not integrated into the D5 NEXT or the High Flow NEXT... sorry. :(
No worries, InfoSeeker. You've helped me confirm that I haven't become senile. Was spending the last two days trying to configure Inputs to control the devices.


Full Member

Monday, January 8th 2024, 6:01am

For devices other than the Quadro or Octo it is somewhat more complicated to use "inputs".

For example, I only have the option of setting the speed of the D5 Next via virt. software sensors.

- Add a new input (pump power [%])

- Convert the % into a 1:1 temperature using virt. software sensors
Prozent in Celsius.jpg

- integrate this virt. software sensor into the d5 Next via one free "soft. sensor"
soft sensor.jpg

- Use this temperature as a linear input for the speed of the D5 Next
D5 next.jpg

For other things such as RGB, this should also work in the same or similar way if you can set a temperature to influence it

e.g. for the fan control, instead of using the 1:1 translation in the 2. step of converting the input [%] into a temperature, you can take the CPU temperature as the actual control variable and add the value via "inputs" as an offset.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "PvF" (Jan 8th 2024, 6:41am)


Junior Member

Monday, January 8th 2024, 10:00pm

For devices other than the Quadro or Octo it is somewhat more complicated to use "inputs".

For example, I only have the option of setting the speed of the D5 Next via virt. software sensors.

- Add a new input (pump power [%])

- Convert the % into a 1:1 temperature using virt. software sensors

- integrate this virt. software sensor into the d5 Next via one free "soft. sensor"

- Use this temperature as a linear input for the speed of the D5 Next

For other things such as RGB, this should also work in the same or similar way if you can set a temperature to influence it

e.g. for the fan control, instead of using the 1:1 translation in the 2. step of converting the input [%] into a temperature, you can take the CPU temperature as the actual control variable and add the value via "inputs" as an offset.
Thank you PvF, I was able to 'simulate' the inputs following your steps. Is there a way to submit a request to Aquacomputer to enhance this functionality?

For RGBx brightness, it's also driven by "Data Source" and therefore limited to the effect that I use. I remember seeing someone was able to configure a slider under "Brightness" but not sure if it was also limited the what effect that person was using.
aquaman2030 has attached the following images:
  • Screenshot 2024-01-08 125929.png
  • Screenshot 2024-01-08 125943.png


Full Member

Saturday, January 27th 2024, 5:59am

I am having issues losing data in aquasuite. Everything is updated. Latest version. Suggestions?? Thanks

Asus Maximus Z790 Apex, Intel 13900KS, Asus 4090 Strix, Phanteks Enthoo Elite, GSkill F5-8000J3848H16GX2-TZRK, Asus ROG XG349C, EKWB Quantum Kinetic TBE 300 D5 and VTX 160, Corsair AX1600i, Asus Claymore 2, Asus ROG Gladius III, Samsung 990

Saturday, January 27th 2024, 4:20pm

I am having issues losing data in aquasuite. Everything is updated. Latest version. Suggestions?? Thanks

Need a data trail to determine what is up:
  • are you pulling the temps with aquasuite's 'Hardware Monitor' or HWiNFO?
  • do you see the temps in 'Data quick view'?
  • what is the one labeled 'temperature' & what is the source?


Full Member

Saturday, January 27th 2024, 5:58pm

I set it up to provide the data from the aquasuite service itself, not HWinfo. I am not seeing the temps in the data quick view. The one labelled temperature is the SSD temp. Looks like the aquasuite service is not polling those values. I am going to reenable them and reboot. Thanks.
Asus Maximus Z790 Apex, Intel 13900KS, Asus 4090 Strix, Phanteks Enthoo Elite, GSkill F5-8000J3848H16GX2-TZRK, Asus ROG XG349C, EKWB Quantum Kinetic TBE 300 D5 and VTX 160, Corsair AX1600i, Asus Claymore 2, Asus ROG Gladius III, Samsung 990


Full Member

Saturday, January 27th 2024, 6:07pm

That was it. Don't know why but the hardware monitor under the aquasuite service was disabled. I simply reenabled those and the data is there. Have no idea why the hardware monitor was disabled. ??? Appreciate your help.

Asus Maximus Z790 Apex, Intel 13900KS, Asus 4090 Strix, Phanteks Enthoo Elite, GSkill F5-8000J3848H16GX2-TZRK, Asus ROG XG349C, EKWB Quantum Kinetic TBE 300 D5 and VTX 160, Corsair AX1600i, Asus Claymore 2, Asus ROG Gladius III, Samsung 990


Full Member

Saturday, January 27th 2024, 6:13pm

Asus Maximus Z790 Apex, Intel 13900KS, Asus 4090 Strix, Phanteks Enthoo Elite, GSkill F5-8000J3848H16GX2-TZRK, Asus ROG XG349C, EKWB Quantum Kinetic TBE 300 D5 and VTX 160, Corsair AX1600i, Asus Claymore 2, Asus ROG Gladius III, Samsung 990


Junior Member

Sunday, January 28th 2024, 5:31pm

I am still missing all the temperature of my graphics card (6900xt) after the last update. Enabling/disabling gprahics card under hardware monitoring doesn't make a difference.
strumf666 has attached the following file:
  • aquasuite.jpg (80.67 kB - 65 times downloaded - Last download: Jan 11th 2025, 10:44pm)


Full Member

Monday, January 29th 2024, 4:47am

I am still missing all the temperature of my graphics card (6900xt) after the last update. Enabling/disabling gprahics card under hardware monitoring doesn't make a difference.

User "sBronco" had the same problem with his RX 6900 XT -> thread in german
He was able to solve the problem by reinstalling aqua suite

Monday, January 29th 2024, 8:52am

If you stop the service once from the aquasuite after installing the new (GPU) drivers and then restart it, it also works.
This must be done directly from the aquasuite.


Junior Member

Monday, January 29th 2024, 10:55am

I am still missing all the temperature of my graphics card (6900xt) after the last update. Enabling/disabling gprahics card under hardware monitoring doesn't make a difference.

User "sBronco" had the same problem with his RX 6900 XT -> thread in german
He was able to solve the problem by reinstalling aqua suite

If you stop the service once from the aquasuite after installing the new (GPU) drivers and then restart it, it also works.
This must be done directly from the aquasuite.

Thanks, stopping and restarting the service worked.


Full Member

Wednesday, February 14th 2024, 4:24pm

So far X.78 works smooth.

Wednesday, February 14th 2024, 8:46pm


Hmm, sadly after updating to X.78 looks like Aquasuite is unable to check activation.
Yes, I updated without reading the Balloon Tip on the update. (I remember that it mentionned activation or key).

By the way, I thought that the install already installed .NET Framework 8 but after rebooting the pc it looks like not. So It's now installed.

Clicking Activate doesn't do anything.

Trying to re-register the key doesn't work, because it's already activated.
Aquasuite Service is running.
Changelog doesn't mention anything about this issue.

What did I miss?



Ok, well, I tried to reinstall Aquasuite :


?( Does it means that spending money after install is mandatory?
Are you serously starting a pay per install scheme?
rbato has attached the following image:
  • activate.png
rbato has attached the following file:
  • updates.jpg (118.41 kB - 62 times downloaded - Last download: Jan 22nd 2025, 10:20am)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rbato" (Feb 14th 2024, 8:54pm)


Full Member

Thursday, February 15th 2024, 1:45am

It looks like your subscription is expired in January so you cannot update to X.78, but you should be able to reinstall to the latest prior to your expiration date which is X.77

Thursday, February 15th 2024, 6:16am

Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder