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Monday, February 17th 2020, 12:01pm

What is the correct procedure for raising bugs or issues on Aquasuite X.11 - do I just report the issue here or is there another method that is more preferred?

Monday, February 17th 2020, 12:15pm

hear or better via mail: info@aqua-computer.de

RE: The Aqua Computer Service is not active!

Monday, February 17th 2020, 2:48pm

Update to 10 second delay start for background service.

Background service failed again this morning with the 10 second start delay.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Feb 17th 2020, 2:50pm)

Monday, February 17th 2020, 3:25pm

Background service failed again this morning with the 10 second start delay.
in your event log is a crashlog, sens is the crash logs via mail.


Full Member

Wednesday, February 19th 2020, 4:02pm

Updated to X12, so far no issues

OCTO doesn't work with X.12

Friday, February 21st 2020, 9:24am

After update to X.12 version OCTO fan controller doesn`t work with it. Writes that the firmware is outdated, but the update is not performed.
RaNDoM has attached the following files:
  • Screen1.jpg (131.91 kB - 1,633 times downloaded - Last download: Jan 24th 2025, 12:01pm)
  • Screen2.jpg (124.9 kB - 1,596 times downloaded - Last download: Jan 26th 2025, 6:41am)

Friday, February 21st 2020, 9:26am

this looks line an usb issue, connect the octo without any usb hub or other devices to your mainboard and try the update again. Power off your computer before and after the update.
Close all 3rd party Software like aida, hwinfo, afterburner, rtss....

Friday, February 21st 2020, 9:41am

It is directly connected to the USB of the motherboard. The computer was completely turned off. Third-party programs were not launched.


Junior Member

Friday, February 21st 2020, 5:22pm

Couple issues:
1. The time switch function for automatic profiles gets thrown off somehow. It will work for a day, but then after that, it doesn't switch profile at the specified time and then proceeds to switch profiles later. IDK if Aquasuite is using it's own internal clock or the WIndows clock... but this function is definitely not working properly. I'm not sure what is causing it. System shut down? Locking the computer? Turning off the monitor? IDK.
2. This is incredibly frustrating... unless I am mistaken, there is no way to back up RGBpx or PWM curve profiles before an update. It's possible to back up monitoring tabs, but nothing else. I could do this with my Aquaero... but it doesn't seem possible with the OCTO or farbwerk 360. So when I update Aquasuite and device firmware... I have to redo everything. I can't imagine a technical reason this wouldn't be possible. Hopefully this is added or I am just missing something.
3. I'm getting a speed difference between RGB devices. My RGBpx strip effects are moving much faster than my dRGB devices (Phanteks Halos w/ adapters) at the same speed setting (and LED count). IIRC, this was not an issue before the X.12 update.
4. I think this is normal, but I figured I would suggest it as a feature. When you set a PWM signal to a virtual sensor value, the PWM signal will max out at system startup. This doesn't happen for traditional sensor values. Silent startup is a great part of Aquasuite devices. It would be nice if we could set a start value for PWM devices paired to a virtual sensor. Then when Aquasuite is started, the normal profile is applied.

That's it for now.

Saturday, February 22nd 2020, 12:01am

2. This is incredibly frustrating... unless I am mistaken, there is no way to back up RGBpx or PWM curve profiles before an update. It's possible to back up monitoring tabs, but nothing else. I could do this with my Aquaero... but it doesn't seem possible with the OCTO or farbwerk 360. So when I update Aquasuite and device firmware... I have to redo everything. I can't imagine a technical reason this wouldn't be possible. Hopefully this is added or I am just missing something.
Would be nice indeed.

4. I think this is normal, but I figured I would suggest it as a feature. When you set a PWM signal to a virtual sensor value, the PWM signal will max out at system startup. This doesn't happen for traditional sensor values. Silent startup is a great part of Aquasuite devices. It would be nice if we could set a start value for PWM devices paired to a virtual sensor. Then when Aquasuite is started, the normal profile is applied.
If I follow you correctly, this was addressed on the X.12 QUADRO & OCTO firmware update.
OCTO Firmware 1004: New: Adjustable fall-back power for fan output (e.g. for missing sensor data at system startup)
It looks like this on the QUADRO: fan_fallback.jpg

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Feb 22nd 2020, 12:07am)

Saturday, February 22nd 2020, 8:38am

I've been running my Quadro for a little over a month without any issues at all on X11. This new 12 upgrade has caused a few new issues.

1 - 1 - Deepcool CF 120MM PWM fans will not start when I power on the computer. It twitches for a second then does nothing. I have it manually configured to 50%, but it will not spin. If I unplug the fan from the Quadro and plug it back in it starts up and runs perfectly fine until I shut the computer off. I can even set it to 0% in Aquasuite, then turn it back to any other % and it starts right back up. Motherboard fan ports work fine with the fan as well. I have 4 other Deepcool identical fans in the computer connected to the Quadro on a non-powered fan hub that don't have this problem. I've tried swapping the ports around to test, but the problem still exists. The fan is only 0.11A and works fine until I power the computer back down so I really don't think the fan is defective.

2 - When I adjust manual % power preset output in aquasuite there's about 50/50 chance whether the RPM actually change (this is on all channels). Example - fan is set to 15% and is running at 15%. Change slider to 30%, save icon comes on "quadro" then goes out after 2s. Slider is now at 30% but RPM is unchanged and output shows 15%. Change slider to 31% and fan RPM increases, and display goes to 31%. Change to 60% and fan RPM does not change nor does display output. Change to 70% and it goes up.

I've tried reinstalling the software and also factory resetting the quadro from the software as well, no change.

Is there a way for me to go back to X11 software and firmware, since it was working fine before? The only reason I updated was because I wanted the ability to set the default fan speed at startup when no sensor data is available.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "WackyWRZ" (Feb 22nd 2020, 6:21pm)


Junior Member

Saturday, February 22nd 2020, 1:28pm

Is there a way for me to go back to X11 software and firmware, since it was working fine before?

Same question. I've update to x.12 from x.11.
I didn't remember, but my license was expired on 31/12/19.
So I have no activation for the new version and I need to go back to ver.11 to have the aquasuite working again...

Time Format Preset

Saturday, February 22nd 2020, 4:42pm

With the addition of the Time functionality through Computer Services, I would like to request the addition of a Display Preset in the option list for user defined objects (XAML) for a formatted Time display.

The displays below are made up of 3 objects, the Hour, a Colon, and the Minute, with a forth object being the box encompassing the display.

Currently the display looks correct when there are two digits in both the hour and minutes segments:

But it looks fail when the hour or minute segments are single digit, particularly for the minute segment:

Optimally the formatting would be two hour-digits, the colon, and two minute-digits.
Perhaps the ability for two second-digits would be interesting also.

Saturday, February 22nd 2020, 5:38pm

Same question. I've update to x.12 from x.11.
I didn't remember, but my license was expired on 31/12/19.
So I have no activation for the new version and I need to go back to ver.11 to have the aquasuite working again...

If you just updated software and didn’t update firmware you should be able to redownload the install file from the webpage and it will reinstall the correct version based on your device activation. Once you upgrade firmware it won't let you install a previous version.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "WackyWRZ" (Feb 22nd 2020, 6:23pm)


Junior Member

Saturday, February 22nd 2020, 6:50pm

Thanks! :thumbsup:


Junior Member

Sunday, February 23rd 2020, 9:59pm

I've just updated from x.11, then updated the D5 next firmware and now my pump is not recognized. Looks like FW update process has failed, how do I restore my pump?


Junior Member

Monday, February 24th 2020, 11:17am

Ok, I managed to get my D5 working: removed old aquasuite data. After I set it all up again everything worked good until I restarted.
As soon as aquacomputer service starts my pump goes nuts: the display starts binking, fans and pump goes to 100%. After I stopped the service the pump started working again. If I restart the service the pump goes nuts again.

Service has 10 sec delay before starting, what else can I do to make it work as intended?
PS ok, as soon as I deleted Settings_VideoAnalyzer.xml the service starts Ok and pump is not going crazy, looks like AMBIENTpx is broken in X.12

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "xumix" (Feb 24th 2020, 11:34am)



RE: Time Format Preset

Wednesday, February 26th 2020, 1:39pm

With the addition of the Time functionality through Computer Services, I would like to request the addition of a Display Preset in the option list for user defined objects (XAML) for a formatted Time display.

The displays below are made up of 3 objects, the Hour, a Colon, and the Minute, with a forth object being the box encompassing the display.

Currently the display looks correct when there are two digits in both the hour and minutes segments:

But it looks fail when the hour or minute segments are single digit, particularly for the minute segment:

Optimally the formatting would be two hour-digits, the colon, and two minute-digits.
Perhaps the ability for two second-digits would be interesting also.

Maybe we can add a control for current time. As long it's not available it is in general possible to convert values in XAML Code.


Junior Member

Tuesday, March 3rd 2020, 11:44pm

I just updated from X.12 to X.13 and found after upgrading that the hardware monitor didn't seem to be working. Going into the Data Quick View, only my Quadro was displayed, not the 'Data from Aqua Computer Service' option.

In the end I disabled the SSH/HDD monitoring (aquasuite>Service>Hardware Monitoring), restarted the service, and then re-enabled the SSD/HDD monitoring, and it came back and all the usual sensors etc. became available again.
And yes, I did try restarting my computer ;)
Hopefully that helps someone who runs into the same issue.


Junior Member

Wednesday, March 4th 2020, 3:16pm

after update on X.13 my two Calitemp sensors won't be detected over Aquareo but turning off power on 15 seconds all fixed. Both now online :)