• 06.02.2025, 23:58
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Thursday, January 16th 2025, 8:35pm

With X.81, overview pages no longer load automatically at startup, and the same issue persists with X.82.


Senior Member

Thursday, January 16th 2025, 9:39pm

With X.81, overview pages no longer load automatically at startup, and the same issue persists with X.82.
The Overview page I have selected to load with Aquasuite is working fine in AQS X.81 and X.82. I have had this happen before, but it was back in 2021 and Aquasuite X.47. In my case, after a lot of troubleshooting, it just started working again and I never did figure out what caused the problem. I posted about it and at the end of the thread there was THIS POST from haaammit that may be of interest to you. Go to the Global Profiles section in the Playground and if its not already there, in the "Actions to be executed on profile load" add the overview page you want to load at startup to whatever Global Profile you have set to load at startup.

In the first attached screen snip, I have Global Profile 4 set to load on startup. Global Profile 4 loads Octo Profile 4, 2 x Farbwerk360's Profile 4, and my Default Overview Page.

Note - I also set my Default Overview Page to load automatically by clicking on its Gear icon and checking the box "Load page automatically". I am not sure what happens if one Overview Page has this box checked and a different Overview Page is added to the Default Global Profile. I have not tested this but if this condition exists in your system, maybe it is causing the problem.

Thursday, January 16th 2025, 9:44pm

Adding overview page to "Actions to be executed on profile load" solved my problem. Thanks!!

Yesterday, 3:00pm

Hi! Having trouble with AQS x.79, after mobo BIOS upgrage sensor data for GPU from Aqua Computer Service are invalid. Disable and enable hardware monitor didn't help. Any suggestions?
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