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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Mar 4th 2020, 9:05pm)
After update to X.12 version OCTO fan controller doesn`t work with it. Writes that the firmware is outdated, but the update is not performed.
I disabled all USB devices . Left only the Octo and mouse connected . Disconnected the fans from the Octo. The firmware was updated under X. 13. Everything is working fine now. Thanks for the help.this looks line an usb issue, connect the octo without any usb hub or other devices to your mainboard and try the update again. Power off your computer before and after the update.
Close all 3rd party Software like aida, hwinfo, afterburner, rtss....
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Zagdima" (Mar 6th 2020, 10:29pm)
No it is opening it in the mode where it pops out your page from aquasuite instead of it having the page in aquasuite itself.
In X12 this worked normal but in X13 it is opening the main page but at the same time it is putting it in desktop mode.
You mean it is opening in the Desktop editing mode in the aquasuite?
You can have the page in the aquasuite software or on the desktop if you click the little orange computer symbol.Apologies, but I am not certain what having the page "IN" aquasuite means.
Let me try two suggestions that hopefully may help.
Assuming you want the display page to open on the desktop when you start aquasuite, make sure the "Load page automatically" option is selected on the Display page's configuration panel.
You may also want to set aquasuite to minimize at startup.
But if what you want is the Display page editing mode to not look like the Desktop (you picture), then deselect the page icon that is orange and make it white for another editing mode.
Sorry if I am not getting your issue.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "sultan.of.swing" (Mar 11th 2020, 6:30am)