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5v addressable rgb led strips to RGBpx header?

Wednesday, October 16th 2019, 7:47am

The headers of RGBpx are known to be 4pin, and the addressable rgb strips that are compatible with normal motherboards are known as 3pin - (+5, Data, NA, GND).
It's not compatible originally, but is there a way to fit it?
I want to connect Phanteks DIGITAL RGB NEON LED KIT to Quadro, but I hope there is a way.


Junior Member

Wednesday, October 16th 2019, 2:15pm

There is, if you are handy with a soldering iron:

RGBpx wiring Diagram

Thank you for reply

Wednesday, October 16th 2019, 5:35pm

There is, if you are handy with a soldering iron:

RGBpx wiring Diagram
Unfortunately, I'm not used to soldering. So I'm going to make a conversion adapter for the rgbpx connector.
After searching the links and forums you told me, do I need to buy only Molex 151340406? Another forum I searched for told me to buy a Molex 51047-0400 connector and make a cable, but I don't know what's the right way to go.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "bluechopa" (Oct 16th 2019, 5:37pm)


Junior Member

Thursday, October 17th 2019, 2:21pm

I'm sorry, but I won't be able to offer much help on the connector identification.
I think the RGBpx connector has a radius on both upper corners, similar to usb microB. The molex part #'s you found don't appear to have this feature, but I could definitely be mistaken.

I'm excited to see your finished result, an adapter made from the proper ends with crimped cables would definitely be the better way to go, and would look a lot cleaner than the heatshrinked adapters I made for my thermaltake and phanteks gear.

Thanks a lot

Thursday, October 17th 2019, 4:45pm

I'm sorry, but I won't be able to offer much help on the connector identification.
I think the RGBpx connector has a radius on both upper corners, similar to usb microB. The molex part #'s you found don't appear to have this feature, but I could definitely be mistaken.

I'm excited to see your finished result, an adapter made from the proper ends with crimped cables would definitely be the better way to go, and would look a lot cleaner than the heatshrinked adapters I made for my thermaltake and phanteks gear.