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Quadro + D5 Next connection

Friday, December 6th 2019, 2:12am

Is this a possible connection of the Quadro and D5 Next pump?

Quadro (Connected to the MB with USB) -> D5 Next (Connected to the Quadro with Aquabus)

(Quadro Fan Channel 1: 4x fans)(Quadro Fan Channel 2: 4x fans)(Quadro Fan Channel 3: 2x fans)(Quadro Fan Channel 4: 2x fans)

Additional Flow Sensor added to either D5 Next or Quadro. 42 addressable RGB LEDs on RGBpx plug (Heatkiller XS/S/M strips). Will use the Temp Sensor that is internal on D5 Next.

My motherboard only has 1x USB header so I was hoping the Quadro and D5 Next could be connected through Aquabus.

Thank you!

Friday, December 6th 2019, 7:14am

No, only a USB connaction is possible. You can use the aquabus only with a aquaero 5/6.

RE: Quadro + D5 Next connection

Friday, December 6th 2019, 1:47pm

My motherboard only has 1x USB header so I was hoping the Quadro and D5 Next could be connected through Aquabus.

Have you considered the HUBBY7? It should solve your single USB port problem.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Dec 6th 2019, 1:49pm)

Friday, December 6th 2019, 10:42pm

No, only a USB connaction is possible. You can use the aquabus only with a aquaero 5/6.
Thank you for the response :) If both the Quadro and D5 Next are connected to a internal USB 2.0 plug they will still both communicate to AquaSuite, correct? And all 4 channels of the Quadro can be controlled independently?

My motherboard only has 1x USB header so I was hoping the Quadro and D5 Next could be connected through Aquabus.

Have you considered the HUBBY7? It should solve your single USB port problem.

After posting and continuing to evaluate options I did find the option of a 2.0 splitter. There are little 1 into 2 plugs but I think a Hubby7 or the NZXT module would be best as they have PSU power. The NZXT has an extra two USB-A too which would be nice to plug my keyboard and mouse into and save I/O ports for other stuff.

With that option it would still be a very clean minimal setup: (Quadro controlling fans/RGB)(D5 Next pump with Temp/Flow display) I really like the Next since it has the digital readout for Temp/Flow and I don't have to figure out any other displays connected to sensors. I also don't think I'll fully utilize the Aquaero since I really only need the fans controlled and the pump. This may be the perfect setup.

Saturday, December 7th 2019, 5:37am

NZXT splitter is fine but they did have some issues with some of them. To be safe incase you get a hold of old stock, I would just get the HUBBY7. They're solid and I bought 2 of them. If I ever need more (quite possible lol), I'm going with the HUBBY7s.