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Aquacomputer D5 Next 12V out of range alarm

Samstag, 18. Januar 2020, 01:58

Im in the process of building my new system and I cant fill my loop with fluid.

I have ONLY the D5 Next plugged into a PSU with the SATA connector.

When I turn on the PSU, i get a "12V out of range" and a "Pump speed to low" alarm.

When I check the menu options by using the buttons, I can see the water temperature.
I also changed the minimum pump power from 0% all the way to 70% and no change.

I also connected the usb to the motherboard and all other power connections to boot up the system to bios and the same 2 alarms remained.
I'm not leaving the motherboard on long because the cpu block has no liquid in it.

Anyone have any ideas?

Montag, 20. Januar 2020, 09:53

"12V out of range"
Your Device/Controller is defect, contact our support: info@aqua-computer.de

RE: Aquacomputer D5 Next 12V out of range alarm

Montag, 20. Januar 2020, 11:20

Im in the process of building my new system and I cant fill my loop with fluid.

I have ONLY the D5 Next plugged into a PSU with the SATA connector.

When I turn on the PSU, i get a "12V out of range" and a "Pump speed to low" alarm.

When I check the menu options by using the buttons, I can see the water temperature.
I also changed the minimum pump power from 0% all the way to 70% and no change.

I also connected the usb to the motherboard and all other power connections to boot up the system to bios and the same 2 alarms remained.
I'm not leaving the motherboard on long because the cpu block has no liquid in it.

Anyone have any ideas?

Why did you run the pump dry? You stated several times that you didn't fill in your loop. Running the pump dry will KILL IT and that's what happened.

Learn the basics to custom watercooling first before buying into it.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »GTXJackBauer« (20. Januar 2020, 11:22)

Montag, 20. Januar 2020, 17:21

"12V out of range"
Your Device/Controller is defect, contact our support: info@aqua-computer.de
Thanks for reply. I kind of suspected this was the issue.
I purchased the pump through Amazon and have a replacement on the way today.

Im in the process of building my new system and I cant fill my loop with fluid.

I have ONLY the D5 Next plugged into a PSU with the SATA connector.

When I turn on the PSU, i get a "12V out of range" and a "Pump speed to low" alarm.

When I check the menu options by using the buttons, I can see the water temperature.
I also changed the minimum pump power from 0% all the way to 70% and no change.

I also connected the usb to the motherboard and all other power connections to boot up the system to bios and the same 2 alarms remained.
I'm not leaving the motherboard on long because the cpu block has no liquid in it.

Anyone have any ideas?

Why did you run the pump dry? You stated several times that you didn't fill in your loop. Running the pump dry will KILL IT and that's what happened.

Learn the basics to custom watercooling first before buying into it.

I didn't say I ran the pump dry, I couldn't fill my loop.
I had my reservoir full and the bottom half of my loop (where pump is) filled partially due to gravity.

I couldn't fill the entire loop without turning on the pump to move liquid.

I have been water cooling for almost 15 years now, going back to using aquarium pumps.

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2020, 01:07

My replacement D5 Next arrived and I swapped out the controller with the one new one and placed it onto the pump I have connected to my reservoir.

Connected power cable and pump started to work perfectly.

So it was in fact a defective controller.

I'm going to attach the controller to the new pump that just arrived and sent it back as a damaged return

Thanks for the help.

Dienstag, 21. Januar 2020, 02:42

Glad you got it working again.

My apologies since your original statement made me think the pump was run dry.

Freitag, 31. Januar 2020, 19:26

posted a build log on reddit, figured might as well post it here.

reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/watercooling/co…per_3970x_loop/

album: https://imgur.com/a/p88C8YO

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