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What do i need? Help Please.

Sunday, February 9th 2020, 1:03am

I am building a new rig. I am wanting to get away from Icue and corsair software. Icue produces nothing but issues with what I am trying to do. I want to use widgets to display my computer stats based off of info from HWINFO. Icue does not allow this as it does not play well with other programs. As I understand it Aquasuite does not have isssues with HWINFO and sensors connected through octo or other devices will show on HWINFO which will allow me to grab those sensors for my display.

Here are the items I want to connect:
AORUS Z390 Master Motherboard
EK 200 RGB G5 Pump
EK CPU Water Block RGB
EK GOU Water Block RGB
A couple of 5v RGB additions
Corsair HX1000i PSU, can connect to motherboard for info
13 Corsair LL120 FANS, RGB
3 temp probes

1 flow meter.

EDIT*** I was thinking 1 Ferbwerk, 4 splitty4 for RGB and 1 Octo for PWM would cover power and RGB for all fans. All connected to 1 hubby 7. I could then plug the pump, thermal sensor and flow meter into the octo. Will that work?
These are most of the items I plan to connect. I know I will need the USB 2.0 hub and probably and Octo from there I am not sure.

What would I need to get all of these showing in the Aquasuite software and HWINFO? I am a noob to Aquacomputer stuff. It seems perfect for what I want. Any help would be appreciated.


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "bamckellar" (Feb 9th 2020, 5:44am)

Sunday, February 9th 2020, 3:43pm

The aquasuite is able to see all sensors HWiNFO picks up.
The aquasuite also has some basic system sensors included,, which it can pickup without 3rd party software.

I am not familiar with the EK stuff, so I do not know about their D-RGB LEDs.
But if they are compatible with the aquacomputer RGBpx LED system, then you would need the Farbwerk 360, not the Farbwerk.

Your RGB channel needs appear to be:
  • 4 - splitty4s
  • 1 - GPU block
  • 1 - CPU block
  • 1 - Pump/Res
  • 2 - RGB adds
That would be 9 RGBpx ports.
The OCTO has 2 RGBpx ports, and the Farbwerk 360 has 4, for a total of 6.
Aquacomputer recommends against splitting the outputs, so an additional Farbwerk 360 appears to be called for.
You may need some of these adapters between the EK and aquacomputer gear.

The Corsair HX1000i PSU may be visible in LINK or iQUE, but HWiNFO does not pick it up, so you may not be able to add that to your widgets.
HWiNFO is able to get data for the Corsair AX PSU series.

A final caveat, the splitty4 devices have been seen to be unreliable on the RGB distribution side with Corsair LL RGB fans... it does not work.
The PWM fan control works fine, the LED control does not.
I do not know how prevalent this is, aquacomputer has been pretty tight-lipped about it, but they continue to sell the device.

Sunday, February 9th 2020, 8:23pm

Great info, thank you. I will actually have 13 total Corsair LL120 fans in the case, CPU bloc, gpu block, pump. That would basically be 16 rgb connections. If I got 4 Farbwerk 360 and 1 Octo that would give me a total of 18 RGBpx connections and plenty of PWM connections through the Octo.

It is weird to me that they advertise the Splitty4 with specific Corsair connections and it does not work. That leads to my next question, how do you know the size of female end of the wires that connect to the RGBpx connectors. I am going to have to change the connections on the ends of the corsair fans it seam. Do they use the standard molex male and female pins?

If I can use the hubby7, 4 Farbwerk 360 and 1 octo I should be good. Correct? And the Farbwerk has no issues with Corsair RGB? I am assuming the RGB wires that come with the Farbwerk use standard RGB wires?

Thank you for all your info!

Sunday, February 9th 2020, 11:44pm

I had not considered doing each fan separately... I suppose that is an option, though you may loose some effects not having multiple fans on a single controller.

I do not know where the problem lies, with Corsair, the Splitty4 or the Farbwerk 360/OCTO/QUADRO.
It may work for you, it did not for me, nor a few others who have been on the forum.
I experienced the problem with a QUADRO and a Splitty4.

I am not familiar with the wiring, but you could maybe contact support at aquacomputer.com

It would be very useful if aquacomputer updated us on the status of this issue.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Feb 9th 2020, 11:46pm)

Monday, February 10th 2020, 12:06am

Sorry, I must have read wrong, I thought I could not split the outputs from the 360 so I would have to get multiple to each fan had its own channel.

Edit, lol, I did read wrong, I see what you were saying. I guess I can try to use the splitty and if it does not work I can send back. Thinking about just getting a different fan. Maybe Vardar with halos, Do you know of fans or halos that work well with RGBpx?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "bamckellar" (Feb 10th 2020, 12:28am)