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RBGpx with Quadro causing a short circuit

Sunday, March 1st 2020, 11:44pm

Hi there.
Just testing my new build, using an Aquacomputer Quadro with two sensors, two fans, and two RGBps stripes connected to it.
First time I switched on, I got the rgbpx leds lighting in a RGB pattern which I supposed is the default setup, everything looked fine then I close the case and start connecting the monitor, keyboard etc ...
When I switched it on again suddenly the power cuts, basically I couldn't switch it on again. So I started to test things and I found that disconnecting the RGBpx allowed me to switchit it on again.
So basically I can only switch on without the RGBpx cacle connected to the Quadro. The fans connected to the Quadro works, is just the RGBpx, every time I conected it to the Quadro it causes a shortcut.
After the shortcut I have to disconnect the PSU from the main to switch on again, I supposed it get charged with static.
Initially I though the shortcut was caused because I cut off two if the three molex connectors I had, just leaving the only one I needed, it was to messy, but if that would be causing the shortcut it doesnt explains the computer starts fine without the RGBpx connected, and the fans connected to the Quadro works as well.
All seems the RGBpx is causing the shortcut, but is strange it worked the first time.
Any ideas?
Is it possible the RGBpx leds can cause a shortcut? The RGBpx stripe is connected to the Quadro using an extension cable, and there i another extenion cable between the two RGBpx stripes.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "lisux" (Mar 2nd 2020, 12:48am)

Monday, March 2nd 2020, 1:42am

Have you tried just one connecting cable & one RGBpx strip ate a time?
If there is an issue,maybe you can isolate it to a particular piece.

I had an issue, not where the PSU shut down, but it did fry the RGBpx strips due to a short I had in the connecting cable.

Wednesday, March 4th 2020, 12:21am

Have you tried just one connecting cable & one RGBpx strip ate a time?
If there is an issue,maybe you can isolate it to a particular piece.

I had an issue, not where the PSU shut down, but it did fry the RGBpx strips due to a short I had in the connecting cable.

Thanks Info Seeker.
Yes I guess that is the problem, one of the connecting cables have cause the short, I just hope the RGB stripes are fine.
The problem I have is that my custom case is a pain to open and accesing the rgb leds forces me to pretty much disasemble the whole computer, arrrg
Well I will try with a spare PSU I have to isolate the issue and don't affect any other component in the computer, let see if I can find where is the fault.

Wednesday, March 11th 2020, 1:49pm

An update from the tests I did last weekend about this issue.
I wanted to check if there is actually a short circuit in the RGBpx connections. I have a spare PSU, so I used to switch on the Quadro without switching on the computer.
Quadro started fine, fans working and RGB leds working!
So there is no short circuit.
Then I connected the Quadro again to the molex in the computer's PSU, switch on, and immediately the power cut off. The to be able to switch the computer on again I have to disconnect the RGBpx connection to the Quadro, disconnect the power coord from the PSU, connect it again and switch on.
Looks like the PSU get loaded with static after the cutoff.
I have a Ryzen 2700 with and Nvidia 1080ti, the systems works perfectly in full load, I have tested it getting the CPU and GPU full 100% for around 20min, and the system was perfectly stable.
Also anether I noticed is that after I manage to switch on the computer I installed the Aquasuite, and it says the Quadro needed a firmware update, I update and everything in the Aquasuite worked well.

So I have only to theories:
- The PSU get overloaded with the leds. But to be honest I can see how this can happen. I have two stripes of 15 leds each. As I said the PSU handle a Ryzen2700 and an Nvidia 1080 perfectly. the PSU is a Corsair 750SF
- The firmware update can solve the problem. All my tests were done before the firmware update, I hope next time I try the update can fix the issue, would be great to know if someone else got similar issues because of an old firmware.

I don't have more ideas about what can be causing this issue to be honest.


Junior Member

Monday, April 12th 2021, 6:12pm

THAT rail from the PSU gets oveloaded?