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Aquaero4 and Aquasuite 4.72.00

Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2020, 09:36

Hi there,
I'm using an Aquaero4 for years now and it works fine as a stand-alone monitoring device (displaying temperatures and flowmeter).
But I think there's some problem with windows driver (win10).
Quite often, USB device for Aquaero has an error detected in devices manager. I also get BSOD on start-up that are most likely linked to my Aquaero4 (IRQL not less or equal, watchdog violation, etc...).
So what I'd like to know is what is the recommended setup for my configuration? Is there a usb driver or a newer version of Aquasuite that could solve my problems? Or a new firmware?

I'm using Windows 10

For Aquaero4 and Aquasuite see picture below


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Math39« (13. Mai 2020, 09:38)

Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2020, 17:57

The Aquaero 4 does not work correctly on new Mainboards.
The Problem is the old USB 1.0 Controller on the Aquaero 4.

Either connect the Aquaero to a 12 year or older Computer, or buy a new Aquaero 6.

The Aquaero 4 is no longer supported by Aquacomputer. There wont be updates anymore.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Hufeisen« (13. Mai 2020, 18:13)


Senior Member

Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2020, 03:31

To be more specific: The problem is the behaviour of modern chipsets. These chipsets are not compatible to USB 1.1 devices like the aquaero 4.
There is a more detailed description in German available: aquaero 4 und aquaduct MK2/3 USB-Problembehebung

Sonntag, 17. Mai 2020, 19:10

Alright, thank you for your feedback.

I just hate to throw away a working device just because it has compatibility issue ?(
Besides, after reboot it usually works fine, including Aquasuite. Too bad really. I guess that's how things work nowadays.


Senior Member

Sonntag, 17. Mai 2020, 23:55

I fully understand your point, but please keep in mind, that aquaero 4 was released back in 2005 and that is 15 years ago. Aqua Computer really has a long-time support, however, it cannot last forever.

Montag, 18. Mai 2020, 12:19

We would still be glad to solve this as we also don't like products that are still fine needs to be replaced.

But to be honest this issue can not be solved from our side as it is a hardware issue caused by the NXP/Motorola USB controller and integrated USB Hub inside the MCU. We already patched some issues with code but we are at a point it's really not possible to solve it.

As we have only nearly no influence on USB drivers and new chipsets we can not solve this on our side. This discussion including detailed error descriptions, USB Analyers logs etc. has been already held several times.