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Hello everyone! I recenrly bought the new Aquastream XT ultra version. I had one aquaero V4.00 also. The XT is conected to the board ( Asus P5w DH ) via usb cable and to the aquaero via aquabus cable. Both aquaero and XT have the latest firmware release. I´m using Vista Ultimate 32bits.
When aquasuite 4.51 is installed i can´t get the XT tab but only the Aquaero. It´s like XT doesn´t exist, but the aquaero detect the temp sensor and it shows in the lcd. The Aquastream happears also in the Aquaero tab, like the old version rev 3.5, but it doesn´t give us the chance to control it ( just the deaeration mode can be activate/disable).
What seems to be the problem?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my english
Does anyone have a clue for my problem? I instaled Windows XP and have the same problem. Seems everything ok but the aquasuite don´t show the Aquastream XT tab. :'(
Thanks in advance
Disconnect Aquaero and Aquastream. Afterwards the pump shpuld come up. If its not working then it's maybe an Usb prob.
Thanks. I´ve already done that and still doesn´t work. The usb conection of the aquaero works in all the inside conectores of my board, so it must be a usb prob from the XT.
I´m going to send it to RMA.
I have had the same problem but it is too much effect to take the whole computer apart just for this problem... it is very annoying however!!