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Junior Member

cuplex kryos NEXT with VISION

Friday, June 19th 2020, 7:35am

I set the alarm function to shut down the computer, when the cuplex kryos NEXT with VISION is connected to the usb windows shuts down before i can reset it.
Is there a way to reset the cuplex kryos NEXT with VISION to default settings before the alarm shuts down my pc?


Sven - Admin

Friday, June 19th 2020, 2:15pm

Remove the USB connection of the block and go to the Windows control panel -> hardware and sound -> power options -> system settings

There are two entries for actions. Set both to do nothing.

Here is a screenshot as reference so you know what you are looking for:

Shut down the PC, plug in the USB cable again and change the temperature value. Afterwards you can set the mentioned actions back to its previous settings.